Chapter 4 - Gays and A Zoucher

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"This is my base!?" Zedaph's smile was wide as he spun around and looked at the cave of contraptions. "This is so cool! Did I really make all of this!?"

"Every last one. I believe you got help with some things, but you made all of them!" Xb smiled at the excited hermit.

"I wish I knew how to do this redstone... Well, I did at one point!"

"Oh, also, you are going to meet with Impulse and Tango pretty soon." Xb mentioned, "Xisuma said it'll happen here, at your cave. Will you want me to stay?"

"I- I think I'll be fine alone!"

"Alright. I should get going then. Tango and Impulse will probably arrive in like- 5 minutes?"

With that, Zedaph was left alone. He played around with the contraptions, almost falling down the bumless pit, but it was all fun. He had a zombie plinko- how cool was that!? He didn't notice when some people entered the cave, as he was having too much fun just looking at the creations. "Oh my goodness- Clothes come out of the ground!? Well- actually looks like they were there..." Zedaph was talking to himself as he looked at how contraption #005, the water closest, worked. "Is current me a genius or what?"

He paused as he heard footsteps. He soon saw two people. Tango and Impulse. Zedaph sighed, making his way over. He was insanely nervous, but he also wanted to know more. "H-hi..." Zedaph waved.

"Zed- ummm... Hi..." Tango gave a small wave, before saying, "I'm sorry I ran out at the meeting... I just didn't want to believe you forgot who we are..."

"It's alright! I understand it's a shock. Honestly, it's a shock to me that I even have friends-" Zedaph said, though stopped, "Forget I said that last bit..."

"Did you not have friends when you were younger?" Impulse asked, "Zedaph -well you but, like before you lost your memory- never told us much about his -your- past."

"I am fairly shy, so I never made friends... I guess something happened that made me change a bit?" Zed answered.

"Okay, anyways, onto what we came here for!" Tango changed the topic, "Introduction! And I was hoping that we could also hangout with you for a bit, Zed."

"Zed..?" Zedaph paused for a moment before saying, "Oh- Is that my nickname? Like a shortened form of my name?"


"Ooh, I've always wanted a nickname!" He smiled, before adding, "And sure, to the hanging out!"

"Shall we properly introduce ourselves now?" Impulse asked, getting a nod, "Well, I'm Impulse SV. I'm an imp hybrid. I joined hermitcraft in season 3."

"What season is it now?"

"Season 7."

"Woah! This has been going on a long time!"

"Mhm!" Tango next introduced himself, "I'm Tango Tek. I'm a phoenix hybrid, and I joined in hermitcraft season 2."

"Cool! Well- I'm Zedaph Plays! I'm a goat hybrid, and I... When did I join?"

"Season 5."

"I joined in season 5!" Zedaph smiled, "It felt really good to say that..."

"Where do you want to hangout?" Tango asked, "We could show you around the server if you want."

"Maybe another day. I think it would be nice to just talk... If you're alright with that!"

Tango chuckled before quietly saying, "Cutie..." Zedaph didn't quite hear it, so he just asked, "What was that?" "Nothing, don't worry about it! Shall we sit down somewhere?"

Impulse and Zedaph chatted while Tango just watched, smiling. "Whatcha smiling about?" Zedaph asked. Tango's checks went slightly pink. Impulse chuckled, "Stop being so gay." "A bit hard when my boyfriends are just so cute and hot!" Tango said defensively.

"Oh, who are you dating?" Zedaph asked curiously.

"Impulse! And... um..." Tango and Impulse looked between each other, "Well, currently I think it's just Impulse."

"Oh- Was there someone else you were dating recently?"

Tango had to stop himself from blurting out everything. Zedaph just sat there obliviously. "Yeah, but we never really broke up in any way so I don't know how it is currently..."

"Well, normally people say communication is best, so you should talk to them." Zedaph mentioned, giving a warm smile.

"I'll try to soon..."

The three of them continued chatting till the two netherspawn had to leave. They bid farewell, heading off. Zedaph thought about it now; how was he going to get his memories back?

"When are we going to tell him?"

"That's going to be too much pressure. I say, just let him fall in love with us again."

"Do you really think that it'll happen?"

"For sure. Y'know how much Zed loved us. I'm sure those feelings are still subconsciously there."

"Are... are you sure?"

"Impy, everything will be fine!"

Zedaph glanced at the name of one of the contraptions. "Cub's...? Should I talk to him? Ask about this maybe..? Where's that communicator thing-" Zedaph grabbed it from the ledge not to far from him, "Okay... Cubfan135..."

[ZedaphPlays] Hey Cub

[Cubfan135] yeah, wassup?

[ZedaphPlays] I noticed one of my contraptions have your name on it

[ZedaphPlays] What's with that?

[Cubfan135] Oh, I got to rename it! Want me to come over to explain it?

[ZedaphPlays] sure sounds good

[ZedaphPlays] Thanks

Zedaph released a sigh, smiling to himself. He didn't even have to ask for that! He just needed to wait. It surprisingly didn't take to long, so soon, Zedaph watched the pharaoh fly in.

"Hey buddy!" Cub gave a short wave.

"Hi..." Zedaph waved back, giving a smile.

"So that I can explain, do you think I could check through your chests? There was something I gave to you that will help me explain it."

"Uh- sure..?"

Cubfan walked over to the chests in the center of the room, checking through them. After a bit, Cub walked back. He held what looked like a very thin book.

"What's that?"

"This is a Zoucher."

"A what..?"

"Zed voucher. You made a shop to get these zouchers. Each of them are slightly different, and allow slightly different things." Cub explained, handing the book to Zedaph. Zedaph opened it, very familiar writing within.

"Huh... Is- is this my writing?"

"Yep! You made them! This is what allowed me to change one name of a contraption. That- Cub's Celestial Cosmodrome- was originally called the 'Actual sun and moon.' I choose to give it a much cooler name."

"Interesting..." Zedaph mumbled, just staring at the writing in the book. Was that really his writing? It had the same small quirks to it, but was much messier.

"Is it fine if I get going now? I have a few things I need to finish up at my own base." Cub asked.

"Go ahead! S-sorry if I pulled you away from anything..."

"Don't worry about it. I was the one who offered anyway. Well, bye!" Cub smiled, giving a wave, before heading out.

Zedaph was alone again. With something he had written himself. With thoughts.


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