Sweet redemption chapter 35

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Sweet redemption

Chapter 35

The next day...

Emma POV

I hate it when you wake up and it's so hot. We've been having a heatwave, it's been hot for the past two weeks. I found myself a sweaty, smelly mess with Daryl's arm thrown possessively over me.

"Goddammit, it's hot."

"Babe, go back to sleep."

"Nah, got to check on the kids and make sure they are okay."

"Okay babe, you know you smell like me."

"Hmm, we have sex way too many times you know Daryl."

"Don't hear you complaining about it when I'm balls deep in you, I like you smelling like me."

"True I do love knowing I'm your woman. Oh by the way don't forget we have Abe and Rosita's barbecue today, been saving up my eggs so I can do potato salad with real egg mayonnaise."

"Argh yuck I hate mayonnaise."

"Don't eat it then I'm sure there's plenty of other things that you could eat. Dar, so you'll eat a worm but not mayonnaise? You sir are too weird. Lucky I love you." I say as I kiss him, and climb out of bed in search of the kids. I make the potato salad and dress the kids. We make our way to Abe and Rosita's place. We knock on the door.

"Hey, guys you came. Hey, check out the red hair on these girls."

"Hey, no picking on my girls."

"I wasn't Dixon I was about to say we redheads have to stick together. Isn't that right Emma honey." Abe hugs me, I give Daryl a smirk. I always tease him with Abe. That us redheads have to stick together.

We came inside everyone was here so many babies, Maggie's three Bethany, Shelley, and Alex, Michonne's Heather, Enid's Laurie, Jessie's Thomas, Rosita's twins Ben and Anthony and my three. I walk over to the girls and we hug and talk, talk moves to the kid's first birthdays Heather, Thomas, Ben, and Anthony all share the same day so we were discussing what we needed for a first birthday. One thing that was wanted was balloons and patty cakes. Michonne wished there was ice cream as she'd love Heather to have an ice cream cake. The men were working the barbecue venison and rabbit was on the menu today.

"Emma when do think this heat will break it's so hot."

"I know what you mean. We need rain like crazy everything's dying."

We look up as lightning streaks across the sky there are hardly any clouds so it probably doesn't mean rain we need rain it hasn't in a long time everything's tinder dry. The yard is set up as a picnic ground and we all have our blankets on the ground, I am trying to get Merlynn to come to sit down but I think she's hyperactive and likes to run around. As I finally get her to chill and sit I smell smoke, and then we hear it.

"Fire! FIRE! Fire is approaching rapidly from the south and east"

"Women and children back to your homes, men we need to form a plan."

I look at Daryl and he nods his head at me, I take the kids and start to move back to our home. We get home I decide to get out of this dress and change into jeans and a shirt and my boots in case I'm needed for help. I move to the kids and change them as well. The smell of smoke is getting stronger it must be nearby. I walk outside and can see that some of our houses have been set alight, oh god what do we do?

Meanwhile at the front...

"What are we going to do? That's four homes ablaze, yeah they're are empty but we don't have the resources to fight it unless we use our water supply."

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