chapter 38

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well kennedyand chris went on prom today they graduated they had just got out of the buildings
we just graduated we walked out the building all they wanted to do is take pictures so me and kennedy took a picture together then me and kayla took a picture with kennedy then king took a picture with me then king took a picture with kayla then they went seperate ways i was just me kennedy auntie unc derek and tonya
"chris come out to eat with to celebrate"my auntie said
"u can come too kennedy"my unc said
"no thank u ima go home"she said
"come we want to celebrate"he said
"if she want to go home let her go she dont want come out thats fine with me"my aunt said i seen kennedy tryna calm herself
"no come kennedy i dont want u to be yourself at home"he said
"ill come"kennedy said
"see wat u did" my aunt said
"u really dont like me huh"kennedy asked
"nope"aumt said
"well its........"kennedy started i covered her mouth a grabbed her to go to the car
"why did u grabbed"she asked
"bc u finna say something that u might regret"i said
"she making me finna say some shit to her im finna go into my bipolar mood" she said
"calm down just go to dinner with us"i said
"ion wanna go she gonna say some smart shit"she said
"come on you just dont try to say something to her"i said
"u really want me to go"she asked
"yeah please for me"i said
"ill go just bc u love me"she said i kiseed her cheek i went back over there were derek and them was
"shes coming"i said
"we meet u there"my unc said and walk to the car me derek and tonya went to the car kennedy was on her phone we got in i droved off i put my hand on kennedy thigh rubbing it i was looking at her
"pay attention to the road"she said
"u distracting me"i said
"boi bye"she said then made it to the place we got out me kennedy and tonya sat together a waitress came to get our drinks
"chris u like that waitress"my auntie asked i knew kennedy was getting mad
"no im happily with kennedy and that was rude to say knowning she right here so wat u dont like her that dont means u can be rude"i said
"i mean she was the cause for tonya to get pregnant and she not good for you" she said
"i wasnt the cause for tonya to get pregnant if u knew how to be a responsible maybe she wouldnt got pregnant but thats none of my buisness"kennedy said
"ohhh look whos talking the queen of chris now yo ass got balls huh"auntie said
"yeagh its me bitch"kennedy said
"ohh suck chris divck rite now matter of fact...................somebody excort her out"aunt said
"auntie now u doing to much"i said they came over
"if yall fucking touch me yall gonna be in yall grave soon i advise yall not to touch me ill leave my fucking self" kennedy said trying to get out i got up
"dont come back either bitch"quntie said and through water ik kennedy was gonna do something i grabbed her before she did we left out i was trying to calm her down
"kennedy calm down"i said
"she threw water on me im not going " she said finna go back in there i grabbed her a put her in the car and sat on her lap
chris was in the car sitting on my lap
"calm the fuck down u dont need to go jail for beating a old lady
"but she th..........."i started
"ion give a fuck wat she threw on u i talk to her about that later so yo ass need to calm down ik you got bipolar issues but sometimes u need to control yo shit thats wat get yo ass in trouble" he said kinda yelling i was suprise he neva spoke to me like that unless we was arguing
"can u get up so i can get some air"i said
"i didnt mean to yell at u kennedy"he said
"idc bout that i just need some air"i said he nodded and got off of me i oppened the door and went outside can i wasnt mad that chris yelled at me ik he didnt mean to im still mad about the whole situation in the resturant i just wanted to beat her ass thats all i wanted to do i dont know why she hates me so much i thought she would love me like im her niece i dont want be around somebody that dont like me i cant be around his family nomore i just stay in the house for wen they go somewhere for there holidays i dont feel love like i did on his mom side i guess im just not wanted in chris family i dont why people dont understand that me and chris is inlove with each other we not going to break up just bc people want us together i just wish that people would understand that i finally cooled down i opened the car door chris looked up at me smile he scooted over so i can get in i sat down and closed the door he scooted back over clode to me he started rubbing on my thigh
"im that i yelled at u"he said
"chris its ok im not about that ik u didnt mean to i was still mad about the situation i just had to cool down"i said he kissed me i kissed him back i was lookin his buddy through his pants
"wat u looking"he asked i bit my lip he was still confused then he look down and smirked
"u want this dis dick"he asked i nodded he got on top of me
"u not the only one who want something"he said smirking he pulled out his dick and pulled down my panties then he started thrusting me back and fourth then i seen derek tonya was coming
"chris.........tonya and derek coming"i said he pulled out and put his dick back in i pulled up my panties he got off my lap they opened the door
"we ready to go"derek said we go out and went in the front
"she so fucking irratating she need to get her ass beat or she need some dick in ha ass"tonya said i laughed
"thats not funny"chris said trying not to laugh
"it is funny baby"i said he was driving off
"wat happen tonya"he asked
"she just pissed me off she was over doing her fucking part"she said we was pulling up to the house we got out and went in the house chris hit my ass
"u know i wasnt finish of wat i was doing"he said gripping my ass
"ik"i said
"now daddy finna put it in work"he said
"im not ready daddy"i said teasing him
"mhmmmm now u wanna tease daddy u finna get it"he said picking me up taking me upstairs
while chris and kennedy upstairs finna have sex my phone was ringing
"hello"i said
"hey baby"he said
"wat u want"i said
"damn yo mood swings came on quick i call back later" he said
"nahh im sorry its just that my auntie pissed me off"i said
"its coo but dont stress out about it baby"he said
"ill try"i said
"i cant wait till the baby come ima take good care of it"he said
"it seem like u care more about the baby then me"i said
"i care bout you too but right now its about the baby"he said
"i should be the one caring bout the baby im the one who having it i got to make sure its healthy and push it out my fucking pussy"i said
"i do care about u my focus is on the baby"he said
"u care bout the baby thats not even born"i said
"im sorry baby i didnt mean to say that" he said
"nope u said it already ill hit u up wen i go back to the doctor for the baby until then dont hit me up"i said and hung up i seen derek at my door
"wat want get the hell out"i said
"ima let that slide bc u got mood swings"he said
"dont u pose to be kissing yo girlfriend ass"i said
"just bc u mad dont take yo anger out on me"he said
"ohhh well too bad"i said he left i laid on the bed and went sleep

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