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When I went down I saw Kavin grabbing Ren's collar.


I called my voice came very low.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Kavin asked coming towards me. I took a step back feeling afraid, and not knowing what to answer.

I felt a sting pain on my cheek. Tears started rolling down my eyes. Kavin slapped me.

I was pulled into Ren's hard chest.

"Kavin we will talk, don't hurt her"

Ren's voice came out very rough. Kavin pulled me out of Ren's chest by gripping my arm

"You don't touch her in front of me"

Kavin warned looking at Ren and his grip around my arm was tightening. I cried out looking at my brother

"Ka..vin it's hur..ting"

"Kavin please, we will talk I love here and she too loves me. Leave her"

I was looking at Kavin trying to free myself. Kavin looked down at me and said.

"Get back home you slut"

At this point, I started to cry. My heart clenched hearing his words. Ren yanked Kavin's hold off of me and grabbed him by the collar

"Mind your tongue Kavin, I am being silent just because you are her brother"

Kavin punched Ren right in the face.

I tried to stop them but it was impossible. Kavin is double my weight and Ren is double the weight of Kavin.

That other Hendrix guy came and divided both of them. Ren was panting hard but the range in his gaze was fixed.

"Why is Stefen here, first he tried to fuck my sister and now it's you? Is this all a plan?"

Kavin's words made me question my entire decision. Is this true?

Jeremiah came running from outside the house. Where was he all the time? I felt neither safe with my brother nor with Ren. I ran straight into Jeremiah's arms. He wrapped his arm around.

"Kavin calm down"

Jeremiah said.

"Take her to my room Jerry"

It was Ren's voice.

No no, I don't want to stay here!

"No, we will go home"

I said looking up at Jeremiah. Jeremiah gave me a kiss on the forehead and guided me to Ren's room. What the fuck! I don't need his kiss now. Kavin will definitely kill me if I stay here. We went inside Ren's room. He closed the door and looked around the room smiling.

Is he on periods,  what a worst mood swings?

I wiped my eyes and asked him

"Why are you smiling idiot?"

"Two reasons. One this room was my favourite and two... I think I am falling for someone"

"Are you thinking about me? My brother and my boyfriend are fighting downstairs and my dearest brother slapped me and also called me a slut and nothing is bothering you."

I looked at him crossing my arms around my chest.

"Chill my friend, take a rest it's normal for every brother and boyfriend to fight because both love the same girl soo much and have lots of responsibility over her so they fight for their rights. You don't have to think about it. And Kavin slapping you and calling you slut was little rough but he will eventually come to apologize. Take rest here I actually need your room for this night"

His whole speech made the scene more relaxing. I felt it was nothing, maybe it is nothing.

"Now smile"

I smiled feeling light in my heart. But...

"But they are hurting each other"

"Your soo innocent baby, their profession itself is hurting people soo don't worry"

Jeremiah went towards the glass door of Ren's room and opened the curtains.

"Baby, Isn't everything visible from here?"

"Like what?"

"Your whole room?"

I went where Jeremiah is standing and looked at it. Oh damn! He was true everything was visible from here. I saw someone inside my room moving I panicked

"There's someone in my room"

I got no reply from him when I looked at him, he was blushing?

"Jeremiah, have you gone mad?"

"It's Jordan"

Whose Jordan? oh, that big innocent eyes guy.

"Why is he in my room?"

"He fainted seeing blood"

Something is weird here. wait....


"so I took him to your room and Kavin was there inside the house already and asked me where were you and I unfortunately said the truth that you are in Ren's house"

That is not the information I want


"so if you leave me I will go and take care of Jordan"


"I think I am gay"


Ren came and opened the door firmly.

"Okay Ren take care of your girlfriend I will take care of Kavin. I have to go bye"

"Jeremiah wait...."

"Sorry babe, I have to go"

He said tapping my cheek and went out sliding the doors open. I looked at Ren and gasped looking at him.

"I will bring the ice"

I ran down and no one was there inside the house. Everything was empty I opened the fridge and grabbed the ice pack and ran upstairs. When I went in he was looking outside the doors, I went near him and slid in between the door frame and Ren. His cheek already turned purple. I kept the icepack on his cheek but Ren was concentrated and was still looking out the doors. I followed his gaze, he was looking at my room

"What is Jordan doing in your room?"

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