chapter 20

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i woke up and went in the bathroom do my hygienes then went back to th bedroom kennedy was still sleep so i had went by her ear
"kennedy wake up"i whispered
"why"she asked in a baby vioce
"do you want breakfest"i whispered
"yes"she said
"well get up"i whispered
"no"she said
"get up or ima give you a hickie"i whispered she shot rite up her hair all over the place i started to laugh
"wats funny"she asked
"yo hair"i said
"shut up"she said and hit me she got up and went to the mirror and pulled her shorts leg down and went downstairs i followed her and started making breakfest
"you forgot something to give me"i said
"so"she said
"give me my kiss"i said
"give me got shot"she said
"can you please give me a kiss"i said poking she kissed me
we ate then went upstairs and kayla facetime me
kennedy:he kayla
kennedy:i missed you
kayla:i miss you too and wat happen to yo hair
kennedy:chris woke me up and i aint feel like fixing it
chris:hey kayla
kayla:hey chris i miss you
chris:i miss you too
kennedy:wen u coming back
kennedy:good i need to tell you everything
chris started kissing on my neck and shit
kennedy:chris stop
king:babe wats the hold up
kayla:im talking to chris and yo sister
kennedy:now you kno i hate him
king:hey chris
chris:hey king
king:hey kennedy
kennedy:i talk to you later
kayla:ight love yall
k/c:love you too
then we hung up i sat up and chris was mugging me
"why u mugging me"i asked
"u could of speak to king"he said
"i hate him why would i speak to somebody i hate"i said
"so u should of still spoje wen he spoke to you he didnt have to speak"he said
"so now u on hus side now"i said
"im not on anybody side im just saying u just being rude to him"he said
"we really finna have a arguement ova petty shit"i asked
"yeah apparentley"he said
"would u be happy if i call him back and say sorry since you sucking his dick"i asked
"yess i would"he said so i facetime kayla back
kayla:hey kennedy wat happen
kennedy:can i speak to king
kayla:bae kennedy want to talk to you
king:hey kennedy wats up
kennedy:im sorry that i was being rude to you just because ion like you i should of spoke after u spoke to me
king:its cool but thank you for apologizing
kennedy:u welcome bye
"u happy now"i said and went to the bathroom to take a shower 2ins later i went back to the room
"chris may you please leave the room for a second so i can put on my clothes"i asked and he left i put on my clothes or w.e and let him come back in
i understand kennedy mad at me but i was just tryna get her and king back into their relationship i didnt mean for it to turn out like this now she not gonna to talk to me i feel like im the bad person so we left to go to the mall
"kennedy can you talk to me"i asked she didnt say anything
"im sorry i thought maybe if you apologize yall try to get back in your relationship"she still didnt say nothing i just stopped talking and continued driving for after 10mins i broke the silent
"kennedy can you please talk me now i feel like im a bad person"i said
"you not a bad person you just assume stuff to quik i could of said sorry myself wen i seen him or something"she said i even felt more bad i didnt say nothing we finally made it to the mall we got out the car i was walking infront of kennedy
"chris im sorry if im making you feel bad i didnt mean to make you feel that way"she said and touched my hand i bagged back tk get next to her i put my arm around her and kissed her cheek and we walked inside the mall we went in couple of stores then we left and went so i can get something
"keennedy wat u want to eat"i asked
"red lobster"she said
"ion got enough for that"i said
"ughh"she said
"ill give you something more then that babe"i whispered
"ohhh you lil freak"she said kissing on my neck
"com on kennedy stop that"i said pushing her head
"u know you like it"she said
"im suppose to do that to you"i said
"mmhmm"she said
"lets go to the carnival"i said
"ok"she said and we went to the car and drove off to the carnival 20mins later we arrived we got out holding hands
"wat ride u wanna get on first"i asked
"the ferrestwheel"she said
"you can get on that i watch"i said
"is you scared"she said
"yess"i said
"dont worry i"ll protect you"she said
so me and chris decided to go on the ferrestwheel he been so scary to get on i told him im gonna protect him
"i wanna get off"he said
"chris its not that scary you 17 scared to get on a ferrestwheel"i said
"yess ik but i still want to get off"he said
"come im going to protect you"i said and kissed his cheek we finally got off and went to the games were you can win a teddy bear so chris playe and won me a teddy bear
"thankyou"i said and kissed him
"you wanna get something to eat"he asked
"yeah i want some funnel cake"i said we went over to get some funnel cake we had a big plate so both of us can share then we ate and left then i went to sleep in the car
kennedy fell asleep in the car and we made to her house
"kennedy"i said shaking her
"huh"she said in a sleepy voice
"you at home"i said
"i dont feel good "she said
"wats wrong"i asked
"my stomach hurt"she said
"oh wat did you eat"i asked
"that funnel cake and cotton candy"she said then she opened the door and threw up i went around and helped her up out the car i got her teddy bear out to then we finally was in the house
"take me to my room i feel lightheaded"she said then i took her to her room and layed her down
"i gotta put yo pajamas on so can u try to get up"i asked she couldnt get up so i got them and sat infront of her
on the bed and started taking her clothes off i started kissing down on her body i could tell she was turned on so i went up to her lips and started kissing like it was nothing she kissed back she stopped and ran to the bathroom i got up and followed her
"kennedy come on so you can put on yo pajamas"i said grabbing her towards her i lifted her arms to put her shirt on
then i lifted her on the counter and put her shorts on and carry her to the bed
"if you need me i be in the other room"i said and left

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