19- Past traumas

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I woke up feeling warm in Ren's hold. I looked at his perfect face; his handsomeness was flawless. After staring at him for long enough, I felt thirsty. Careful not to wake him, I stood up and successfully did so without disturbing him.

Seeing the bottle on his table empty, I decided to find water somewhere in his house or leave because it was already dark outside, and I had left my phone at home. I opened his bedroom door, and the house looked very dark-themed, exactly like him. I went down to the kitchen and filled a glass.


Hearing a deep voice, I turned around to see who it was.

My mind went blank when I saw him. My body felt numb with fear, and the glass dropped from my trembling hands. He took a small step toward me with an evil smirk, saying,

"Looks like my little girl has all grown up."

I backed into the kitchen island. The thought of being unable to escape made everything worse. I covered my ears with my shaking hands, not wanting to hear his voice ever again. My vision became blurry, and my breath uneven. He came closer and closer, making my entire body tremble with fear. My chain of thoughts broke when I heard,


Ren's voice echoed in my ears. He was standing there, looking at me with a horrified expression. I ran to him, hugging him and begging him not to let me go.

"Dadd-y, p-please... t-take me... ou-t."

Hugging me tightly, he carried me back to his room. With one hand, he swept all the files off the table and sat me on it.

"Princess, calm down and look at me."

His voice was panicked, and I held onto him tightly out of fear. He grabbed my shoulders, gently pushing me back, and cupped my face in his hands, making me look at him.

"There, there, princess, stop crying. Nothing is going to happen. Honey, stop crying."

He wiped my eyes, kissed my cheek, and assured me of his presence.

"Princess, calm down for me, please. Stop, little one; you're choking yourself."

Nothing was helping me. The scene kept replaying in my head, and the fear refused to leave my body.

"Princess, count with me."

I could hear his voice, but it was hard for me to respond.

He started kissing my cheek with each number he counted.

"One," kiss.

"Two," kiss.

"Little one, you need to count with me."

"Three," kiss.

His dominant tone brought me slightly back to my senses.


"Five," he said after me.



It was getting harder for me to count because my throat was hurting from the dryness caused by all the crying.


"Yes, princess?"

He leaned in, looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were filled with panic and concern.


"Just a second, little one. I'll be right back."

He tried to release my arms, but even though I wanted water, I wasn't ready to let go of him.

"Princess, listen."

His hands once again cupped my face, making me look at him.

"Listen here, I'm going to get you water. Will you wait for me on the balcony like a good girl, hmm?"

I nodded. He carried me to his balcony, slid the door open, and helped me stand. The cool air made me feel a bit more relaxed. He kissed my forehead and went to get me water.

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