chapter 29

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a week later
my mom died yesterday today im going back to school me and kayla still not friends i see she trying so i was crying ik it was ready class so i jus went to school anyways wen i walked in everybody got up and hugged me accept for chris and kayla
"im sorry for yo lost"ms.ruby said i was suprised
"thank you"i said i sat down by chris he hugged me kayla patted my back i just sat there crying in chris arms ik i wasnt gonna make it through the day i was just crying i never knew i was gonna cry like this the school day was over chris took me home he decided to stay in there with me until inm ok or w.e
"lets watch tv"chris said i nodded and we sat on the couch to watch tv so mtv was on so we watching it me and chris poped up and it says *christerphor davis and kennedy dixon are dating we spotted them from the mall carnival lake shore and school hugging and kissing we knew chris father from him working in building chris father and kennedy mother knew each other when kennedy and chris started going out chris lifed had changed we dont know if kennedy did changed his life or his lifed changed before he got with kennedy who knows we also wonder how long they been dating we just want to know the facts we also want to see how kennedy look in person we can meet with them tomorrow hopfully stay tuned* my mouth was open
"close yo mouth you dont want my dick
go in there"chris whispered
"shut up do you get it my mom and yo dad knew each other we was just on tv they had a whole picture of us now they want to meet us well me"i said then chris started to kiss on my neck then the doorbell rung i got up he followed me
"why is you following me"i asked
"i miss you"he said feeling on my butt
"u miss me annd you having sex"i said
"no i dont focus on it to be just sex in our relationship i want it to be more than that i miss you the old kennedy i meet the one play alot the one that have pretty smile the one who put her middle finger up almost in every picture and the one thats ticklish and the one that tells me i have cute smile"he said causing me to smile
"see thats the kennedy im looking for" he said
"i miss myself too but right now i cant turn back to myself bc of the situation im sorry ik you want my old self back but i cant and you know that"i said
"alright i love you"he said
"i love you too"i said and kissed him he kissed me back
"im still gonna touch your but tho ion care if you not yo old self i cant resist without hitting yo ass"he said i chuckled then somebod started banging on the door we went to open it we seen king and kayla
"took yall long enough"king said coming in kayla was finna come in but i stopped her
"you cant comme in"i said
"tell king i wait for him outside"she said finna walk away i pulled her arm
"i was just playing you can come in just bc we not bestfriends that dont mean i cant be nice to you"i said
"can we be bestfriends again im sorry for wat i said to you i need you kennedy i need more than one person u was right i was wrong kennedy can you give me another chance"she said
"yes ill give you another chance"i said she got excited she gave me the bracelet that her father bought us from the mall wen he was living i put it on my wrist i let her walk in i went to sit on chris lap
"u heavy"he said
"its just my ass big cant you tell"i said
"ion know i just. be hitting yo ass not even paying attention to it"he said
"mmhmm"i said i got up from his lap and went upstairs i was looking for something
"wat you looking for"chris said i jumped then he started laughing
"thats not funny"i said hitting his arm
"let me take you out some where"he said
"let me take you out somewhere"i said
"where"she said i was just looking at her tities
"stop looking at my tities"she said hitting me
"well put them up"i said
"dont bemad because my tities is bigger then yo dick"she said putting on a shirt
"u was rite yas did get big"i said
"perv"she said
"im not a perv if im yo boyfriend"i said
"were we going"she asked
"somewhere now come on"i said we left out the house i started driving to the park 10mins later we was there
"we going here again"she said
"im tryna take it slow with you"i said she nodded i grabbed her hand we started walking
"my dad use to take me and kayla here every weekend wen we was little he used to always take us to the muesem i miss him"i said
"i miss him too he bought me and kayla bracelet in 9th grade thats wen i had a crush on you he use to take me home after school"she said i started to cry a little she wiped the tear off my cheek then she start running while she was holding my hand she got on the swings i got on too
"i dare you too jump off the swings"she said
"no"i said she jumped off
"maybe u jump off if i do this"she said i was confused she hit me on the back of my head i jumped off she ran i ran after her she was looking for me she didnt know i was behind her so she decided to turn around wen she seen me she jumped i picked her up and spinned her around i kissed her she kissed back she wrapped her hands around my waist and put her arm around my neck and we kept kissing then some kids came up tapping us kennedy got down
"excuse me mr. ms. can we can we get passed"the lil girl said we nodded and moved
"ohh and u guys are a cute couple"she said
"thx"i said we started to walk off to go to the car then i started feeling on kennedy ass she turned around like she was gonna fight
"boy i was finna swing off of you"she said
"yo ass was gonna be on that ground"i said
"yeah ok"she said walked off i came up behind ha start punching ha she turned around and started hitting me back i put her on the ground and started hitting her then ran to the car
"you a snake"she said getting up walking towards the car
"u messed up my pants yo goofy ass play to much"she said getting some pants from the trunk she took off her pants she had on and put on her panes from the trunk i couldnt do nothing but stare then she took off her shirt then her tink top and put on the shirt she got out the trunkm
"chris"i said tryna get his attention so i kissed him and he kissed back then i pulled away
"wat happen"he asked
"u was looking at me wen i was taking off my clothes and im finish so come on"i said he hit my ass i shook my head and got in the car he drove off i was on my phone or w.e chris started touching me
"why is you touching me"i asked
"cause i can"he said then he started singing the weekend off the radio and touching my chin
"stop doing that"i said blushing
"u know you like thats why you blushing"he said
"ok i like it now move"i said pushing his hand we pulled up to a gas station he got out to pay for the gas
"u wanna pump the gas"he asked i nodded and got out to pump it put the gas thing in the pump and wait for it to finish i was standing infront of chris he pulled me closer to him and started feeling my butt then he kept going back and forth like he tryna fuck me then the pumping the gas thing was over i took out the pump and put it up i turned around to see chris bitting his lip i chuckled then he got in the car i did too
and he drove off 10mins later we was at my house wen we got in we seen a picture of us at the park *we got a picture of christerphor and kennedy today at the park then we got a video of them playing they really is a cute couple cant wait to see them toma*
"ayee yo king check it out"chris said
"wattup"king said
"ayee kennedy tried to beat me up at the park so we need to jump on her"he said
"ight cool"king said
"yall not finna jump on my bestfriend without me cause aint no one on ones"kayla said
"yeah u get yo ass beat too"chris said
"wats good then"me and kayla said squading up they doing the same thing we through the first lick the swung back they beated our ass chris had me on floor beating my ass he got off of me i was still laying on the floor i was tired
"let me help you up"chris said with hand out i grabbed his hand he pulled me upi sat on the couch
"u aint playing nomore"king asked
"no im tired"i said
"well yall want to go upstairs in kennedy room"kayla said
"we always post up in my room"i said
"so"chris said
"alright fine"i said the all was going upstairs i was still sitting on the couch
"u coming"chris asked coming towatrds me
"yeah but its too far"i said he pulled me up and me walk in front of him he was hitting on my booty then stared whispering stuff in my ear wen we got in the room i layed on the floor chris decided to massage my booty while im laying down i ended up going to sleep
"i think kennedy went to sleep"kayla said i looked and seen she was sleep i picked her up and put her on the bed ik i was gonna spend the night so i went to change in my shorts then went in behind kennedy i kissed her cheek an went to sleep

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