chapter 36

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i went to kennedy house early we got ready around 2 then i suggested that we match i got on some dark grey joggers with a black shirt and my bucket hat with some black and red jordans or w.e she had the same but she had on a black belly top then we left we pulled up washington park i introduced kennedy to all my cousin the i took her to my auntie
"hey nephew"she ssid
"hey auntie this my girlfriend kennedy kennedy this my auntie kim"i said
"hi" kennedy said holding her hand out
"hi"she said shaking her hand
"nephew let me talk to kennedy for awhile"my auntie said i nodded and walked off to my cousin
"hey chris i like yo girlfriend kennedy she cool"derek said
"yeah she cool why she look nervous "tonya said
"thx and she just afraid that nobody might not like her"i said
"we all do like her u better hope that auntie dont say nothing for her to leave"derek
"thats one thing im afraid of auntie dont know how much i love kennedy she called kennedy a thot just by looking at her picture"i said
"thats fucked up"tonya said
"watch yo mouth"i said
"boi im 17 get that shit straight"she said
"17 and ugly too"i said me and derek laughed
"hahaha very funny if im ugly why i got a boyfriend and he gave me dick"she said and walked off i was tryna catch up to her
i was seating here talking to chris auntie
"kennedy how old are u"she asked
"18"i said
"tell me about yo mom"she said
"well she died last year of cancer"i said
"do you suck dick"she asked
"no"i said
"i met yo brother he better then u why do you think u great for my nephew" she said
"idk i nevered been asked that question"i said
"u look like whore u probably a thot u a thot"she said
"no im not a whore or thot"i said
"look how u dressing like a thot that shirt u need to take that off thats not cute for yo age"she said i was finna start crying
"how did yo momma die of cancer wat was the cause for her to get cancer"she asked
"she had it for a year i didnt know about it"i said
"u probably sucking dick and yo mom was probably suckin dick to get cancer" she said and i started crying i got up and left
me derek and tonya was talking or w.e just joking around too
"there go kennedy why she look like she was crying"tonya said kennedy came towards us she looked up her eyes was watery
"i told u i shouldnt came here"she said she was finna walked off i grabbed her arm
"chris let me the fuck go its bad enough yo auntie dont like"she said and walked to the car
"tonya go to the car with kennedy me and derek finna go by auntie to talk" i said she did as told we went by auntie uncle had walked up
"wat did u do to kennedy"he said
"she left ion like her"she said
"u dont even know her"i said
"why do you like her so much shes not perfect"she said
"why cant u understand ion care wat you think of her im still going to date her and be inlove with her"i said getting mad
"look kim now u making chris mad why is u doing this to kennedy she didnt do nothing to you"he said
"wat did u say to her to make her cry"i asked
"i said she was sucking dick wen her mom first got sick and her mom suck dick to get cancer"she said i was getting more angry
"she wasnt sucking dick she nevered knew her mom had cancer until she got in the hospital she thought that her mom died before but she was just in a coma and she had cancer then why would the fuck u say that to her that was disrespectful asl"i said derek was tryna hold me back
"i still dont like her"i said
"kim u wrong from wat you said u didnt need to say that everybody like her but you thats a shame u could at least try get to know her and give courage to yo nephew for having a girlfriend"my uncle said
"i mean she pretty she know how to dress better then yo other girlfriends i would like to apologize to her and get to know her"she said
"she not going to come out the car u can do it another time"i said
"how about toma at derek birthday party"she said
"yeah"i said
"can me and tonya go to chris and kennedy house"derek ask
"u a lil bit to young"she said
"im turning 15 toma"he said
"come on lil man hanging out with me and tonya hanging out with kennedy" i said
"ight make sure they dont fight"she said
"ight"i said we walked off to the car tony and kennedy was talking i seen the smile on kennedy face i got in the car i kissed kennedy and pulled off
"my auntie wants to start over with u"i said
"idk"she said
"come to my birthday party toma"derek said
"yeah come toma i want you to met my boyfriend"tonya said
"i didnt invite yo boyfriend"derek said
"did i invite yo girlfriend to my birthday party no"tonya said
"my girlfriend not coming she mad at me"derek said
"u cant keep yo girlfriend happy"tonya said i laughed
"u cant keep kennedy happy chris" derek said
"actually i can keep her happy but thats not yo buisness"i said kennedy shook her head
"why would u tell him that"she said i laughed we pulled up to the house we got out i was walking behind kennedy i started feeling on her ass
"ewww yall nasty"derek said
"shut up i can do that u cant yall see this ass"i said moving out the way so they can see they nodded
"its all mine"i said smacking it
"dont do that to yo girlfriend derek" kenndy said
"u can do it she going to like it like kennedy do"i said going in the house we seen kayla in a robe
"kayla why u got on my thong"kennedy asked
"i thought u dont need it"she said
"i was going to need it wen...........nvm i dont want it no more u probably wet in it anyways"kennedy said kayla went upstairs we all went in the kitchen
"now derek if yo gf got an ass like kennedys all u gotta do is smack it"i said and smack it
"ahhhh that shit hurt"she said i smirked
"but dont smack it hard"i said
"chris why is you teaching my brother this"tonya said
"bc he need to know"i said
"mhmmm"she said
"the way you keep her happy is by that u take her out on a date or something talk to her everyday be by her side go to her house or something"i said
"ill try that"he said
"tonya wat sbout yo bf"chris ask
"wat bout him"she said
"i wanna know sum stuff about him"he said
"dont trip kennedy got it"she said
"u nevered showed me a pic of him"i said
"u see him toma"she said i nooded
"me and tonya like u kennedy"derek said
"yall do"i asked
"yeah i see why chris like u"tonya said i smiled then i sat on chris lap
"yall getting married"derek asked
"no its a promise ring that chris gave me last night for our anniversary"i said
"but i will put a rock on her finger one day we gonna have some kids too"chris said kissing on my neck
"wat if i say i might be pregnant"tonya said i started coughing chris patted my back
"u can not be pregnant auntie gonna kill me u only 17 tonya"chris said
"ik im sorry i dont know wat i was doing i............."she said
"hush everything gonna be alright just hope that yo auntie want do anything"i said
"ughhh im scared now"she said
"me and chris finna go to walmart anybody coming"i said
"i need to so i can get my mind off of it" she said we left we headed to walmart we got in we got stop by 20 people to take pictures we went in the garbage bag aisle to get some bags i was tryna get the box at the to get the box i heard chris laughing
"hahaha very funny u knew i was short be a gentlmen and get the box for me"i said he got it i put it in the car i walked off
"u know you could of said thx or something"he said
"well too bad u should of nevered laughed at me"i said
"im sorry"he said kissing my cheek while i got the medicine bottle
"ok move chris"i said he moved i went in the aisle were the plates was it was on the top shelf
"chris can u get the paper plate for me"i said
"do u here something tonya"he said i huffed
"tonya can u get it for me"i said she got it
"yall act childish"she said
"he just mad bc i wont say thank you he can suck it up and take it ion wont no babyish boyfriend if he wasnt so babyish maybe i would give him a kiss"i said going to another aisle
"but u love yo babyish bf i stop being a baby"he said
"look whose talking now"i said getting the tissue and walked away
"u acting up if i dick u down u will be quiet ik yo ass wet and horny"he said i hit him in his mouth
"u see tonya here"i said
"she good she got it before"he said i just shook my head i was picking up some junk i felt chris touching my ass then we went to the aisle were theres washing stuff i went to get the pods off the shelf something stinged me
"shit"i said putting the pods in the cart then shaking my finger
"wat happened"chris asked
"something stinged me this shit hurt"i said
"let me kiss it"he said i put my finger up to his lips he kissed it
"u know u hurt my lip earlier"he said i stood on my tipy toes and kissed his lips he put me against the shelf
"tonya watch to see if people coming im finna handle her real quick"he said
"why yall cant do this at home"tonya asked
"bc if we do it we gonna get a lil bit too freaky"he said
"wat is u finna do to me"i asked
"nun i just wanna show you something" he said
"wat"i asked he opened his shorts and boxers
"look wat you be doing to me making me hard asf"he said i looked in there he got big asf
"now stop acting up before i give it to you"he said then he kissed me i kissed back i walked away he hit my ass hard asf
"awww shit that hurt"i said going to the next aisle we got some more stuff then we went in the check out lane chris was hugging me from behind i felt his buddy on my ass
"i gotta wedgy"i said to chris he laughed
"i would get it out but we in public"he said kissing on my neck
"ughhhhh u the worst boyfriend every"i said acting like a baby
"u know u love me"he said
"yeah and im inlove with you"i said started putting stuff on the counter
"thats wat i like to here"he said i walked up to pay for it tonya was already putting stuff in the cart
"chris why u couldnt do this"tonya asked
"bc im busy"he said she shook her head we walked out of walmart
jason facetimed me
"hey jason"i said
"hey baby where chris"he said
"he rite here"i said putting the camera on chris and kennedy chris was kissing on kennedy neck and making her laugh
"hey chris"he said
"hey jason"chris said
"who is that u with"jason asked
"my girlfriend kennedy"chris said
"oh"he said
"u still coming today"i asked
"no about that my mama dont want me to come over there since i got u pregnant and i gotta break up with you"he said tears came down my face
"dont cry"he said
"ik yo mama didnt like me in the first place bye jason"i said and hung up i seen kennedy and chris looking at me i got in the car and cried jason text me
braceface:come on tonya answer my calls
prettyface:leave me alone jason u see yo mama dont like me that hurts then you broke up with me thats even worser i think u dont want the baby
braceface:i do want the baby tonya i only broke up with u because of my mama
i didnt answer his text then he facetimed me
"wat"i said
"come on baby stop crying"he said
"leave me alone jason im not yo baby no more apparently"i said
"come on i love you"he said
"no you dont u was playing with my feelings this whole time i thought u really did love me"i said
"i do let me stop by there later on today"he said
"i dont want to see you yo mama dont like me but she liked yo ex that you got pregnant u dont even care"i said
"i do care come to family party this weekend"he said
"no jason leave me alone right now i gotta go"i said and hung up then chris and kennedy came in
"u ok tonya"kennedy asked
"yeah"i said then we pulled out 20mins later we made it to the house we brung the grocerys in the house i seen derek
"tonya u been crying"he asked
"yeah"i said
"did that nigga break up with you"he asked
"yeah"i said
"were he at ima beat his ass"he said finna leave
"no derek i understand im yo big sister and u wanna stick up for me and u 16 u dont need to do anything to him"i said
"but he hurt you he dont even care that u pregnant with his baby"he said
"ik he hurt me his mama dont like me she wanted us to brake up"i said
"i thought he loved you so he was just playing with yo feelings"he sais i started crying again he hugged me
"so is yo gf/baby mama coming to our family party"my mom asked
"no i broke up with her i thought u wanted me to break up with her"i said
"no i wasnt talking to you i was talking to yo brother"she said
"ughhhh i just broke her heart she thinks u dont like her"i said
"call her and tell her wat happened"she said
"no she told me to leave her alone she not talking to me she thinks im playing with her feelings telling her i love her"i said she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car
"were she live"she asked
"she with her cousin for the summer"i said
"were its at"she asked i texted her
braceface:whats chris address
prettyface:15233 s.homewood on 55th st
i told my mama the address we got there in 25mins we went to the door and rung the doorbell tonya answered the door she told her brother that she be back then she stepped outside
"tonya im sorry that i broke up with you i thought my mom was talking to me we she said all of that but she was talking to my brother i was never playing with yo feelings i said i love you i meant it i do care for the baby u having "i said
"and i do like you tonya u like a daughter to me"my mom said
"ill go with you to yo family party but i cant tell you that ill take you back i meanu made me think that u really had to break up with me i do love you but i need time to think about it"tonya said
"i understand ill pick you up @ 2 saturday"i said she nodded and went in i got in the car
"fuck im probably not finna get her back now"i said
"yes u will get her back"my mom said
"dis is all yo fucking fault if u would of been specific of who u was talking to this shit wouldnt happened"i said
"so its my fault"she said
"yeah i would of nevered hurted tonya heart she would of still been talking to me"i said
"yeah make me feel like im the reason you broke up with her u should of never opened yo mouth"she said
"u should of never say stuff around me if u talking to some one else"i said
"is she that important"she asked
"yeah she is i love her shes pregnant with my baby"i said
"this is how u talk to yo mother blaming stuff on me because of yo fucked up"she said i didnt say anything else

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