chapter 9

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i woke up i looked at my phone nobody called or nun so i went to take a shower i put on some clothes and went downstairs and made breakfeast then the doorbell rang
"why yall here so early" i asked and let them in
"aint no hey brother"king asked
"im still mad at you but u lucky i love yo ugly ass" i said
"come we going to get breakfeast" chris said
"i just made me breakfeast"i said
"and thats for me thank you"king said grabbing the plate
"no thats for me king and hey makayla and kennedy boyfriend"my auntie said going back upstairs
"ig we gotta get breakfeast"kayla said
"let me go change so kayla come upstairs with me"i said grabbing her hand
"why u want me to come upstairs"she asked
"look wat my brother put on ig"i said as i show her the picture of her on his lap he kissing her
"omg how you found it"she said
"i be lurking"i said
"true"she said
i changed into some jeans and a crop top me and makayla came downstairs holding hands
"is yall becoming bisexaul or somthing"king asked
"no dumb ass we holding hands like best friend"i said
"yall look pretty bisexual to me"chris and king said
me and kayla put up our middle finger
"wen"they both said
"neva"me and kayla said
we maded to ihop so we got a booth and sat down and ordered our food came kennedy was eating pretty fast
"kennedy slow down u eating like you pregnant"i said
"dont start king i had breakfeast to eat but yall came and auntie took my stuff"she said
"im just saying u eating like you pregnant"i said
"i told you already im not having sex king damn stop bringing that shit up i understand you my big brother but stop trying to run me all the times"she said
"im just protecting u"i said
"u being over protective im finna go to the bathroom"she said and left
i am being over protective towards her i just dont want her to grow up so fast
so i came back from the bathroom i see a girl sitting in my spot so i walked over there it was shakira
"excuse me this my spot"i said nicely
"go find another spot how can you pick her over me"she said
"i never liked u shakira"he said
"ima give you one last chance to get the fuck out my spot"i said
"go suck a dick and die thats probably wat yo mama did"she said so i swung off her i started whiping her shit in i pulled her tracks out i was going until somebody pulled me off of her
"kennedy stop"king said pulling me off so i stop
"ima beat yo ass one day"she said
"one day my ass bitch thats why i got yo tracks bitch take yo stuff a burie that nappy ass shit RIP TO YO TRACKS" i said throwing it at her
"ima come back to beat yo ass"she said
"thats why u aint got know edges now bitch"i said
"ima come back a pull that shit out"she said
"bitch you cant pull shit my shit is all natural"i said
"suck a dick"she said
"thats wat was yo mama doing on the streets thats why ha ass went to jail and u finna do the same thing bitch"i said then she tried to hit me but somebody pulled her back
"bitch swing im waiting for yo ass u gonna be in the hospital king let me wgo"i said tryna get out his grip
"yeah king let ha ass go"she said
"no"he said
"ayee u already got yo ass beat no need for you to be in a hospital"somebody said then she left and king finally let me go
kennedy fought shakira kennedy got them hamds she wasnt playing i would of pulled kennedy back but they was was right there so i decided to just sit back and watch then king pulled kennedy bck king kept her back until shakira left ig he knew kennedy would fuck her up bad so we left went kennedy house we was upstairs in her room
"wat yall wanna do"kennedy asked
"uhhh watch a movie"kayla suggested
"ill go make pocorn"kennedy said then went downstairs
30mins later kennedy came back with the popcorn and put in fast and furious 7 i had my arm around kennedy she was in my chest king and kayla was on the bed the movie was 2hours long kennedy king and kayla fell asleep so i got up and threw the stuff we had away wen i went back up there i woke up kennedy
"kennedy wake up" i said shaking her
"huh" she said
"the movie over"i said
chris woke me up so i woke king up to go in the quest room
"king get up"i said shaking him
"wat"he said
"get up and go to the guest room take kayla with you im tired"i said
"ight in a minute"he said
"get the hell up im tired"i said hitting him
"ight"he said and got up and took ashley to the quest room
"were can i sleep"chris asked
"in the guest room or with me"i said
"ok i be back"he said leaving the room
so i went to use the bathroom i came back kennedy was sleep so i just got in from behind her and went to sleep

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