chapthet 6

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so im walking with this girl to lunch i kissed her i dont know why i just kissed her so i felt bad cause im with kennedy and if she find out she going to break up with me and i dont want that to happen everybody told me how much she likes me i dont want her to think i was using her
im at my locker kayla i see chris with a and he kissed her so i started to cry in my locker then kayla comfort me she always there for. me
my brother coming she said
idc he kissed another girl
hey bae he said and touching me
dont fucking touch me u cheating basterd i said then closed my locker and walked off
why is you crying he said
because you kissed another girl
im sorry kennedy he said
i didnt say anything but went in the lunch line and sat a different table
u not gonna sit with us he said
no i said then he left to the table we usaully sit at
ik wat i did was wrong but i said sorry she just sat at a different then me
were yo sister and kennedy king said
they sat at a different table
because i kissed another girl i said
well kennedy likes you a lot but you tryna ruin it she liked you for a long time she probably inlove with you but you never know king said
i thought about wat king said about kennedy maybe its true she is inlove with me or something so lunch was over i went to my locker i seen kennedy walking past she didnt say anything so i went to the same class kennedy was in then i seen kennedy sitting in the corner crying then some girls came by me touching me i tried to move but they kept going
i was in the corner crying i seen chris getting touched on by all then girls that made me cry more but he tried to get them off then he said "i have a girlfriend" one of them girls said "is that her in the corner crying like a baby" everybody started laughing at me then chris said "yup that is my girlfriend" somebody said "why would you go out with her shes a crybaby" then chris said "shes not a crybaby i did something to make her cry and she probably crying more bc yall making fun of her" then one person said "she ugly idc who she is she ugly she look like a dirty dog" after that person said that i got up and left then i heard chris calling my name then i stop
"wat" i said crying
"you ok"he said
"no everbody dont like me they always making fun of me"i said
"i like you kayla like you king like you" he said with passion
"why did you take up for me" i asked
"because you my girlfriend and i dont like to see you cry" he explained
"oh"i said
"im sorry for kissing another girl do u accept my apologie" he said
"its ok"i said
"is you inlove with me" he asked
"can we talk about this later"i asked
"yeah" he said then kissed me
"hey auntie"
"hey sweetie"
"can my boyfriend come over" i asked
"u know how i dont like you around boys"
"its the boy that i told you about"
"oh yeah he can come"
20 mins later
"kennedy" my auntie yelled
"wat" i asked
"your boyfriend here"
"hey come with me upstairs" i said
"dont be trying nun freaky"she said
"so wats up" i asked
"i cant come see my girlfriend" chris asked
"i was just asking a question" i said
"well is you in love with me" he asked
"no why u asked" i asked
"king said you liked me for along time and said u probably inlove with me and i needed to know i couldnt stop thinking about it"he said
"well i did liked you for a long time im not inlove with you but i do love" i said
"i love you too" he said
"dont say it because i said it so it want make me feel bad u dont have to say u love me if u dont know u love me" i said
"i do love you i dont know if i love you love you"he said
"thats cool"i said
"wat you doing this summer" he asked
"idk just sit in the house" i said
"how about u spend some time with me this summer" he said while pulling me to his lap
"sounds like a plan"i said then kissed him he kissed back then we fell back on the bed i was on top of him then i stopped
"i cant do this" i said getting off of him
"wats wrong"he asked
"well my auntie said we cant have sex and im still a virgin"i said
"oh u dont got to do wat u dont want to do i cant make you do it" he said
" is u going to cheat on me because im still a virgin"i asked
"no why u say that" he asked
"bc all my other boyfriends did it to me and i dont wanna get hurt again" i said
"i wont cheat on you i promise on my daddy grave" he said
"ok" i said then kissed him he kissed back
"shouldnt you be going" i asked
"i cant stay longer"
"no we have school in the morning"
"ok fine bye see you toma" he said then kissed me
"bye" i said

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