chapter 21

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i woke up looked on my phone i seen i had got tag i a photo wen me a chris was at the carnival lastnight he was behind me i had the teddy bear he won me in front of me the caption says *at the carnival with my everthing💏🔐💍😍👑 i won her a teddy bear* i seen the comments that says *awwwn* the other comments says *she not better than me* then makayla comment says *awwn bestfriend i see yall toma we need to hang out* then chris comment to the haters *yall can stop dick riding hard cause i like her more then yall and she look way better then some of yall* then i heard someone coming in it was chris
"hey kennedy how you feeling"he asked
"i feel ok for now"i said
"thats good"he said and kissed my cheek i got up to use the bathroom
"u need help"he asked
"no i got it"i said i finally made it to the bathroom and used it then made it back to the room
"babe u ok why u holding yo head"he said walking up to me holding my waist
"i got a headache"i said
"u want me to go get some pills"he asked next thing i knew i passed out
kennedy passed out i picked her up and layed her on the bed i went downstairs for some ice the came back up i started to fan her then i got on top of her
"kennedy"i said fanning her it didnt work so i started to kiss her lips repeatedly then i went down to her neck she moaned a lil then she moaned louder
"chris stop and get me some pills"she moaned and i stopped and i left a hickie on her neck and i gave her the pills then kayla came in
"ayee my bitch"she said
"hey"kennedy said
i just came back from lA with king im so ready to see my bitch kennedy wen i got there she was in the bed
"why u in the bed"i asked
"ion feel good yo brother tried to kill me yesterday"she said
"no i didnt u was teasing me lastnight"he said
"u didnt need to tell her about that"she said
"kennedy wats that on yo neck"i asked
"wat you talm bout"she said
"u got a hickie"i said she turnd to chris and he smirked and winked at her wat i was looking at him then king came in aw shit finna go down
me and kayla back from LA or w.e so we at auntie house i was downstairs doing something then i came upstairs to kennedy room she laying down
"hey chris"i said
"wassup"he said
"hey kennedy"i said she didnt speak
"wen i speak to you u speak back"i said
"ion gotta speak to you ion got time for yo shit king"she said sitting up
"well speak"i said she didnt do it
so i was finna hit her but she ran to her closet and chris hold me back she got her bat out
king was tryna hit me but i ran to my closet and got my bat out chris was holding him back
"im not playing with yo ass king if u touch me ima hit yo ass with this bat u gonna be in the hospital the ima be in jail because of murder all i did was trying to love yo ass like a sister but com try to hit me ima BOOP yo ass upside yo head"i said he tried to come by me but kayla holded him bat then chris took the bat from me and press me against the wall
"kennedy stop dont do that calm down babe"he said looking at me then let me go and walked away then king came and hit me i hit him back then we begun fighting then chris pulled me back and kayla was holding king back
"kayla let me go man"he said and pushed her she fell
"aye man stop tweaking"chris said and walked towards king
king push kayla and she fell so i stepped up in his face
"chris u aint gonna do shit so get the fuck out my face"he said
"u think i wont do nothing but i will"i said
"man move"he said and push me
"boy u betta stop tweaking with me man"i said and push him back
"i knock yo ass out"he said
"i thought we was cool king wat happen to us wat happen to you u never used to hit girls u always been so nice a sweet to girls wat happen now u hitting on kennedy wats going on with u man we used to hanged out like bestfriend wat happen man this isnt u at all"i said he had tears in his eyes he cried in my arms
"chris i need help"he said as he cried
"with wat"i asked
"with me"he said

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