chapter 16

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i got up so i decided to cook kennedy some breakfeast wat she like to eat when i got up there she was up
"goodmorning"i said
"goodmorning"she said
"i made you breakfeast u wanna eat up here or down in the kitchen"i asked
"i eat in the kitchen"she said
"alright let me help u up"i said going towards her to help her she was walking infront of me i had to hit her ass she turned around
"im sorry it kept teasing me"i said she laughed
"mmhmm"she said and grabbed her plate
"thank you chris"she said and kissed me i started to blush
"u got me blushing "i said she laughed then the door bell rung kennedy went to go answer it
wen the door bell rung i answered it when i seen my mom i jumped on her
"mom i thought you was dead"i said
"no i wasnt dead i was in a coma"she said
"i missed you"i said
"i missed you too"she said then my aunting came down
"caroline"my auntie said hugging her
"hey dominique"she said
"i missed you we thought you was dead"my auntie said
"i was in a coma and kennedy who is this pretty boy"my mom asked
"im christerphor but you can call me chris im kennedy boyfriend ms.dixon" he said
"u can call me mom or caroline it dont matter so this the boy u was telling me about before i went in a coma"my mom said
"yess he is" i said
"well ig ill get going nice meeting u caroline i see you guys have so much to talk about ill call you later kennedy" chris said
"no you can stay i need to know some things about you chris"my mom said
"caroline"makayla said jumping on her
"hi makayla"my mom said
"chris is makayla brother"i said
"i go with yo son"kayla said
"ohh well i really need stuff to catch up on"my mom said so we sitting on the couch talking or w.e
"so how long yall two been together"my mom asked
"a month"chris said usally my boyfriends dont keep track but he did
"i want an answer to this question have yall had sex"my mom asked we all looked at each other didnt say a word
"answer my damn question"my mom said
"yes"i said
"did you use protection"mom said
"yes"chris said
"long as yall used protection"she said
so i went back to my auntie house so i can apologize to kennedy she probably not going to accept it she said she hates me she dont want me to be in her life no more so i opened the door i seen my mom on the couch she got up and hugged me
"i thought u was dead mom"i said
"i was in a coma"she said i seen kennedy by chris and kayla i went over there kennedy got up and went upstairs i just followed her
"why the fuck is you following me"she said
"i came to say sorry"i said
"i dont care wat u came to do king i told get the hell out of my life and dont fucking come back wat part u dont understand"she said
"you dont mean that"i said
"i do mean it now leave me alone"she said and went in her room and slammed the door i just went back downstairs
"why did kennedy slammed the door"my mom asked
"i came back to apologize from yester i beat her up because she had sex now she dont want me in her life no more and she hate me"i said
"why the fuck you do that to her"my mom said and hit me on the back of my head
i went upstairs tryna get kennedy out the room
"kennedy open up"i said
"wat"she said crying
"come out"i said
"no i dont fucking like king i hate him why he evening here i told him to get the fuck out my damn life"she said
"come on kennedy he here to say sorry to you"i said
"idc he should of never hit me he nevered liked me he always hated me why is he apologizing now when he apologize he keep doing it to me"she said but kennedy did have a good point tho so i jus went down stairs
"she wont come out"i said
"she not going even accept my apologie she really do hates me she doesnt love me anymore im just a bully judt hit people for no reason"king said
"do u love kennedy"i asked
"honestly no"he said i just shook my head his mom started crying
"im i tried to love her like my sister i just cant do that i say i love her but i be trying to mean"he said depressed
"kennedy was rite u dont love her"o said
"get out"mom said
"mama i......"he said
"im sorry i love you but i need you to go"mama said he left then i went upstairs to check on kennedy we i got in she was sleep on the floor so i picked her up and layed her on the bed and kissed her forehead then went back downstair
"makayla u staying bc kennedy sleep"i said
"i go with u"she said
"bye ms.jackson i be back toma wen kennedy wakes up tell her im gone and text me"i said and she nodded he left
i woke up from my nap i see i got a text message from chris and kayla first i read chris
lightskinnedBae:he kennedy me and kayla left i hope u feel better bae u was rite about king text back wen u wake up i love you
bigbootybae:i feel better thx for checking up on me i love you
then i read kayls message
bestfriendkay:me and chris left hope u feel better bestfriend love you
bestfriendken:i feel better thx i love you too
after that i went downstairs
"hey sweetie how u feel"my mom said
"i feel good"i said
"yo boyfriend of yours is cute u picked the rite one"she said
"ik i did"i said
"ima go take a nap"she said

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