chapter 8

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i was in bed on my phone thinking then the doorbell ring i went to go answer it was king chris and makayla
"wat yall want" i asked
"we cant come over"kayla said
"and i cant get no hey bae or a kiss" chris asked
"im mad at u" i said
"wat i do" he asked
"just come in tell you " i said
"u not excited see your brother" king asked
"u here for auntie she upstairs" i said
"ok" king said and went upstairs
"now why you mad at you" chris asked
"well yesterday you said u was either called or text but you didnt" i said
"sorry i was busy" he said
"i had to tell u something but nvm it can wait" i said
"tonight me you king and kayla going going to the club"he said
"im not going" i said
"why" kayla asked
"i dont go to clubs" i said
"come on its going to be cool" chris said
"good for u because u going to get a lapdance by strippers and good for makayla she got king" i said
"go get ready " kayla said
"no im not going" i said
"king can you make your sister go get dress to go to the club tonight" chris said
"kennedy go get dress" king said
"no"i said
"kennedy go get dress before i tell auntie you not listen to wat" he said
"rwho is you " i said
"yo brother now go get dress"he said
"i dont want to go yall can go without me bye have fun"i said
"we not leaving until you get ready" chris said
"fine ill get ready" i said
i went upstairs to get ready wen i got out the shower i lotioned up then put on my clothes i had on some high waisted jeans and a half shirt i through my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs
kennedy came downstairs looking sexy we left to go to the club we got in kennedy sat down makayla sat down on king lap
"u going to dance"i asked kennedy
"i dont dance"she said
"king do kennedy dance" i asked
"yeah she dance"he said
"kennedy dance with me" i said
"i dont dance i dont even want to be here"she said
"u not trying to have fun"i said
"i dont come here like yall do" she said
"can you at least try to have fun"i asked
"no"she said
i understand she dont want to be here she can at least try to have fun so i just asked kayla do she wanna dance with me she said yeah so i just danced with her
kayla and chris went to go dance i slide over to kennedy to talk to her
"wats wrong"i asked
"i dont want to be here" she said
"see yo best friend having fun how come u cant" i said
"i dont like clubs i just wanna go home" she said
"come on kennedy just try to have fun" i said
"no its fun wen im at home not here"she said then kayla and chris came back
me and kayla came back from dancing then a stripper came to me and started to give me a lap dance
"umm can you get off of me" i said
"no ik no you like it" the stripper said
"no i dont i have a girlfriend" i said
"i dont see her"the stripper ssid
"she sitting besides me"i said
"ohh her" the stripper said then got up and left
"king can i get the keys" kennedy asked
king gave her the keys and left i got up and went after her
"kennedy"i yelled
"wat"she said
"wats wrong with you"i asked
"i dont want to be here and you act like you didnt like that lap dance but you did u wanted her to stop because i was rite there so u can go back in there get how many lap dances u want idc nomore at least you tried to hide it from like you didnt like it"she said
all that she said was true tho i did like the lap dance so i couldnt lie to her that i didnt like itso i just went up to her put her against the car and kissed her then she kissed back we was kissing a long time
me and king was in the club talking dancing sitting down until we was ready to go so we got up and left wen we was walking towards the car we seen chris and kennedy kissing against the car and chris had his shirt off
"ohh shit they getting freaky"i said
"will see who be the freaky one"king said smiling
"u nasty" i said
"but you like it"he said
"no i dont" i said
"mmhmm"he said
me and chris was kissing gor along ass time it was good until i heard king and makayla so i looked and i ssen them staring
"chris"i said
"yeah"he asked
"uhh i think king and kayla ready to go"i said
"why u say that"he asked
"bc they staring at us" i said then he jumped and put his shirt on
"so yall finally stopped"king asked
"why u aint say nun"i asked
"because i want to see if u was going to lead it to sex"he said
"i told you im not ready for sex yet damn"i said then got in the car
im just not ready for kennedy to have sex yet she my lil sister i dont want her to go in that stage yet ik im being over protective but im her big brother i love her so we made it to kennedy house i could tell kennedy was mad because she always shaking her leg or she dont speak to nobody so she got out the not even saying a word to nobody
i got out the car mad didnt talk or nun i went to my room i recieved a text from chris
chris:u ok
chris:king didnt mean to he just being a big brother he probably not ready to see you in that stage yet he love you
kennedy:ik but he dont got to say it everytime he see us kissing or sum
chris:he just being protective
kennedy:he being over protective i already told him im not ready to have sex yet i told him before he moved out after mama died
chris:ill talk to you toma i love you
kennedy:ok i love you too
chris:goodnite i have something for you toma
kennedy:ok goodnite

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