Chapter 3 - Who are...?

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Xisuma cleared his voice loudly, getting all the hermits sitting round the table to quiet down. "Now- everyone is here?" Xisuma questioned, glancing around, only seeing one empty chair, "The reason I called this meeting-"

Xisuma paused as Impulse's hand rose in the air. "Zedaph isn't here."

"Well, I will explain once we get on with the meeting." Xisuma stated, "As Impulse noticed, and some others may have noticed, Zedaph is not sitting at the table. He ended up having an incident a week ago, and something happened..."

People glanced around at each other in concern. "Did what I said to him affect things..?" Impulse muttered quietly to Tango.


"Zedaph had a bad crash into his glass dome. He was bleeding heavily when we found him, but he hadn't died and respawned. He was unconscious for a week, and only woke up yesterday. And..." Xisuma let out a sad sigh, "He has lost his memory. He doesn't remember anything about us, or hermitcraft."

Gasps went around the table. As much as Zed didn't talk to many people, everyone was still concerned. "Today, he wanted to remeet all of you. Stress, could you go get him?"

Stress stood for the table, heading out for a long minute, before she came back with a very nervous Zedaph. His legs were shakily visibly as he walked, his eyes glued to the ground. Zedaph instantly ran to Joe, hugging onto him. "T-there's so many people..." "Hey buddy, it's alright. Like I told you, there are 24 of us. You are safe, we all care for you."

Zedaph soon walked over to the head of the table, next to Xisuma's chair. Before Zedaph could say anything, Tango had stood up abruptly.

"No.. No- He can't have forgotten!" Tango cried out, tears now running down his face. Impulse stood as well, pulling Tango into a hug, letting the phoenix hybrid cry into his shoulder.

"Who are...?" Zedaph trailed off.

"That's Tango, the blonde, and Impulse, the brunette." Xisuma told the goat hybrid, "They were very, very close with you. Tango can get emotional sometimes-"

"I can get emotional!? That's what you are going to tell him!? Of course I'm emotional when one of the people I'm closest with has forgotten me!?" Tango screamed.

"Tango, calm down- I know you're upset, I am too, but we can't do anything about it." Impulse stated. Tango pushed off Impulse, running out in tears. Impulse let out a loud sigh, "I think I should go after him..."

"No, it's better if you stay." Xisuma mentioned.

"I can barely look Zedaph in the eyes, at this point." Impulse said, his voice raising, "I never got to apologize! The last thing I did was yell at him over something so stupid, and I can't even apologize!"

Impulse ran out after Tango before Xisuma could say anything else. They got on with introduction stuff. Each of the hermits introduced themselves to Zedaph.

"T-there's a lot of you..."

"A lot of us. You are a part of this community too." Stress mentioned.

Zedaph teared up, though there was a smile on his face.

"You should meet Impulse and Tango properly soon." Xisuma added, "They were just really shocked with this news. I guess they weren't ready to believe it."

"Impulse had mentioned the last thing he did was yell at me... Was that true?" Zedaph questioned.

"I don't actually know. I think it's best to ask them about that."

(555 words)

Oooh, an angel number. The angel number for "change." Fits with this book, despite being total coincidence.

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