chapter 18

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its been almost two weeks since me and chris broke up chris been blowing my phone up saying he sorry i been so depressed i havent left the room nor i ate i hate beening in this same situation i wish i nevered liked him i had a feeling this was going to happen with me and him i can trust him now ik something was up with him thats why he asked me when ima have sex again i thought he really liked me but it was all a lie he will never like me like i like him wat he all said was fake i got out my thoughts from my mom coming in
"sweetie u have to stop depressing and eat something"she said
"i dont want to eat nothing"i said
"ik u are hurting because of wat chris did"she said
"u dont understand how i really liked him"i said getting more depressed
"can you just eat please"she asked
"no can i just be alone right now"i said
"fine"she said and left
i been calling kennedy tryna apologize she reject them i decided to go to her house i rung the doorbell and ms.dixon came to the door
"hi ms.dixon i been tryinv to contact kennedy but she wouldnt answer"i said
"she upstairs depress she want eat for nothing"she said
"its my fault for doing wat i did i didnt mean to her ms.dixon can i try to talk to her"i asked
"kennedy"she yelled
i was out of my thoughts again by my mom calling my name
"kennedy"she yelled
"mom im not going to eat anything im too depress to"i said coming down stairs wen i seen chris i stopped
"chris wat you doing here"i asked
"i wanna talk to you in private"he said
"fine"i said walking outside he follows me
"wat u want"i asked
"kennedy im sorry for cheating on u while u was on punishment i didnt mean to hurt u"he said
"well u hurt me"i said shaking
"ik but..........oh u seem cold take my jacket"he said wrapping it aroun my arm
"thank you"i said
"kennedy i really like u i was stupid for cheating on u"he said
"i was really stupid losing my virginity to u"i said
"come on i really like you"he said
"all the sudden u really like me u wasnt saying that wen u was fucking that other girl im not trying to be go through this again so good bye chris"i said giving him his jacket and walking off
"wat u talm bout"he said i stopped and turned around
"i thought u was different than others thats the only reason i said yes but ig i was wroung u can treat me like u never knew me"i said then walked off the chris grabbed me then put me against the car and kissed me passionately
"can you give me another chance"he asked
"yes ill give you another chance"i said
"now go in and eat something and i"ll text u later"he said and hit my butt so i went in and ate then got on my my phon scrolling through my ig i see a picture of chris in the mirror with his shirt off the caption says "i lost the girl i really wanted cause i fucked up i hope i get her back" then it was another picture with him in the car and the caption says"i finally got her back ion wanna lose her again either she my everything" so i liked both of the pictures then he texted me
ligtskinnedbae:have u ate
bigbootybae:yes i have
lightskinnedbae:good can i take u to lakeshore
lightskinnedbae:i be there in 5mins
so i was just waiting on chris to come pick me up so he finally got here so we in the car or w.e then we arrived at lakeshore then got out
"why do u have them on"chris said holding my hand talking about my high waisted shorts
"aint nobody going to see all this ass"i said
"yes they will"he said
"why you being so protective calm down"i said
"ion want them niggas on you"he said
"why you being so jealous"i said
"im not jealous im jus being a protective boyfriend"he said
"nah you jealous"i said teasing him
"no im not"he said
"awww my braceface jealous"i said
"im not jealous"he said letting go of my hand walking away
"so you mad"i said laughing i said touching him he moved his arm
"why is you doing this just admit that you jealous and i will stop"i said
"im not jealous now move"he said
"come on im sorry"i said in a baby voice touching him
"man get off of me"he said
"why is u acting like this because i said u jealous"i said he aint say nun
"fine act pike this"i said and walked off ino a store
i was kinda mad at kennedy so she went into a store and i stood up waiting then some girls came up to me i was pushing them off of me
"i have a girlfriend"i said
"so want never know"one said
"she ritef there"i said pointing at her
"she dont look like she yo type"one said
"well she is so bye"i said pushing them off they kept touching me so i kept tryna push them off then kennedy was coming towards me they still hasnt move
"why the hell yall still right here move"i squd pushing them off then kennedy finally made it up here she looked mad ig she was finna say something to but she seen them girls by me she walked past me so i ran after her i got in front of her she was crying
"kennedy why you crying"i asked she didnt say anything i just took her somewhere that nobody cant see us
"chris leave me along go have fun with yo new girlfriends"she said tryna walk away
"they not my girlfriends u the only one i kept tryna push them off trust me"i said
"i cant trust u after you cheated on me"she said
"that was a big mistake im sorry kennedy u the only girl i like them other girls at that store dont mean shit to me kennedy"i said
"im sorry that i called u jealous"she said
"you the one thats jealous"i said
"i am jealous im the jealous type"she said
"i see"i said
"come so we can go some more shopping"she said holding out her hand
"u thought we was finna keave without giving me a kiss"i said and pulled her back she was standing in front of me i bit my lip she sat in front of me on my lap and kissed me i deepend the kiss the we stopped
"alright come on chris i gave you yo kiss"she said holding her hand out for me to grab so i grabbed it and hit her butt she grabbed my dick from outside ny pants and whispered something in my ear
"keep hitting my ass like that im cut yo dick off"she whispered
"wat my dick did to you the onley thing its doing is getting hard"i said
"keep hitting my ass like you did its gonna go bye bye"she said so we continued walking we went to many stores or w.e then we decided to walk back to the car
"chris my feet hurt"kennedy said
"u want me to carry u on my back"i asked
"yes"she said and jumped on my back
"damn you heavy"i said
"i have all this ass nigga so wat u expect"she said i didnt say nothing i just kept walking wen i was walking kennedy kept kissing on my neck and whispering shit in my ear so we finally got to the car or w.e a twerking song came on kennedy started twerking she was half way out the seat so i started hitting her ass then she stopped
"put that other hand on wheel"she said
"u should of never been shaking yo ass"i said then we arived at her house
"alright kennedy i text you wen i make it home "i said
"k"she said then i started to walk off
"wait"she said and i turned around
"wat"i asked
"u forgot something"she said walking up to me and kissed me
"i was waiting on that"i said smirking
"ik"she said
"i love you kennedy"i said
"i love you too chris"she said and walked in the house
lightskinnedbae:i made it
chris sent me a picture of him in the bathroom with his shirt off and just his boxers on i bit my lip
bigbootybae:u lil freak
bigbootbae:yo buddy standing up
bigbootybae:make it sit down im getting💦💦💍
lightskinnedbae:mmhmm we gonna be a freaking couple
bigbootybae:yess we is
lightskinnedbae:im getting sleepy so i talk to u toma love you
bigbootybae:k love you too
so im scrolling through ig i see chris put a picture of us when was in the store he had his finger wrapped around a piece of his hair and a arm on my shoulder i was in front of him with his phone in my hand i was doing douck face or sum the caption says *bae love me i love her she my everything we unbreakable* i liked it then i went to sleep

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