chapter 23

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so i picked up kayla and them and went started driving we got there in a hour no lie kennedy looking sexy in them shorts and that shirt i couldnt help stare the people who know my auntie took our bags to the house so we began walking i accidently bumped in a dude
"my bad man"i said
"yeah your bad u betta watch were u going"he said
"i said my bad so damn just chill"i said
"ion got time for yo ass we can start throwing them hands"he said and push me
"ayee stop tweaking with me u need to calm that shit down fr boy ion give no fuck who the hell you are but i aint no bitch ass nigga"i said
"now u tough now infront of yo girlfriend and them boy get that shit out here"he said
"im not showing out infront of nobody"i said
"get your hoes and leave"he said
"ayee man stop tweaking"i said
"chris stop now come on"kennedy said pulling me
"nah let me go"i said then she let go and went on the wall
"u might wanna listen to yo hoe she might tryna suck yo dick and leave"he said and i punched him he hit me back
we was just fighting the king pulled me back kennedy was still on the wall we she seen we was ready she got off the wall and walked off infront of us the we finally made it to the house
"kennedy wats wrong with you"i said while she went up stairs
"nun"she said
"why is u mad"i asked
"aint nothing wrong with me"she said
"no u mad bwmecause i was fighting for u for wat that nigga said bout u or maybe i should of.just let him talk about you but i wasnt going to do that"i said yelling
"why the hell is u yelling at me chris"she asked
"maybe you need to be yelled at"i said she just left out the room i just sat there mad at myself all she was trying to do protect me and i was protecting her i didnt mean to yell at her
after me and chris had that big ass argument i went to kayla room
"why is relationships so hard nobody cant have a relationship without arguing especially with someone u love"i said
"i dont know but it just happen"she said
"yo. brother just yell at me i hate wen he do this to me i tried to pull him away because ion want to see him fight ion like seeing my boyfriends thats the stuff i aint going to do"i said
"he just angry u gotta give him time he just got out of a fight"she said and i nodded an hour later i went back to the room i seen chris with his head in his hand i just sat on the bed
"u know having your head in your hand is not going to help u calm yo anger down or get yo mind right"i said
"kennedy im sorry i yelled at u i didnt mean to i was just angry"he said i got up and walk over to him
"come on"i said with my hand out he didnt ask he just grab it and followed me to the bathroom
"sit on the counter"he sat on it i got out the first aid kit and took off his shirt and started cleaning him up
"ohh babe that sting"he said
"dont you want it to heal"i asked he nodded and he waited patiently until i got done i couldnt help it but kiss him we waskissing for awhile then he got down and picked me up i wrapped my arms around his waist then he pushed me against the wall and took off my shorts he started to rub on my clit i started to moan then he took of my shirt but he kept rubbing my clit i moaned louder then he put me on the bed he took off his shorts and got in between my legs and pressed his dick against my pussy i felt it get hard the he pulled down his boxer and started coming in me he went slow then started going faster and harder i was moaning real loud
"chrissssss"i moaned
"tell me you love this dick"he said
"i-i lo-ve this dick"i moaned he kept going he didnt stop and i kept moaning
"chris"i moaned and he stop and pulled out he clean me and his self up he put back on my clothes i went to sleep
after me and kennedy had sex she went to sleep i went downstairs to the kitchen
"were kennedy"kayla asked
"she upstairs sleep why"i said
"nun just asking w.e she did to you for u to yell at her was wrong"she said
"i was just angry kayla i couldnt calm down she should of never tried to pull me away"i said
"she didnt want you to fight she dont like seeing her boyfriends fight"she said
"how u know"i asked
"after yall argument she came to the room and told me"she said
"thx kayla"i said
"np and wat was yall doing in the room"she said
"why"i asked
"i heard kennedy moaning"she said
"all i gotta say is that i put it in work"i said and walked off
"ewwww yall nasty"she aaid
"and we going to the basketball court wen kennedy wake up"i said and she nodded
i woke up and went to the bathroom then wen i came back chris was in the room
"u finally woke up"he said
"yeah why you got yo basketball shorts on"i asked
"we finna go to the basketball court"he said putting on his hoes
"alright"i said getting my shoes wen i put my shoes on we went downstairs king had his arm around kayla waist while walking out chris put his arm around my neck and was bending his head down talking to me then we made it there chris and king went to go play me and kayla sat on the blechers chris was playing with the dude he was fighting with i was laying my head on kayla shoulder 30mins later they took a break chris came sitting infront of me facing me he started to hug me
"get yo sweaty ass off of me"i said pushing him
"come on i like laying on you"he said
"so"i said
"well forget you then i lay on my sister kayla"he said
"nigga get off of me"she said
"fine lay on me you big baby"i said
"i love you"he said i didnt say anything he looked up and gave me that look i whispered something in his ear
"dont give me that look i told ima cut that divk off ik you getting hard and i wasnt finish showing u wat i got for you"i whispered he laid back down and got on his phone i played in his hair then 10 mins later he went back and started playing again wen they was playing the nigga from before tried to take the ball from him then wen the dud let go the ball hit chris and he fell king helped him up chris sat out on the bench drinking water i could see he was angry then he got up and started to play again the dude was sticking him tryna block him from passing wen chris tried to move around the dude pushed him then chris pushed him back
that dude i fought was playing basket ball he push me wen i started to move dude push me i push him back he punched me i was finna punch him back but king and lil man held me back
"ayee man stop"king said
"ight man let me go"i said he let me go i walked to get my stuff and left i heard kennedy calling my name
"chris"she said
"wat kennedy"i yelled at her she got scared and bagged back i realized wat i just did
"let him calm down"i heard kayla say i punched the wall
chris punched the wall i never seen him like this that wich scares me
"do he always do this"i asked kayla
"he used to at 12 or 13 but he controlled hiself back then now its starting all over again"she said
"he is scaring me kayla ion think i can sleep in the same room as him im afraid he going to hurt me can i sleep with you tonight or untill we leave "i asked
"yeah u can"she said
"thank you"i said
"he have a past that he need to tell you about hiself"she said then i went in my room to get my pajamas then chris came in
"were u going"he asked i can tell he was still mad
"i-im going to sleep with kayla"i said
"why u going in there instead of sleeping with me "he said coming towards me i ran out the door to kayla room
"chris leave me alone"i said crying
"tell me why you not sleeping with me"he slammed me against the wall
"she dont wanna sleep with you because she scared of you she afraid u might hurt her this her first time seeing u like this"kayla said helet me go i slid down the wall crying he went over by kayla and started crying
"im scaring my own girlfriend i put my hands on her i thought this would never happen again why me i wouldnt do this to no girl"he said then i felt arms aroud me
"im sorry kennedy"chris said putting me into a hug i cried in his chest next thing ik i was sleep
kennedy went to sleep after all that crying i picked her up and took her to our room i had kissed her and went downstairs 30mins later i can back up to wake up kennedy i got on top of her and kissed on her neck she woke up
"why do you wake me up like"she ask
"cause i like wakeing u up like that"i said
"wat u want"she asked
"its time to eat"i said
"can i eat up here"she asked
"no my auntie dont like it"i said
"i dont feel like getting up"she whined
"come on baby get up"i said she got up and jump on me then kiss me i kissed back i carried her downstairs
"kennedy why you acting like a baby"king said
"shutup she my baby not yours"i said kennedy sticked her tounge out at him
"thats why im the baby in the family"she said and got down to walk to the kitchen and we did the same we talked joked all that me and kennedy stayed downstairs to wash the dishes
"u know u dont have to wash the dishes i could of did them by myself"i said i sitting on the counter
"i wanted to"she said
"yeah but its not yo job i have to watch over the house while my auntie gone not you"i said
"i want to help if i want to help i want ik its yo job but i want to help you cant you see that"she said getting mad i put my head in my hands
"look im sorry im just stressing"i said
"u still stressing about the money"she asked
"no its something else stressing about ion think im ready tell you yet"i said she didnt say anything but put the dishes up
"u know i want to tell you but right now ion think its time for me to tell you im tella wen im ready i hate keeping these things from you cause you dont want to talk to me bc im keeping things from you im just afraid ima turn back to my old self"i said she shook her and went upstairs i put my forehead on the wall i went upstairs to kayla room her and king was kissing i cleared my throat they looked up
"sorry to interupt but kayla and king can you not tell kennedy about my passed"i said
"we wont"king said
"and can i sleep in here tonight"i asked
"yeah is you and kennedy into it"kayla said
"yeah she wont talk to me"i said wen i went in there they was sitting there quiet
"did i ruin something"i said
"no"king said
"ill go to the go to the guest room i see yall busy"i said and left
i wouldnt talk to chris i hate he keeping things from me ion like him keeping things from me its making me think he is cheating i went looking for chris he was in the guest room he was on the bed looking into space
"chris"i said and he look at me
"why u in here"i asked
"i wanted to give you space"he said
"im sorry i got mad at you i just hate that you keeping things from me its making me tbink that you cheating"i said
"im not cheating ion think its the right time that i can tell you"he said i huffed in frustrating
"u dont have to sleep in here just come sleep with me"i said and he did so

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