chapter 17

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i was texting kennedy making her feel good
lightskinnedbae:do u wanna come with me and kayla downtown
bigbootybae:yeah but im still on punishment
lightskinnedbae:aw damn how about we come over
bigbootbae:thats fine with me
lightskinnedbae:can i ask u something
lightskinnedbae:is u ready to have sex again
bigbootybae:wat makes u ask that
lightskinnedbae:nevamind ima talk about it later
bigbootybae:chris im sorry
lightskinnedbae:no im sorry should of neva asked
bigbootybae:is it something u doing behind my back while im on punishment
bigbootybae:mmhmm w.e chris
i lied to kennedy i been fucking this other girl while she was on punishment kayla dont know that ik wat im doing is wrong i really like kennedy and im fucking up our relationship so me and kayla went to kennedy house
i heard the doorbell rang
"pretty boy and kayla here kennedy"my mom yelled
"im coming"i yelled and went downstairs
"hey kayla and chris"i said
"so you down for downtown"kayla asked
"no im still in punishment"i said
"so u finna sit in the house all day"she asked
"yeah and do chores"i said
"damn bestfriend"she ssid
"yall can come upstair"i ssid then lead them upstairs
"chris what u wanted to know earlier"i asked
"im sorry i asked i mean to ask u that question"he said
"mmhmm"i said
"ima use his bathroom"he said and left
"wats that about"kayla asked
"idk"i ssid then his phone got a text message a picture of a girl naked and a text said"come over here tonite and give me some dick im horny and i miss u"i got mad then he came back
"who is this"i asked him showing the phone
"umm i..........."he said
"so yo ass cant speak now have u been cheating on me while im on punishment"i asked
"yeah"he said
"im so stupid i should of never trusted u i was wrong to lose my virginity to you"i said
"im sorry kennedy"he said
"get out"i said
"i didnt mean too"he said
"just get out my damn room and get out this house"i said and he left kayla comfort me whle i was crying next thing i knew i was sleep

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