chapter 33

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me and kennedy got up early to get my tux before it get crowded i got 10 different tux off the rack and tried it on i went to show kennedy
"how this look"i asked she got up yo check it
"this is not so bad take it off and sit it by me"she said i tried on the next one
"u flooding so u can put that back"she said i went go put on another one and came back out
"too tight"she said
i was helping chris and texting kayla at the same time
bestfrann:im horny asf
shorty:girl tell chris to give u some dick
bestfrann:we not on that now we need focus on something so no dick for me
shorty:he probably horny to but he aint showing it
bestfrann:ik he miss this pussy tho
shorty:well u out of luck
bestfrann:ik im horny and im💦 im just looking at him in this tux making me more horny
shorty:just use the vibrator
bestfrann:that aint gonna work i need some dick
shorty:try to find a thot
bestfrann:no thats cheating and i only want my mann dick and i nevered cheated on nobody
shorty:wen yall gave sex it going hurt wen he come inside u because he got biggeer u cheated on one boy
bestfrann:he gonna try to kill my ass and that because i was high wen i cheated
bestfrann:inplus ion wanna cheat on him he on yo brother he different then them niggas even tho he cheated on me
bestfrann:i need him bad
shorty:tell him then
shorty:well idk then
i heard chris calling me
bestfrann:gtg chris bugging
"huh"i said
"how bout this"he asked
"too clingy"i said
"who was u texting"he asked
"yo sister"i said he nodded and went back to the dressing room he came back out
"pants too long"i said he tried more stuff on then we left i had to use the bathroom so we stopped at macys so i can use it
kennedy went to use the bathroom i got her phone to see wat her and kayla was talking about i seen all the messages im suprise of wat kennedy said ima say sum stuff that tell her that i was in her messages she came back
"wats that vibrating"i asked getting off the bench
"ion hear anything"she said holding my hand
"aw nvm it stop"i said
"chris u ok"she asked she said opening the mall door to leave out
"yeah"i said
"mhmm"she said
"look at them thots rite there tryna find a nigga cause they horny"i said and got in the car she stood there confuse
"i just felt a rain drop"she said getting in the car
"i hope u not wet"i said started up the car finna pull out
"u looked at me and kayla messages"she said hiting my head i laughed
"u act like u dont trust me"she said
"no i do trust u i just wanted to know wat was yall talm bout"i said
"ughh"she said
"i was gonna find out anyway it goes"i said rubbing her thigh
"how"she asked
"i was gonna threaten kayla or start kissing on yo neck giving u hickeys"i said she chuckled i grabbed her hand and kissed it the i drove in the drive way we got out i it kennedy ass hard
"ahhhhh shit dont do that shit it hurt" she said rubbing her ass and walked in the house
"wats wrong with yo ass"kayla ask
"yo brother hit the shit out my ass" kennedy said me kayla laughed
"he gave you a whooping"kayla said
"i bet not have a bruise on my ass" kennedy said
"yeah ok"i said
"kayla get up"kennedy said kayla got up
"thank u"kennedy said laying on the couch
"yall tryna hit this party tonight"kayla asked
"wat time"i asked
"9 its only for 12th graders"she said
"this party finna be lame asf who the hell told u about it"kennedy said i chuckled
"rico"kayla said
"aw yeah rico like you"kennedy said
"ion like him tho"kayla said annoyed
"ok damn girl i was just telling you so calm down yo ass probably bipolar too u need to control that shit dont forget im bipolar asf now wake me up wen yall finna change yall clothes"kennedy said i shook my head and went upstairs
i was woking up by somebody bouncing on me it was chris
"why is u bouncing on me"i asked
"i was waking you up"he said
"u could of did something different"i said he got off of me i got up
"yall changing your clothes"i adked
"yeah"he said i went upstairs and put on my joggers and belly shirt and went downstairs
"why u got that on"chris asked getting up
"because i need something to twerk in i hope mfs dont be fishy"i said leaving out the door we got in the car chris texted me
lightskinnedbae:u gonna give me a lap dance
bigbootybae:probably 😏
lightskinnedbae:mmhmm we"ll see ima give you one too
bigbootybae:oh really
lightskinnedbae:yeah i might gonna pick you up and take you in the middle of the party😈😜😋
bigbootybae:😂😂😂😂u funny horny ass
lightskinnedbae:u horny too dont even flex
bigbootybae:yeah im horny and 💦💦
lightskinnedbae:mmhmm so u want this 🍆
lightskinnedbae:i want and miss yo 🍪
bigbootybae:wat about my 🍑
lightskinnedbae:i already got that it just need this big and long🍆
bigbootybae:yeah it do im just missing you eating my🍪
lightskinnedbae:be ready for tonight😏😋😜
we was pulling up at the party we got out the music was blastin the whole 12th grade was there accept for like 3 people we sat on the couch i was sitting on chris lap i seen lap flashing on us
"kennedy and chris come to the middle of the floor"rico said then somebody camed and pulled us they made chris sit in the chair that was right there the turned on twerkholic *hold up girl just ride it slow x3 hold up girl let me clear my throat shes a twerkholic x2" i started rolling then i did a split and twerked i was twerking on him everything then chris put me in the chair he act like he was fucking me or something then he pulled me up in the chair spread my legs pushed my back back to the chair *grind x2 grind my love is so x2 is ready*he started to act like he was humping me he put me on the floor and started dancing at that part wen that boy was humping on the floor for a while then the music went off chris helped me up we was dancing a lil then we left at 2 in the morning i was high asf i was tweaking in the car i kept playing with chris hair
"u need to chill u too high"chris said we made it to the house i got out the car and went to the door
"hurry up i gotta pee"i said
"were yo keys"kayla asked
"somewhere in my bra"i said
"you dont need to smoke nomore ion know why u smoked in the first place" king said
"nigga stfu im 18 fucking years old wat else ima do drink no nigga i can do wat the fuck i want to do damn why the hell did you say something to me anyways" i said going in the house
"ion give a fuck how old the fuck u is u still my lil sister i gotta take care of yo ass and can talk to you wen i want to"he said
"u dont control me nomore im not a lil ass kid nomore the only person that was controlling me was mama u was barely staying in the house with me and auntie u was with yo baby mama just go back to her and make some babies with that hoe she probably got hiv"i said he charged at me i pulled his hair and hitting him he was hitting me wen i was hitting him chris pulled me kayla pulled king
"chris get the fuck off of me"i said tryna get out of his grip
"let her go"he said
"let me go chris"i yelled he let me
"king get the fuck out go live with yo fucking daddy u can stay with his ass ion no why the hell you here anyways since wen in the hell u started caring bout me i fucking hate u go fuck yo baby mama u dumb ass nigga i hope u go to to hell too"i said chris tried to touch me
"dont touch me"i said and went upstairs i got a black eye from king punching me and its swollen
after king and kennedy fought kennedy went upstairs
"king wat was kennedy talm bout"kayla asked
"i got a girl pregnant and she fucked so many dudes she probably got hiv i think i was the last one to have sex with her"he said
"you aint even try to get you self checked out before u got with me"she said and went upstairs
"chris wat im gonna do kennedy hates me again kayla not gonna talk to me"he said
"im yo nigga but its not my problem u gotta fix this yourself better hurry up bc rico like kayla"i said
"he can have her he not gonna treat her like i treated her"he said
"dont give up on kayla like that"i said
"i try something im go upstairs and pack my stuff so i can leave"he said and went upstairs i went up to i seen kennedy in the mirrior looking at her eye she slammed her hand on the desk i walked up behind her
"chris im not in the mood"she said
"im not tryna do anything"i said
"i gotta black eye and my eye swollen damn"she said and knocked the chair down and left out i picked it up and sat on the bed
i was in the room packing my stuff kayla wouldnt talk to me at all she was on her phone
"i be back to get the rest of my stuff toma"i said she nodded i walked out and went to chris room i opened the door he was on the bed
"ight man i be back toma"i said
"ight be safe and dont cheat on kayla" he said and dapped me
"im try not to cheat"i said and walked out i went downstairs i seen kennedy with a ice bag on her eye i put my bags down and walked to her
"wat do you wont king"she said
"im just wanna say sorry to u"i said
"u gave me a blak eye and its swollen" she said showing it to me
"i did.........."i said
"u didnt mean to and u sorry you say that all the time but dont mean it and u had the nerve to him bc i said yo baby mama got hiv that petty asf king u gonna do that to yo on blood you a pitiful ass nigga"she said
"kennedy i nvm..............i just come back toma and get my stuff ima be gone out yo life"i said
"bye king"she said
"dont do this to me"i said
"dont do wat to you be mad at u and tell you to get out the house after u did this to just because i said yo baby mama got hiv and the whore never liked me then u got mad i was high"she said walking off i grabbed her arm tight i heard somebody coming downstairs
"kennedy can you just fucking listen to wat i got to say"i said
"no king let me that shit hurt"she said
"untill u listen to me"i said
"no let me go"she said and smacked me i was going up to her finna hit her she was bagging up
"king get tf away from me im not fucking playing with you if u touch me ima hit yo ass back"she said putting the ice down i hit her she hit me back i slammed her against the wall she slid down the wall i kept hitting her somebody was pulling me off of her
"king stop hitting her"kayla said i stop kennedy got up she was crying she grabbed her ice she start throwing stuff at me
"get the fuck out this damn house for good go fuck with that whore of baby mama of yours she was the one that made u start beating on me if maybe she can do it again u can catch hiv from her yall can have a hiv family bitch you a sorry ass brother and a sorry ass boyfriend to kayla u dumb ass nigga fuck u yo daddy yo kids and yo baby mama especially that whore i see yo ass in hell bitch"she said and went up stairs i grabbed my bags and left out i went to my daddy house i rung the doorbell he answered
"hey son"he said
"hi i have to live with u for the rest of my life"i said and walked in
"wat happen to kennedy house"he
"me and her got into a fight twice"i said
"who won"he asked
"thats not wat matters i got mad at her cause she got high and she said my baby mama got hiv the because kennedy smacked me"i said
"u cant get mad because she got high she 18 years old and how u gonna take up for yo baby mama after all that shit she did to kennedy"he said
"ik i was wrong now my girlfriend wont talk to me if she still is my girlfriend"i said
"kayla know about the hiv"he asked
"yeah"i said he shook his head
"dont ask me for help on this one this is yo problem now i love you but u gotta do stuff on yo on im not gonna be around u forever chris aint either he gonna be with kennedy for the rest of his life u need to find a way to get kayla back then focus on kennedy bc she more harder"he said then the doorbell rung he went to open the door it was kennedy he let her in
"kennedy wats wrong with yo eye"he asked
"king gave me a black eye and its swollen"she. said
"king i deal with you later and kennedy wat u need"he said
"king left his phone i was giving it back"she said
"thx can you tell kayla im sorry"i said
"why u cant tell her"she asked
"bc she wont talk to me"i said
"aint my fault"she said
"actually it is if u didnt say nun she wouldnt be like this"i said
"u stupid asf she still would of been like this anyway it went she was gonna find out eventally bc u kept that shit from her u dumb ass"she said and left out slamming the door
kennedy came back mad she got in slammed the door and started shaking her leg we made it to the house she went in and went upstairs i just shook my head i was going to sleep on the couch to give kennedy some space i went to the kitchen to get sum to drink i went to lay on the couch then i heard something falling upstairs so i went up there to see wat was it i seen kayla tryna grabbed kennedy from throwing stuff but kayla gaved up kennedy picked up something else she wsa finna throw but i stopped her
"kennedy stop"i said grabbing her then we fell on the floor she was crying i was rocking her after a few she went to sleep i laid her on the bed i kissed her forehead and her cheek i went downstairs and went to the couch

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