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Amelia woke up and found  herself in a bed with Chris. He was still asleep but then Amelia realized she wasn't in her dress, because she was naked..
She panicked for a minute.
Amelia's pov:
"Fuck, what did I do? Was I drunk last night? Did I have sex with Chris? No, this can't be happening...no, Amelia you're only 18 for this. I have to wake him up right now!"

Amelia looked at how Chris was laying asleep, then she felt a little bad since he looked very tired. After 10 seconds of staring she remembered she had her phone somewhere.
She was a little worried because she thought she lost it, she hoped she didn't lose it, so she searched through the room.

After 2 minutes, she found her phone, she opened it and saw 55 missed calls from her mom. She wanted to call back, but first thing she needed to do is waking up Chris.

Amelia approached him, put her hand on his left cheek and said:
"Chris, wake up. We need to leave. We were drunk last night and we had done  something we shouldn't have done..."
After saying the last sentence, it had gotten his attention to wake up.
He did.

Chris rubs his eyes as he says in a sleepy voice:
"What? You are kidding, right?"

Amelia's eyes began to water and said while whimpering:
"No Chris, this isn't a dream or a nightmare, we had hooked up last night."

Chris looked at her as she was crying for a few seconds, then approached her and hugged her.

Amelia:"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me."

Chris:"Listen, I don't like or hate you, it's because I love you, I acted like I hated you because of the boys at school or my basketball team. I can't have a girlfriend since many girls love me but why I dated Lexy, was because my mom wanted that including everyone at school. I never loved her and even when I kissed her, I felt nothing inside me. But you were the first girl I've loved my whole life ever since my childhood. I never believed in true love until you entered my life. I recognized you right away. I love you Amelia."


Chris:"I completely understand if you don't love me back after I treated you with my terrible  behavior or after I hooked up with you."

Amelia:"Chris...I-I love you too but I'm not ready for any other relationship with someone, especially you. I think I liked you since the first day we met as kids, you helped me when I hurt myself and there I knew I loved you but I didn't know it was you, now I know."

*Silent silence* Chris smiled at her then got closer to her for s kiss. They kissed but while kissing, Amelia immediately remembered about calling her mother back so she pushed Chris away.

Chris got confused about her reaction then asked why she had pushed him. Amelia told him about the morning with her phone.

Chris:"Ok, princess let's get dressed up, where is your dress? Should I help zipping it from the back?"

Amelia blushed as he called her with that nickname and since she was shy, she only nodded. Chris zipped up the dress after she put it on.

Chris:"Do you mind giving me your phone to talk to your mother?"
Amelia:"Not at all."

She handed him her phone, then he called her mom.
Mrs.Rose:"Amelia! Finally, I was so worried about you, where were you? Why didn't you come home yet?"

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