chapter 24

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so we already left from vegas a few weeks ago school start next week i still didnt tell kennedy about my past ik she want to here it but ion think its the right time so i was heading over to kennedy house so wen i got there i rung the doorbell and kennedy open the door
"hey chris"she said
"hi kennedy"i said
"im still not talking to you"she said closing the door
"come on kennedy"i said
"until you tell me yo past"she said
"alright"i said sitting on the porche she came and sat on my lap
"i was about 12 or 13 thats wen our mom went to rehab and my dad still living i had anger issues i was punching the wall hitting on people then at my old school people was saleing drugs there so i started doing it for money i kept doing it until i was 15 wen my dad died because of cancer" i started to cry "so i started back doing it for a while and stopped then my auntie came and lived with me and kayla until we can live on our own so she left to live in vegas thats wen i started to change" i said still crying bout my dad in kennedy chest i looked up kennedy wiped the tears from my face and kissed me then hugged me
"no i feel like ion got nobody"i admit
"u do have someone u have me kayla king my mom my auntie yo auntie"she said
"kayla too busy hanging around with king instead of her brother"i said she didnt say anything she knew i was rite she got up and pulled me into the house
i pulled chris into the house iwent to go get kayla from upstairs
"damn kennedy wat u want"she said
"u need to check something out"i said
"check wat out"she asked
"sit down and chris sit down"they did wat i said
"now chris told me about his passed since his passed he feel like he dont got nobody especially you as his lil sister since you got with king he kinda feels like he being left out in yall relationship"
"why he just didnt tell me that"she asked
"because u was probably gonna say im just tryna ruin you and chris relationshipso i left it alone"chris said
"well im sorry i didnt know that evev tho u my big brother i thought u wasnt gonna need me i thought i needed you i didnt know i made you feel like this to be the lil sister"she said and walked over to him and hugged him then kissed his cheek
"now yo problem is solved now can i get a thank you bestfriend and bae"i said they didnt say anything they ran over to me hugged and planted me with kisses on me chris put me in his arms kayla sat besides me
"i love you guys"i said
"we love you too"they both said i kiss kayla on the cheek then chris on the lips i sat on his lap
"u know by sitting on my lap u making me hard"chris whispered
"yeah ik"i said
"u must want this dick well u already know wats going to happening ima tear that ass up and ik you wet so you must be horny thats why u sitting on my lap ig we both horny then but im not going to try to have sex we just have to wait and dont think im cheating cause im not you can trust me on this u already lost yo virginty twice no need to be the 3 we olny 17 we can wait till like @ 19 our birthdays comeing up so we gonna be 18"he whispered then he started to kiss on my neck causing me to moan i griped on his dick
"damn kennedy that shit hurt"he said
"stop kissing on my neck like that the that makes me want you more if you keep doing it ima cut yo dick off"i whispered in his ear he smirked i pulled kayla to come upstairs leaving chris downstairs
kennedy left me downstairs by myself i wonder why so i texted her
ligtskinnedbae:why u leave me down here
bigbootybae:im sorry
lighskinnedbae:well im finna head out
bigbootybae:no stay
lightskinbae:no i need to go
lightskinbae:come downstairs
she came downstairs with a sad face
"come on dont be sad im coming back"i said touching her face
"dont touch me"she said in a baby voice
"awwn u big baby"i said
"dont leave"she said
"i got to can i get a kiss before i go"i said
"no"she said
"come on one time for yo sexy boyfriend"i said she smiled and kissed my lips
"i love you"she said
"i love you too"i said she walk me the door
"bye kennedy now go to bed"i said
"ok"she said i got in the car and sped off

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