Chapter 11

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At 5 am, Chris was sweating in his sleep while having a nightmare. He was breathing heavily until he woke up.
He woke up in a chair next to Amelia's bed. He looked at her while she was sleeping.

He looked at her feeling his heart calming down. He saw some papers next to her on a small table and wondered what was writing on them.

He took out his phone, turned on his flashlight and with help of it, he slowly began to read what those papers said.
After reading them he sighed and thought:
"My darling, please be safe. I see you fainted because of your pregnancy but promise me you and our child will be alright."

He kissed her on her forehead and decided to see his mother and sister. He left room 156 and went to room 157 where his mother and sister were.
As he reached the room, he looked at how bloody his mothers face was, getting a little more panicked.

Chris sat on the chair that was next to her and started to think if he should stay awake to watch his mother, sister including Amelia.

He decided to go back where he'd slept but then his phone rang.

Chris' pov:
"Who's calling me at this time? Let's see who it is."

He looked at his phone and it was call from his cousin Ali. He took the call and placed his phone on his left ear.

Chris:"What's up, bro? Why are you calling at this time?"

Ali:"Nothing special. I just wanted to inform you that the principal of school got into an accident and right now he is at the hospital, school is canceled it's just that you know his daughter is my girlfriend? Could you give him a bag I will give you and say it's from me for his daughter. Your location shows you're at the hospital, so I'm putting the bag in our aunt's drawer, since she is a doctor right?"

Chris:"She is, but why can't you give it principal Sam yourself."

Ali:"Because I have some work to take care of after  and I won't be able to talk to principal Sam."

Chris:"I see. No problem I will give it to him. Are you going to bring it right now or tomorrow?"

Ali:"I'm coming right now. Thanks bro, you're cool. See you in 10 mins."

Chris:"Alright. Bye."
Chris hang up the call and let out a small sigh. He thought of going outside for some fresh air. As he was about to go, he heard Amelia heavily breathing and calling his name while she's shivering.

He went to her quicky and held her hand.
Chris:"Baby? I'm here, don't worry! Open your eyes, please. Can you hear me?"

Amelia:"Chris....aaaahhh! Help!! C-Chris, I need you...oh god.!
Chris:"Baby! I'm here, please calm down.."

Chris thought of pressing the emergency button to call a doctor so that's what he did.

Thankfully a doctor came at the right time.

Doctor:"Quick! Get the CPR machine! The patients heartbeat is weak!"

Chris got worried about what happened. He kept asking doctors  what was happening and if Amelia is going to be alright but they ignored him and some of them told him to wait and to not enter the emergency room they brought her to.

Chris got even more worried, so that he shivered. He had many questions but knew he had to patiently wait.

After waiting for hours, he got tired and fell asleep again. At 11am the doctors entered the room he was sleeping i and woke him up to tell him the news.

Chris:"Is my girlfriend ok?!? Did something happen to her?!"

Doctor:"She's alright, sir. I need to talk to you about something important but not in this room, please follow me.

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