chapter 32

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we was in ms.ruby class i had my head down cause my head hurt
"kennedy get up ms.ruby getting us instructions"chris said
"i got a head ache from lastnight"i said
"ask can you go to the office"he said
"she aint gonna let me"i said he didnt say nothing else i was going to sleep
"kennedy"ms.ruby yelled
"wat"i said
"sit yo head up"she ssid yelling
"stop yelling my head hurt"i said geyting irritated
"why did you come to school"she said
"bc my head wasnt hurting this "morning"i said
"oh well"she said
"can i go to the office"i said
"no"she said
"ughhhhh"i said putting my head down
"put yo head up"she said i got up and went to the office
"wats wrong"mr.h said
"my head hurt"i said
"here take some alives"he said giving them to me i was staying in there for the rest of the day the day was over or w.e me and chris
"we need to find out wat we wearing for prom"chris said going in the refrigerator
"how bout we wear like gold or blue"i said
"we can wear blue"he said
"i already got my dress pick out all i gotta do is tell the the color and u need to find a tuxedo thats blue and silver"i said
"we can go shopping this weekend"he said i nooded
"ima help you find a cute tux"i said
"ughh"he said
"come on i can pick out clothes"i said
"yeah only for a girls"he said
"for boys too"i said
"ig"he said i went to the refrigerator and got something to drink i sat on the couch and turned on i seen a picture of me and chris at the game kissing i changed the channel chris sat by me and took the remote from me i got up he pulled me down
"wat chris"i said
"im sorry"he said
"im not even mad at u so let me go"i said
"well wats wrong"he said
"nothing is wrong with me"i said i heard the front door open
"why is you acting like this"he said
"like wat"i asked
"acting bitchy"he said
"yeah ima bitchy ass girlfriend then call me bitchy kennedy"i said and went upstairs laid on my bed
i hit the couch i seen kayla and king at the door they shook thier heads i and walked towards me
"u a dumb mf"kayla said
"she was kinda was acting bitchy bc wen i sat by her she got up like she was mad at me"i said
"u know short people bipolar so dont even trip"king said
"wat did i do to make her get up from her seat"i said
"well u said she acting bitchy that made her mad ion think it was something wrobg with ha in the first place until of wat you said"kayla said i went upstairs to kenndy room i knocked on the door
"come in"she said wen i came in she was in the mirrior clothes on her bed ha closet open
"u going somewhere"i asked
"no just trying on clothes"she said i nodded and sat in her rolling chair i started looking on her desk i seen a box i grabbed it
"dont go through that"she said i ignored and opened it she hand cuffs and a thong i was suprise
"i told you dont open it"she said and took the box from me
"why did you come up here"she asked
"to apologize to you"i said she nodded
"i didnt mean to say you was acting bitchy i just thought u was mad at me thats why you got up"i said
"i wasnt mad at you im bipolar asf so"she said i got up and walked behind her in the mirrior
"dont worry about that just know that im sorry and i look sexy behind you"i said
"w.e"she said i started feeling on her booty
"u know im sexy"i said squeezing her butt
"ok chris move"she said moving my hand i didnt do anything i just moved it and went back to sit down she looked like she was frustrated she put al her clothes up then she went to sit on her bed she grabbed her phone she blew in frustrating too i took of my shoes and climbed on her bed and i sat infront of her i pulled her legs by my waist
"wats wrong"i asked
"nothing"she said
"why u so frustrated"i asked
"i dont know im just is"she said i started to massage her feet i can tell she was look at me up and down
"im sorry i got mad that you called me bitchy u was rite i was acting bitchy earlier"she said
"i was just mad i didnt know wat was wrong with u for u leave wen i sat by you"i said
"if i didnt tell u to sleep on the couch i wasnt mad at u"she said i chuckled she kissed me on my lips i kissed back i looked down i seen her kittykat was rite there i kept loking at her then down at it
"wat u looking at"she asked then she figured it out
"let me close my legs before u do something"she said i layed down she got on top of me and layed down i touched her ass and felt on it she had her hand up in my shirt she started playing with my nipples
"why is you playing with my nipples"i asked
"u touching my ass"she said
"why i cant play with yo tities"i said
"cause you cant u got some asss to touch"she said i left it alone all the sudden kennedy stopped playing with my nipples i seen she was sleep on me i didnt want to move her off of me i jus let her laid on me i feel asleep
i order pizza for us i went upstairs to tell kennedy and chris that it was here wen i got up there they was sleep kennedy was on top of chris and he was holding her butt i woke kennedy up first
"kennedy get up"i said
"for wat"she asked
"to eat"i said i seen chris waking up
"why cant you bring it up here"she said stretching
"just get yo ass up"i said grabbing her
"do fucking touch me"she said and got up
"i can touch u if i want to im older then u"i said chris got up
"ion give no fuck u didnt have to touch me all u had to do is wake me"she said
"well too bad why u acting like this"i said
"u know im bipolar asf dumb ass bitch" she said
"keep it up ima beat yo ass"i said
"nigga im 18 ion get whoopings from yo ass so eat ass nigga"she said i was finna whoop her ass but chris was in the middle of us
"ayee man both yall chill the fuck out" he said
"punk ass"she mumble
"wat was that"i said
"pussy ass nigga bitch"she said i walked out the followed we sat on the couch and started eating

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