chapter 31

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i woke up kennedy still laying in my chest i was playing in her hair she started to wake up she looked up at me and kissed me i kissed her back she got up and looked in the mirrior she pulled her shorts leg down she looked closely in the mirrior wen she spotted it she came and sat on me facing me
"u gave me a 4 hickeys on my neck and 2 on shoulders"she said
"sorry you was enjoying that shit tho"i said she chuckled i felt something moving on me i looked over her shoulder i see her booty moving i smirked she stopped and got up i followed her downstairs i started touching her booty she
"mmhmm"i said we went to the kitchen we seen kayla and king in the kitchen kissing i cleared my throught
"somebody in the room"i said they split apart
"wer them hickeys come from kennedy" king asked her and kayla pointed at me
"dang yall just gonna call me out like that"i said
"its obvious"kennedy said
"thats a tatoo on yo arm"kayla asked kennedy
"yeah"she said
"wat time we leaving to go to the baseball game"king asked
"at 2"i said i mouthed *yo sister need some dick in her she acting up ima have to beat her ass before she go out on me*
"wat you say chris ik u mouthed something to king"kennedy said
"i aint say nothing"i said
"king wat he say to you bout me"she said walking up to him
"he didnt say anything"king said she pinched him
"ima ask u again wat he say"she said
"ahhhh shit he said that my sister need some dick in her she acting up ima haver to beat her ass before she go out on me"he said shit im in trouble
"i got something for you chris just watch"she said and went upstairs i followed she closed the door she pushed me into the wall and gripped my dick hard asl she kept doing it then she stopped
2hrs later we started getting ready i went in first then kennedy i lotioned up i put on my cubs baseball shirt that got my name on the back and got number 18 on the back with my blue and white joggers with my legends blues and my bucket hat on
i got out the shower i lotioned up or w.e i put on a white belly top some black legging a long button down shirt with my name and number 18 on the back i put on my legend blues with my cubs hat on i grabbed my purse and went downstairs
"i see you got these leggings on huh" chris said
"yep"i said then king and kayla came downstairs
"i see yall matching"kayla said
"yep yall ready to go"i said
"yeah"king said we left out the house 20mins later we was there we got out the car me and king was holding hands lking and kayla was just walking act like they dont know each other
"wats wrong with king and kayla"i asked chris
"ion know"he said we went in they seated us king was sitting by chris i was sitting by chris and kayla sitting by me i was hell confuse
"why yall not talking"i asked
"why we cant never be like chris and kennedy"kayla asked
"bc u always fucking up shit"king said
"maybe if you dont do the shit you do maybe i want fuck it up"kayla said
"so its my fault"king said
"yeah"kayla said
"why want you never blam shit on you its always me"king said
"if its............"i interrupted her
"ayee ion know wat yall argueing about or mad at each other bout but yall aint finna causing a scene in this place and get us kicked out we handle this shit later now sit back and be quiet"i said they did exactly we watch the baseball game all the sudden i seen lights on me and chris somebody was speaking *lady and gentleman there go the power couple chris and kennedy on the kissing cam*we was tryna block the lights out of face then we heard everybody saying *kiss kiss kiss kiss* so we ended up kissing everybody saying *awwwwwwwn* 20mins later the game was over king and kayla still not talking we got to the car
"alright why is yall two argueing" chris asked
"bc kayla caught me talking to another girl i told her she was a friend but she didnt believe me"king said
"i dont believe him because he always lie to me on some stuff wen he say he at his auntie house he come back high and trunk i wish he tell me the truth" she said
"u act so stubborn"king said i hit him on that back of his head
"u do act stubborn kayla"chris said i hit him while we pull up to the house
"sometimes it be yo fault that we argue "king said getting out then we all got out
"if it be my fault why dont u say that then"kayla said
"bc i didnt want it to be more of us arguing about something else if u dont believe me say that"king said he said walking in the house as we follow
"i do believe u i just dont trust you like i should"kayla said
"if u dont trust me then we should break up it will save us from arguing and putting us through it"king said and went up stairs kayla left
"uhhhhh ig its something that we got to fix"chris said
"yeah its going to be hard"i said going to the door i left kayla was sitting on the steps
"come on kayla lets take a walk"i said she got up i pulled her into a hug
"i always fuck up my relationship with someone"she said
"its not yo fault kayla"i said
"it is my fault i was being stubborn i really do love king but ion know if he love me back"she said
"why u say that"i asked
"bc he never told he love me"kayla said
"come lets go in the house in my room" i said walking she followed wen we got there she sat on the floor against the wall sat infront of her trna cheer her up
i was in king room tryna talk to him
"huhhhhhhh i fucked up"he said
"dont put to much pressure on you"i said
"i cant stop that it already happen im terrible in a relatioship i cant never keep one"he said
"it not yo fault"i said
"yes it is i should of never broke up with i thought breaking up was gonna fix it but it seem like it didnt"he said
"maybe next time yall need to talk things out instead of yelling"i said
"we cant now she probably dont want me back no"he said
"do you love my sister"i asked
"idk i never told her i loved her or anything i dont know wat love is how do you love kennedy so fast"he said
"well she a caring person goofy funny beautiful smart got a pretty smile sexy she different from others ik of but wen you its the right time to tell kayla u love her say it and i advise you to drop all of yo hoes right now thats wat i had to do to get kennedy back if you really love that person that wat you do"i said
"i do love kayla but idk how to say it"he said
"it is a certain way that you got say it sometimes lets go get kennedy"i said we went to kennedy room i opened the door we seen kennedy do a cartwheel then a split infront of kayla
"damnnnnn"i said she turned around we mentioned her to com here
"wat was you doing"king asked i was just staring at her body
"i was tryna cheer kayla up"she said i licked my lips then bitem
"we need you for a minute"he said
"kayla i be back"she said and closed the door i was still looking at her body we walked to king room
"chris stop staring at me and tell me wat yall want"she said
"king need help on telling kayla he love her"i said
"well it is certain ways and hurry up bc kayla aint tryna get happy and its annoying to here her cry all damn night and kayla do love you king "she said
"u just help me saying i love you"he said
"alright all u got to do is pull her to you wen you talking to her about something"i said pulling kennedy
"the you look at her in her eyes and say i love you"she said
"then wait till she say it back then you kiss her"i said
"damn i should of been yo big sister im the one teaching u how to do stuff"she said
"anyways im ready"he said
"alright come on"i said walking out they follow kennedy opened the door we all walked in
"kayla somebody here for you"kennedy said kayla looked up she been crying alot
"kayla..................."king started to say but he looked how puffy her eyes was then he left out i went after him wen i got. in the room he had astma pump in his mouth
"wat happen"i asked
"i seen how puffy her eyes was thats how much i hurted her feelings thats how bad she was hurted"he said
"but she was willing to listen to your apology"i said
"can u leave"he asked i walked out and went to kennedy room
"unmm king getting some air he didnt mean to leave like that i be back in 30 in a half minutes"i said leaving out i felt a pair of hands on my shoulder i turned around it was kennedy
"were u going"she asked
"im going to the store for king"i said
"alright"she said and kissed me i hit her butt she went in the room i left to get some flowers chocolate and a card for king to give to kayla wen he apologize to i got back and went to king room i heard him talking *kayla im sorry for calling u stubborn i see how bad i hurted yo feelings i should of never broke up with you it was all my fault not yours i was just tired of getting blamed on im this relationship but i will want to try this again will you be my girlfriend again ill try to be a better boyfriend so you can be able to trust me again*he was talking to his self i walked in he looked up
"here i got these so you can give to kayla wen you apologize"i said given them to him
"i think im ready now"he said
"alright come on"i said walking out he followed we got to kennedy room kayla looked up
"kayla im sorry for calling u stubborn i see how bad i hurted yo feelings and that was a bad choice to do i should of never broke up with you it was all my fault not yours i was just tired of getting blamed on in this relationship but i will want to try this again will you be my girlfriend again ill try to be a better boyfriend so you can be able to trust me again"he said giving her the flowers and the chocolate i hugged kennedy from behind kayla was getting up king helped her up
"i accept your apology and yes ill be yo girlfriend again"kayla said king pulled kayla close to him
"i love you"king said
"i love you too"kaylasaid they kissed and hugged king dapped me kennedy turned around and kissed my cheek made me blush

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