chapter 37

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today is derek birthday we was at the place all morning setting it up auntie and kennedy was talking they got along pretty well better than yesterday thats a good thing so we went back home to go get derek for his party we got to the house and went in
"derek"i yelled
"yeah"he answered
"u ready to go"i said
"umm not really"he said me and kennedy went upstairs we opened the door he was in his closet tryna find something
"wat is you looking for"i asked
"i need something nice on"he said
"why"kennedy asked
"bc my girlfriend suppose to be coming and i want to look nice"he said
"u stressing yo self too much"i said
"here put this on"kennedy said handing him some clothes then we went downstairs we waited 10mins then he came down then we left we pulled um to the place and went in everybody yelled suprise we talked played music joke ate or w.e but didnt see derek girlfriend
me tonya and auntie was sitting down talking
"auntie i got to tell u something"tonya said
"ok"auntie said
"im pregnant"tonya said
"u let her get pregnant by her boyfriend"auntie said
"no i dont even know her boyfriend" i said getting up
"yeah sure u dont ik chris picked the wrong girl to fall inlove with"she said coming towards me
"i dont know her boyfriend i never met him she just told me yesterday"i said bagging up
"just bc u and chris had sex at her age that dont mean to encourage her to do shit"she said
"i didnt encourage her to have sex that was her fucking choice"i said
"u know wat i dont want to see you again u can stay were the hell u at after today i bever liked u and never will like you ion know why they invited u"she said and smacked me i got mad i was finna hit her then chris got inbetween us i left
kennedy walked out the place
"why would u slap her"i asked
"because she made tonya get pregnant" auntie said
"no tonya go pregnant her fucking self kennedy didnt know shit bout her having sex until yesterday"i said getting mad
"me and tonya invited her to my birthday party we wanted her here if u liked or not"derek said
"u didnt have no reason to put yo hands on her"i said
"why did u choose her"she asked
"bc its my choice i love her ik give no fuck of wat u say"i said
"alright chris thats enough"my unc said
"no she need to know im not going to break up with kennedy just bc she dont like everthing not going to go her way every fucking time she need to stop disrespecting her like that she aint do shit to you she a nice sweet caring loving girlfriend i ever had and always will have and if auntie cant accept that oh well then"i said and walked out i seen kennedy on the top of the trunk crying
"why yo auntie dont like me i didnt do nothing to her"she asked
"idk why she dont like just dont worry about wat she say to you or that she dont like you everybody else like you i like you i really like you"i said and smirked she chuckled
"ik you really like me u freak"she said
"what i didnt have sex with you for a year im horny asf"i said
"u always got away to make me feel better"she said
"of course u my girlfriend i pose to make you feel better"i said she kissed my lips i kissed back
"see you making me hard"i said pulling out my dick showing nher
"put it back in"she said
"i cant wait no longer"i said she chucklrd
"u really gonna dick me down on the trunk"she asked i laughed
"yeah nobody cant see nothing"i said unbotton her pants and pulled them down
"chris can we do it in the car"she asked
"nah"i said i was kissing her than i went inside her i start going deep she started moaning
"damn you tight asf"i said
"that bc i was horny asf"she said i kept stroking her i heard somebody calling my name
"shit"kennedy said getting of the car to button up her pants
"so u didnt wanna stop"i said
"nope that felt good"she said hitting my butt
"wait till we get home ima tear that ass up"i said hiting her ass then derek and tonya walked up
"kennedy u ok"tonya said
"yeah"kennedy said
"im sorry i put you in that situation"she said
"its ok"kennedy said
"aw yeahh i seen yall having sex on the trunk"tonya said walking away going back in the building i pulled my dick out
"we finna do it again"she asked getting back on the trunk i didnt say anything i just unbotton my pants and pulled them down i went inside her and started stroking her tryna go deep but i couldnt she was diging her nails in my back she was moaning loud i was done then i put my dick back in my pants kennedy ws pulling her pants up and button them
"that felt good"i said she nodded she leaned up against the car on her phone i just stared at her she looked up
"why is you staring at me like u want some more"she said
"i do want more but i dont want u to think that it just bout sex wich its not i just admireing how and why i fell inlove with you"i said she start blushing
"i feel special"she said
"u is special well to me"i ssid
"u got a girl all soft"she said i chuckled
"mhmmm"i said she locked her phone i took it frome her i looked at her lock sceen she had that picture of us wen was at the carnival
"why u put that up"i asked
"bc its cute and who told u to take my phone"she said i stood in front of her
"well im the man and i can take yo phone wen i want it"i said
"thats not fair"she said folding her arms like a baby
"stop acting up"i said
"im sowwy"she said in a baby voice and kissed me
"no u acting like a big baby ion want yo kiss"i said acting like a baby
"i am the baby in this relationship"she said she took my phone out of my pocket
"really u put this pick as yo locksreen" she said
"yeah i was sexy with my lip on your neck"i said and took her stuff
"give me my stuff"she said
"no"i said she stood there mad
"i thought u love me"she sai like a baby
"i dont"i said she turned her back i went over were i can see her face she was pouting
"kennedy"i said touching her cheek
"dont touch me u said you dont love me"she said
"i do love you"i said
"no you dont"she said like a baby
"im sorry"i said kissing on her neck
"well give me back my phone"she said
"nope"i said she pushed me off and huffed
"can i get a kiss first"i asked
"no give me back my phone"she said
"no"i said
"ughhh u irratating give me my phone back"she said i shook my head no she got mad tonya and derek came out
tonya and derek came out ready to go chris was irratating me
"tonya u wanna sit in the front"i asked
"ummmm sure"she said
"really kennedy you not going to sit in the front"chris said
"nope"i said
"wat wrong with yall"tonya asked
"yo cousin want give me my phone back"i said
"i wanna kiss"he said
"u not getting one untill you get my phone"i said and waved his hand then we pulled up to the house i got out i went in the house and went to my room layed on my bed i hear the door opened it was chris
"wat u want"i said
"i just wanna lay in the bed with u"he said
"give me my phone"i said
"no"he said
"u making everything so difficult u can go sleep in the guest room"i said he nodded and a left out then few minutes later tonya came in
"were chris"she asked
"in the guest room"i said
"he will give you yo phone back"she said
"he acting so childish"i said
"ik he just doi.........."she got interupted by chris opened the door
"its call knocking"i said
"its my room too i came back to give u yo phone"he said handing it to me tonya phone started ringing she had left out so she can answer it
"can i get my kiss now"chris said he sitting against the headboard i ignored him i looked through my pictures i seen he took a pictures of him i shook my head
"can i get my kiss now im carving for your kiss"he said
"one u sounded corny and we was kissing on top of the trunk while we was having sex"i said
"yeah that was a sex kiss i want a kiss with out us having sex"he said i got on top off him and kissed passionately he kissed back we was kissing about 15mins
jason called me on face time when i was in chris and kennedys room i walked to answer it
"hello"i said
"hey babe"he said
"hey jason"i said
"hows my babys doing"he asked
"good"i said
"imy"he said
"imy2"i said
"i need to see you"he said
"u going to see me saturday"i said
"yeah but i cant wait till then i need to see u asap"he said
"u miss me that much"i asked
"yeah i need work things out with you u carrying my baby i need to be around he/she and u i want to take care of you i need you in my life"he said
"u can come over today we can chill u know u still my boyfriend"i said
"ik i am cause u know im sexy for u"he said
"boy u not sexy"i said
"u wasnt saying that wen we was having sex"he said
"thats because i was horny and u had turned me on that day"i said
"wen i come over there with my shirt off dont be drooling"he said
"mhmmm but i see u later"i said
"bye i love you"he said
"love you too"i said and hunged up i we to go tell chris and them that jason coming then so i opened there door kennedy was on top of chris kissing him chris had hois shirt off kennedy was only in her bra i was just staring
"damnnnn"i said they jumped up
"damn tonya knock"chris said
"damn just bc u was finna get some pussy that doesnt mean u go out on me"i said
"wat u want"he said
"im telling u that my boyfriend coming over"i said he nodded i left i heard talking in derek room *kathy can u come over..........oh i just wanna chill with you.........i that a nigga in the background calling u u been cheating on me thats why u didnt come to my party or didnt text me back bc u was fucking that other nigga i see how u feel if u wanted to break up why didnt u just say that i nevered cheated on u when u told me that u love it was a lie u was playing with my fucking feelings dont come to me wen u need me stay with the that u with fuck u kathy.* he said he through the phone into the wall i walked opened the door he was on the floor crying i walked in i went over by him and comfort him he cried in my chest
"wat did i do wrong for her to cheat on me i thought she loved me"he said
"u didnt do nothing wrong she stupid for cheating on you"i said
"can u leave i need some space"he said i nodded and left the doorbell rung i went to answer it was jason
"hey baby"he said
"hey"i said and kissed him he came in
"so were we chilling at"he asked
"in my room"i said and lead the way up jason hit my butt we made it to my room
"how my baby doing"he ask rubbing my stomach
"good"i said he stopped and looked up at me
"and how my baby doing"he asked pulling me towards him
"u member wat happen last time"i said
"yeah this time im not going to do it bc u pregnant"he said hitting my ass
"and u didnt answer my question"he added
"im doing good"i said
"come let me take care of you"he said we both got on the bed
"i want you to relax while u pregnant no need to stress i dont want u to loose the baby"he said massaging my back
"that feels good"i said
"why yo shirt wet baby"he asked me
"aw derek was crying because his girlfriend was cheating on him"i said
"aw k"he said i started moaning while he was massaging me
"damn u act like im giving u the dick" he said i laughed
"im sorry it just it feels so good"i said he chuckcled the door opened it was derek
"ummm sis i................oh sorry i didnt know u had company hey jason"he said
"he derek happy belated birthday"jason said
"thank u"derek said
"wat u wanted"i said
"nun i tell u later"he said finna walk out
"nah derek stay come hang out with me and yo sis we not doing nothing im just tryna relax tonya so she want stress" jason said derek came in and closed the door and climbed on the bed
"i heard that u was crying bc yo girlfriend cheated on u"hason said
"yeah"derek said
"u dont suppose to cry u 15 u a man dont let a girl put u down so wat that run throug life ivdid that to yo sister i really didnt mean to i was high i really love yo sister dont keep chasing after that gurl she not worth it find someone that u really love dont keep chasing let them chase after u"jason said
"thx but i just dont know"derek said
"just think about"i said he nodded he layed down on his stomach i can that he was frustrated i rubbed his back i heard sniffling
"ayee derek look at me"jason said he looked up he had watery eyes
"i told u dont cry you a man not a 10 year old the only time u cry is at a furenal u dont want people to think u a crybaby"jason said
"im not yall age im only 15 girls dont count they emotional a its hard for me i nevered been cheated on it usally be the other way around thx for tryna help
me by the way im not like yall other niggas im a emotional ass 15year old who cries so fuck much that get mad over petty shit or make someone else mad"he said leaving out the room and closing the door i felt bad for him

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