chapter 30

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i went downstairs to make me something to eat then kennedy came down looked like she was finna fall out
"goodmorning babe"she said and kissed me
"gm"i said
"you making that for me"she asked
"no it was for me"i said she pouted
"now if i give it to you that means im spoiling u"i said tryna not cave in
"i thought u love me and u dont even spoil me"she said getting upset
"i do love you"i said trying my hardest to not cave
"well you will give me that"she said
"but i made this for myself"i said
"fine dont talk to me"she said walking out
"fine here"i said handing it out for her she came and got it
"thank u i love you"she said and kissed my cheek ig i gotta make some cereal i always let her get her way so i started making the. cereal then i went to the livingroom and started watching wat kennedy watching then she came over here by me
"leave me alone"i said
"why wat i do"she asked
"u know wat u did"i said
"i got yo food"she said
"yeah i always spoil you"i said
"im sorry"she said she kissed my lips then my cheeks then my neck she kept kissing my neck i stopped her
"ok kennedy i accept yo apology"i said
"yay"she said and took my boil and got up i hit her ass then she went to the kitchen i put my hands in my pants she came back and sat down and put her legs in my lap then the doorbell rung i went to go get it then i seen camera lady and a man with her
"christerphor"the man ask
"yes"i said
"we the mtv people we wanted to come see you and kennedy before yall come today"he asked kennedy was walking up
"chris were is.................oh who is this" she asked
"this the people on mtv they wanted to see us before we go on tv"i said and nodded
"this is kennedy i must asked"the man said
"yes this is kennedy"i said
"well i see u guys at 3"he said and walked off i close the door i seen kennedy on the couch i went over there and sat on her lap while she laying down
"chris u heavy"she said tryna push me off
"u heavy too"i said
"i told you i just got alot of ass that you like"she said
"and im just getting hard and my dick getting bigger"i said she had her mouth open
"close yo mouth before something big get in it"i said she mocked me i kissed her lips
"if u dont get up im telling people u gave me a lap dance"she said
"so ion care u aint going to tell them anyways because you love me "i said
"no i dont"she said lieng
"yes you do u just told me you love me wen i gave u that food"i said
"fine you win i do love you"she said i smirked
"i love yo big booty self too"i said and kissed her lips i laid on her and watched tv with her i think she was falling to sleep
"kennedy"i said
"wat"she said
"dont fall asleep we need to be getting ready for the show"i said
"wat time is it"she said
"12:3o"i said
"ughhhhh i wanna stay and lay down"
she said getting up and walking upstairs and i followed
"it make i quicker if i showered with u"i said
"im not tryna fuck in the shower chris so no"she said i chuckled
"i promise i want try to fuck you in the shower"i said
"nope u going to do it cause u cant resist this wen im naked"she said walked out the room i chuckled cause she was rite
20mins later i came out the shower
"took u long enough"chris said and hit my butt hard
"ouchhh that hurt"i said play hitting him
"mmhmm"he said
"and sorry i need to smell good inplus i was feeling my self in the shower"i said
"but you gonna feel this dick in you next year"he said i smirked
"get out so i can put my clothes on"i said then he hit my butt and ran out so i wouldnt get him i lotion up and stuff i put on my joggers with a black belly shirt i put on my jordans then i combed my hair out to be straight i put on some earrings i spraided perfume on me grabbed my purse and went downstairs and waitd for chris 10 mins later he came downstairs with a jordan shirt some joggers he had on jordans then he had on a boy flower bucket hat and so screws in his ears
"u ready"he asked
"boy it took u almost 40mins to get that on"i said
"i had to look sexy for the tv you know" he said
"boy bye"i said
"why u got on that belly shirt ion need so nigga looking at you"he said
"we going on a tv show so yo point"i said
"but its people in the audience at the show that looking at you u only mines not theres u gonna be mines forever" he said pulling me to him
"its gonna be the same way the audience finna be looking at you but im not tripping cause i already know im not gonna loose u if a bitch try to get near you ima beat the bitch ass a put yo ass on punishment"i said he smirked and kissed me i kissed back then we left 20mins later whe arrived at the mtv studio or w.e
"ohhh u guys made it"a lady said
"im wendy the ones who was talking about yall being at the park"wendy said
"you do look familiar"i said
"we gonna start the show now"she said and went to the set
"hey everyone yall already know me wendy this is mtv yall i got special guest stars that yall been waiting for kennedy and chris"she said as we walked out we seen the picture of us together then we took a seat
"so chris how long yall been together" she asked
"six month"he said
"so did kennedy change your life wen yall got together"she asked
"no actually my life has change before we got together"he said
"kennedy wen you started liking chris"she asked
"around in 9th grade"i said
"thats was a really long time lets talk about yo mother"she said
"she died"i said
"im sorry to here that wen did she die"she said
"3days ago"i said
"how did she die"she asked
"of cancer"i said
"how long she had it"she asked i was really getting irritated
"for a year and i aint even know about and i dont want to talk about"i said
"im sorry i nevered had a mother i didnt mean to ask you all these questions"she said
"its ok"i said
"but do plan on going to college"she asked
"actually i nevered really looked at colleges i can do online colleges or go to a community college im smart smart smart but i just dont know"i said she nodded
"do yall plan on been together forever" she asked
"yeah i mean we love eachother of course"chris said
"wow yall love eachother in six month" she said
"i liked him since 9th grade so yeah i nevered stopped liked him im bestfriends with is sister makayla he nevered really notice me i nevered told him i liked him bc i thought he wouldnt like a girl that i was back then inplus he used to make fun of me i was a nerd"i said
"i see yall tryna look cute"she said pointing at us i chuckled
"yall need to match one day fr kennedy u got on this belly shirt chris got some earrings with a bucket hat like damn yall was really tryna go out"she said
"stop it"i said
"well thats it for today ladies and gentlmen this wendy and you watching mtv"she said she came over and hugged us we hugged her back snd left
me and king was at kennedy house watching mtv to see them on there i heard giggling and talking at the door wen it opened i immadetly ran to kennedy and jumed on her
"bestfriend u did that shit"i said
"ik ik"she said
"ayee man u was tryna flex on tv tho with these screws and bucket hat"king said dapping him
"i was never flexing i was stunting my nigga"chris said hugging kennedy from behind
"how bout we take you guys out to dinner"king said
"we will love to but i already decided to take kennedy out for dinner just for us" chrid said
"awe"i said
"hbu take kayla out king"chris said king shrugged
"ig so"king said
"u never took her out so heres yo first chance"chris said
"me and king been on a date"i said
"now ion know why you lieing u know good well u didnt go a date with king" kennedy said
"we dont need to break yall hearts but we kinda want some alone time"chris said
"wen chris mean we he mean him dont mean to hurt yall feelings"kennedy said
"its cool i get it yall dont want to be around us all the time"i said
"yall dont need to be round us all the time either yall can try to go on a date or something how about toma we go to a baseball game the cubes playing we can go see that"chris said
"yeah that sound like a plan"king said
"well it look like me and kennedy should get going and wat i said before go on a date with kennedy or something"chris said and they left
"he right i should take u out or some thing"king said
"yeah but i kinda wanted to spend to with kennedy bc we just got back friends"i said
"thats true but lets have a romantic dinner here"he said
"alright"i said
we made it to the resturant i got out to open kennedy door for her she got out i closed the door i grabbed her hand and we began to walk wen we got in we went to the desk were a man was at
"reservations for two"i said he looked on his computer
"christerphor right"he said i nodded
"followed me"he said and we did we sat at a booth
"im david ima be waitress for today so wat do you guys want to drink"he said
"i want a lemonade"i said
"young lady wat do you want to drink" he said talking to kennedy
"water"she said
"alright i be back with yo drinks"he said and walked off
"im getting nervous"i said
"why"kennedy asked
"i dont know im just am"i said kennedy shook her head
"well dont be pretty boy"she said
"im not pretty im sexy"i said kennedy laughed
"u not even sexy"she said
"if im not sexy why do u stare at me when i have my shirt off"i said
"see wat happen was"she said
"right im sexy"i said
"u my lightskinned sexy baby"she said i chuckled
"well u my sexy big booty baby"i said and kissed her hand she blushed
"u lucky i aint touch yo ass today"i said
"u dont need to be touching my ass"she said
"if i dont touch yo ass people dont think we not together and its natural for boys and i cant help it"i said
"why u touch it in the house"she asked
"i touch for fun and u like it"i said she chuckled
"i do not. like it"she said
"yes u do"i said
"ughhh i do like u touching my ass is it a bad thing"she said
"no its a very good thing"i said and smirked
"you a freak"she said
"u a freak rite with me"i said the waitress walked up with our drinks
"here go your drinks yall ready to order"he said
"can i have the grilled chicken sand wich with fries"kennedy said
"and can i have a buger with everything on it"i said
"wat do you want as yo side"he asked
"umm fries"i said he nodded and walked away
"ion like the way this nigga looking at you"i said to kennedy
"i understand you jealous but i wouldnt go with him he ugly and got a big head" shhe said i laughed
"ok im jealous but ion think he knows we dating"i said
"well if he try to ask ne out ima inform him inplus he not sexy like you any ways"she said
"wat if i tell you this sexiness will fight for you"i said
"well i would say i dont need my sexiness fighting cause i need you"she said i chuckled
"well this sexiness would have to fight if this nigga dont stop looking at you that i need to look at you"i said
"u a mess"she said
"im fr i want him to stop i should of got you pregnant so all these niggas can know you mine only and forever"i said
"i get a tatoo saying u mines then get pregnant"she said
"we get a tatoo after this then"i said
"bet"she said the waitress came with the food and gave it to us
"i was wondering can i take you out sometimes"he said to kennedy
"no i already have a boyfriend we been together for six month as u can see he sitting rite in front of me"she said
"ohh i thought yall was cousing or something"he said
"if u watch mtv u would know who we are go do yo job"she said he left
"kennedy that was kinda mean to say at the end"i said
"oh well"she said and i chuckled we ate talked or w.e we payed the bill and left to get a tatoo kennedy got one on her arm that says 4-18-15 chris forever and mines says 4-18-15 kennedy forever after that we left we made it home wen we open the door the lights was out and it was candles we seen rose petal we walked to see were it was coming from it was coming from the kitchen we seen king and kayla sitting there talking king looked up
"oh hey yall back"he said
"yeah"i said
"u like wat i did"he asked
"yeah you went all out huh"i said dapping him
"thx"he said
"well we be upstairs we gonna let yall finish of wat yall doing no need to rush"i said walking with kennedy and going upstairs
"king really took yo advice"she said
"yeah tryna make my sister happy"i said
"why you nevered did that for me"she asked
"wen our year anniversary come up its going to be like that but more romantic"i said hugging her from behind
"ohhh i cant wait"she said i hit her butt she chuckled i started to kiss on her neck she moaned a little i just kept kissing her neck i left like 2 hickeys on both sides of her neck then one on each shoulder i can tell she was enjoying it we laid down on her bed to cuddle and talk that while night we put on our pajmas before we started to doze off after we had put on our pajamas we got back in bed to cuddle kennedy fell asleep in my chest i kissed my forhead then i started to doze off

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