chapter 27

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i woke up with no chris so i decided to get ready to go to the hospital i put on my leggings with some timbs and made my way up there wen i got ther i went up to her room i walked in and went by her
"mama its kennedy here i was here yesterday i cant believe you got cancer and dying next week but you going to be in a better place now i wish you didnt have to go ima miss you and i love you"i said start to cry and kissed her forehead i sat there for a few hours and decided to leave to go up to the school
we in ms.ruby class i was talking to kayla and them then ms.ruby come by me and start talking to me
"so were yo lil girlfriend"she asked
"at home dont you got a job to do"i said
"i cant just talk to you"she asked
"no you can not"i said
"you know u want this"she said
"me and kennedy been together for 6months im not tryna ruin that now can you leave me alone"i said getting up
"ohh u playing hard to get i can play that too"she said
"im not trying to play anthing with yo ass now get the fuck out my way and stop harrassing me"i said
"i can do more than harrassing"she said
"ion give no fuck wat you can do go find somebody else to be a thot to"i said and pushed her i seen kennedy standing there
i got up to the school i seen wat happen to ms.ruby and chris she turned around
"why you missed school today ms.i can do wat i want"she said
"its not yo buisness i only came here to get my damn work and leave"i said
"u should break up with yo boyfriend he was touching on me"she said
"im not stupid bitch i seen wat you was doing to him i was watching the whole time"i said
"why yo eyes so puffy was you crying because i was on yo boyfriend"she said
"i was not crying because that i would of never been ill would of been beating yo ass now give me my damn work"i said
"ohh im so scared come do something" she said
"i. want my fucking work u wasting my time hurry the hell up"i said
"u dont got no work"she said then push my head i sharkiesha ha ass and start pulling her shit i banged her head on the table then somebody pulled me back into the hallway
"come on kennedy lets take a walk"chris said i walked with him
"kennedy i was tryna get her away from me i wasnt trying to talk to her"he said
"ik i seen it look ima go home cause im stressing about my mom"i said
"ill be over there as soon as i com from school"he said and i noddded then he kissed me i kissed him back and walked off i went home and went to sleep
as soon as that bell rung i rushed to go to kennedy house wen i got there kennedy opened the door she stepped to the side to let me come in
"come on lets go upstairs"she said and we went upstairs
"so how u holding up"i asked pulling her onto my lap
"im doing ok but im still stressing"she said i started to massage her back
"relax"i said
"how can i relax and my mom is dying you not trying to support me as being my boyfriend"she said
"im trying to support you but how can i my father died the same way thats why its hard for me to support you kayla aint supporting as a bestfriend because she to busy with king and shit nobody else here for you but me"i said she didnt say anything ig she knew i was rite
"you rite u the only on thats supporting me on this im sorry"she said
"dont be sorry im sorry that i yelled at you u just lay down and take a napshe did as i said and i went to another room to call kayla
"hello"she said
"u horrible ass bestfriend"i said
"wat i do"she asked
"you not supporting kennedy"i said
"u there aint you"she said
"yeah u wasnt there for her last night wen she was crying and going crazy i was me and king was u wasnt and im here now i had to yell at her cause she was blaming for not supporting her u too busy with king but u not busy with kennedy yo bestfriend" i said and hung up i went back to kennedy room she was sleep i kissed her forehead and left to go to my daddy grave i talk to him i was there for like a hour then i went back tk kennedy house
"chris were was you"she asked
"i was at the cemetary"i said she nodded and went to the kitchen she in the refrigerator i came up behind her wrapping my arms around her feeling on her butt
"chris stop im not in the mood"she said pushing me out
"kennedy let me take you out so you can stop stressing"i said
"i cant stop stressing by u taking me out"she said
"come i dont need you to be stressing all day thats not good can i at least take u out i dont want you to be in the house all day by your self"i said
"alright"she said and went up stairs and came back down stairs she was finna open the door i pulled her back
"can you at least have a smile on your face"i said she put on a fake smile
"ayee smile like i make you happy"i said she still put on fake smile and walked out
"ima make you smile before the day over"i said and followed and started up the car we went to the park
"so this wat you call making me smile"kennesy said
"would you let me do my magic"i said
"alright"she said and we walked around
she went to the swings and sat down
"get up"i said
"its one right there"she said
"just get up"i said she got up i sat down then i pulled her on my lap and swing her back and forwards
"why do you have me like this"kennedy asked
"i cant swing my girlfriend"i said
"im sorry chris im just not in the mood for this"she said getting off
"im just tryna cheer you up kennedy nobody else is im the one giving more love then anyone you making it more difficult for me to do it because you depressed and stressed i understand because of yo mom but sometime you have to be cheerful for yo mom as well" i said
"ion know how to be cheerful in a situation like this is to hard to do that" she said with teary weyes
"u not trying hard enough"i said and walked to the car she got in crying
i feel like i have nobody now everybody giving up on me i was in the car crying until he pulled up to my house i got out and slammed the door wen i got in the house i went upstairs crying on my bed maybe chris was right i wasnt trying i was just giving up chris was rite there by myside from the start of this i got a text from chris
lightskinnedbae:hi i made it home ik you probably mad at me because of wat i said but can u please talk to me
bigbootybae:can we talk about it toma
after that i went to sleep

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