Chapter 6 - A Little Thing Known as Passing Out

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Warning for passing out (obvious from the title) and blood


...It whirred for a few seconds, before making a small beep. There was the sound of someone shifting positions. A voice recording... The clearing of a voice heard.

'Tangoooo! Impy! U-uh, how do I do this...'

"That's... my voice?"

"Yep." Impulse smiled to the shocked boy.

'Where is that script- whatever, I don't need a script! U-um.... Well- Team Zit! I love you guys! Goodness, how do I stop recording?'

The recording stopped, with the gears spinning to a stop. "You had recorded a 'better clip' but you forgot to test it, and it kept to the first recording. You were so flustered, and said you would change it, before me and Tango declined."


"Well, that was more genuine. It was just so sweet!" Tango mentioned.

Zedaph pressed the button once again. It played again. "Team... Zit?"

"That's us three-" Impulse started but Zedaph stood up abruptly.

"I... I think I should go lay down. My head is hurting..." Zedaph told them. Tango and Impulse both stared for a few seconds. The two of them got up as well, Tango stepping forward. "Make sure you rest well."

"I will..."

"Want me to pick up the stuff?" Impulse questioned, gesturing to the collection of items. Zedaph shook his head, "No, it's fine." Impulse and Tango gave their goodbyes, before Zedaph was finally alone again.

His head did hurt. He wasn't lying about that. It was an insane headache. Zedaph tried taking a step to head to bed, but as soon as he did, the pain seemed to surge through his entire body. He almost collapsed from how much it hurt.

Maybe the ground would be a good bed?

The one thing keeping him from falling, his consciousness, left, letting him collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, unconscious.


"Huh-" Xisuma jolted slightly, turning to see the server's dogcatcher. "Oh, Joe... Um- do you need something?"

"I think it's you who needs something." Joe mentioned, walking over to the admin's desk, "And that thing is sleep."

"No- Joe- I'm fine!"

"What's wrong?"

"I-" Xisuma let out a long sigh, slipping off his helmet, shaking out his hair. He trusted Joe enough to take the helmet off around him. "Just... Worried. I'm worried about Zedaph. You know how anti-social he already was, and I think it's going to get worse with all the memory loss... I'm scared he is going to avoid everyone, and stop trusting us."

"X, he'll be fine. I think Tango and Impulse have seen him a few times. He talked to Cub, over message, and in person I believe." Joe mentioned, "I bet you he's fine right now!"

"I have a bad feeling."

"If you want, I'll go visit him to make sure. And while I do that-" Joe grabbed the back of X's chair, pulling it farther from the desk, "You go to sleep."

"Fine. But message me, and wake up if something is wrong."

"Alright, but I guarantee you everything is fine."

"Zedaph!?" Joe called out, wandering into the large cave. "Zed?" He wasn't sure where to look, but he didn't have to look long. Zedaph... Joehills rushed over in an instant, leaning down to the unconscious boy. His head was bleeding. Again... He looked exhausted, dark bags under his eyes.

Joe knew he couldn't carry Zed on his own. He didn't want to have to wake up Xisuma, but he told him he would.

[Joehillssays] X

[Joehillssays] Zed passed out

[Joehillssays] His head is bleeding

[XisumaVoid] On my way

[TangoTek] What!? I'm coming right now

[Joehillssays] Tango, that isn't needed. Me and X can take care of it

[TangoTek] I don't care! Im on my way

[ImpulseSV] Tango, I think Joe and X are fully equipped to take care of him

[TangoTek] He's our boyfriend and best friend, we can't just do nothing!!!

[XisumaVoid] Tango stay home

[TangoTek] NO!!!

Joe looked through his inventory, thankfully realizing he still had some bandages on him. He sat Zedaph up, leaning him against his own shoulder. Joe wrapped the bandages around Zed's head, stopping the bleed enough. He heard the flapping of wings, and the rushed breathing of a certain phoenix.

"Joe- is he okay? What happened?" Tango sounded on the verge of tears, rushing over with quick footsteps.

"Looks like he passed out. He should be fine." Joe told him, Tango sat down next to Zed and Joe, wrapping his arms around the unconscious boy.

"Me and Impulse should have stayed longer... He said his head was hurt, so we left so he could rest..." Tango muttered, "This is my fault- I-"

"Tango. Don't blame yourself. You had no control. We should just get him to Stress's base. Let's wait for Xisuma though."

"We should just get him there right away..."

"Tango, it will be fine. I have gotten him bandaged up so waiting a few more minutes isn't going to make a big difference."

"I just want him to be alright!"

"I know...."

(781 words)

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