chapter 25

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first day of school
so i decided to get ready first then i wake up kennedy so i started to kiss her on her neck
"kennedy time to get up for school"i said
"alright"she said she got up and came by me she pushed me against the wall and gripped my dick
"i told you about kissing on my neck like that"she said gripping on it harder
"ohh kennedy stop im sorry babe can you stop it hurts"i said she stopped she kissed my cheek and went to the shower and came back
"why you grip it likw that it hurts"i said she came by me
"im sorry babe u need to stop kissing on my neck"she said rubbing on my dick inside my pants then she kiss my lips causing me to smile
"can you get out so i can get ready"she said and i got up
"hurry up"i said the smacked her ass before i left out
I put on my high wasted pants with my crop top then i put on my sandals so i put on my white earrings i flat iron my hair then put on lip stick i grabbed me and chris book bag and headed downstairs
"chris come on"i said he grabbed my hand we got to the car he open the door for me and closed it then went to the driving side so we arrived at school we went to the office to get our schedule me and chris got the same classes our lockers next by each other so we put our stuff in our locker and get the books to our first period class or w.e so its now 7th period reading class
"alright class choose yo own seats and im ms.ruby"ms.ruby said me chris and kayla sat at the four desk
"excuse me with the lipstick on can i ask you a question"ms.ruby said
"yes my name is kennedy"i said
"kennedy is u and that young man that sitting next to you perhaps is in a relationship"she asked
"yeah we go together"i said
"he is out your lead"she said i clench my jaw
"kennedy dont even stick to her level" kayla said the time went by and school was out me and chris was walking to the car
"i think ms.ruby on to something"i said
"how"he asked
" she asked about our relationship no other teacher asked shetryna get between me and you"i said
"so you jealous"he said sitting on the drunk
"thats not the point she tryna still you from me"i said chris pulled me inbetween his legs
"she not gonna take me from you baby im to young for her"he said
"so you sying if she wasnt grown u was gonna go with her"i said
"no i wasnt gonna go with her anyways ion like nobody else but you she just tryna be a thot"he said
"ok"i said
"now give me a kiss"he said i walked away he pulled me back
"wat you thought this was give me a kiss first"he said i kissed his cheek then we left

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