Sweet redemption chapter 6

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Sweet redemption

Chapter 6

Emma POV

Two weeks later at the town meeting.....

"Simply put, there's a vast ocean of shit you people don't know shit about. Rick knows every fine grain of said shit... and then some."

"Yeah he might know that but he's dangerous, hell all of you are dangerous. I don't think Deanna has any idea what any of you are capable of. Deanna, Rick will I guarantee it take over this town? I've lived through that. I don't know how we can stop it but this town won't be the same."

"Rick is a good man Emma he got our group here."

"I'll believe it when I see it. How many of us have to die? I know you think that everyone here is useless and yeah I'm sorry most are, but some of us aren't. Don't think that because we have these walls that it makes some of us weak. It doesn't. I'm scared that Rick will become another governor and I don't know if I can live through that again. Your group can't promise that unless that's what you want. You want us gone?"

"No, we don't want that."

Just then Rick slams a walker's body on the ground.

"The ones out there, the living and the dead, they'll try to get in here. 'Cause, we're in here. They'll hunt us, they'll find us, they'll try to use us, they'll kill us. But we'll kill them. We'll survive. I'll show you how. You know, I was thinking, how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives? But I'm not going to do that. You're going to change."

"Got anything to say Emma you seem to be full of opinions?"

"How many of us are expendable? I know if something happens to myself or Merlynn, Daryl will be pissed. Are you prepared for that or do you think he'll blindly follow whatever you say? If it does?"

"Daryl will follow what I say. Your town needs to know what it's like out there. Emma shut up."

"I don't think you can shut me up, Rick. I don't want to sit here and watch you become a new governor is that wrong of me to be scared that you will become him? I have the right to be scared of that. You, Rick, are on the edge of being too far gone." The next thing we see is Pete stumbling in with Michonne's sword and yelling at Rick then swings the sword and hits Reg, slicing his throat. "Oh god." I cover my mouth as blood sprays everywhere. Reg dies, I liked Reg he was lovely. Deanna tells Rick to kill Pete, which he does. Just as he does we hear.

"Rick?" I looked up and saw Daryl, Aaron, and a new guy. Rick and Daryl take the new guy away. I have no idea where he is going. Probably the holding area like I was when I got here. I make it home and check on Merlynn she's still sound asleep. I know I'm probably pissing people off but I've lived through one dictator, and I'm scared we are getting another. That's what scares me. There was a knock on the door as I went downstairs and I opened the door.

"Hey Em."

"Oh hello, Daryl." I hug him I don't think I should but I can't help it, he surprises me by hugging me back.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I don't know your friend killed our only doctor. Our leader is falling apart, I'm scared that this town is gone because of your group. Where do I stop." I start crying.

"Hey hey hey Em."

"I'm sorry I liked, Reg he was a nice guy."

"He seemed nice. Nice doesn't last Em. It can't last. Rick did what he had to do, Pete was a danger to himself and others."

"What are we going to do with no doctor.?"

"Em you don't need to worry about it, it will be fine. I need you to hold me can you just hold me?"

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