Chapter 2 - I want to go Home

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Slight TWS

Tiny bit of broken glass

Tiny bit of blood

Anyways, enjoy!


Everything was spinning. His ears rang with a loud buzz. Everything hurt. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open. There was someone standing over him. It was a brunette, hair fairly neat. The boy had bright blue eyes, glasses sitting over them. From what he could see of the outfit, it was a light blue t-shirt, with some sort of symbol on it.

"You're awake. Thank goodness..." The man smiled.

"W-what..? What happened..? W-where am I..?" Zedaph attempted to push himself up, but gasped in pain while trying to do so.

"Woah, woah, take it easy there." The man gently moved Zedaph to fully laying down again, "Well, I don't know exactly what happened, but... It was said that you had smashed through your vegetation dome, while falling, and passed out. For an entire week at that..."

"A-and... where am I?" Zedaph question, though not understanding what a vegetation dome was. And why did the person say it was his vegetation dome..?

"My base." The person answered, and after getting a confused look for the goat hybrid he asked, "Are you feeling alright..?"

"I- I'm sorry, but... Who are you?" Zed asked.


"I'm sorry! S-should I have not asked..? I'm sorry!" Zed quickly apologized, seeing the disappointed, maybe just concerned, look on the man's face.

"No, no. No need to apologize." The man brought back his smile, though a sad smile this time, "Howdy, I'm Joe hills. Just call me Joe. I'm considered a poet. And I work as the server's dog catcher."

"H-hello Joe... I'm Zedaph." He stated, before adding, "I-it seems you already knew that... Sorry, that was a pointless introduction..."

"Hey..." Joe put a hand on Zed's shoulder, "Don't worry about it. Though, it seems you've lost your memories... I should go talk with Stress..."

"Stress..? Like- that overwhelming feeling you get when under pressure?"

Joe chuckled, "No, she's one of the hermits here on the server. Oh- I should probably mention a bit about the server itself, shouldn't I?" Zedaph nodded. "Well, we are on Hermitcraft! It is a server that has 24 of us on it. It's just a safe space for us all to have fun, and make large redstone creations or builds. We call ourselves the hermits. You are one of these hermits."

"I'm a part of... a community?"

"Yep! You are pretty self reserved, but you still have a handful of people you are close with." Joe added, before saying, "Oh, right, I need to go inform Stress that you're awake! Also should probably inform Xisuma- and everyone else..."

With that, Joe left the room. Zedaph was left alone. Alone with his thoughts...

What happened to him? He didn't remember anything about a 'hermitcraft.' He was just an anti-social, nervous, sheltered teenager. Well, that's what he remembered himself as. How many years had passed? He had friends? He was on a server where he could just be himself?

He slowly managed to sit up, though it hurt a lot. He checked his arms, seeing bandages wrapped over them. He quickly checked his chest, seeing it also fully wrapped in bandages. His head had one around it as well. On a table nearby, he could see a lot of bloody shards of light green glass. Did those come out of his skin?

He shook his head at the horrifying thought. It could be unrelated?

Soon, Joe entered with another person. It was a girl, with short brown hair, nice eyes, and a pink flower crown sitting on her head. Her outfit consisted of a white shirt, an unbuttoned pink blouse, and jean shorts.

"Hello, luv. I'm Stress. Joe tells me you don't remember much?" The girl, Stress, pulled over a chair, taking a seat next to the bed Zedaph sat in.

"Y-yeah... I don't remember anything about this server- hermitcraft I think he said?"

"So you only remember from before hermitcraft..." Stress noted something down, "What age do you remember being?"

"17- maybe 18?"

Joe and Stress looked between each other. Joe asked Stress, "Isn't Zedaph like- like 28 now?"

"I've lost 10 years of my life!?" Zed yelled, bringing his legs up to his chest.

"Hey- hey, you haven't lost that time... You- you just don't remember it. You'll be able to remember, I know it." Stress gave a comforting smile.

Zedaph shut his eyes closed, "I- I want to go back! I- I want home..."

"Shhhh... It'll be alright..." Stress put a hand on Zed's shoulder, but he jolted back as she did that.

"I'll go get Xisuma." Joe said, quickly rushing off.

Stress sighed, asking, "Would you like me to get you something to eat? You probably are really hungry."

A nod could barely be seen from behind Zed's knees. "Anything you prefer? We can make basically anything."

"Fine with anything..."

"Golden carrots are the main meal most hermits have. Actually- I believe Tango had mentioned randomly during a conversation with me that you normally keep steak on you."

"Steak sounds good..."

Stress walked to a chest on the other side of the room, letting out a small 'ah-ha' before walking back with some steak. Zed ate it quickly, 'cause to be honest, he was very hungry. "Need more, or are you full, luv?"


Zedaph was surprised, letting out a yelp as the door opened quickly. Joe was back, though with another person. This other person wore a full suit of... armor? Well, it had a helmet, the only bit of his face that you could see being the eyes.

"So- Stress, has Zedaph really lost all memory after the point of being a teenager?"

"I believe so. He should be able to get his memories back, but it will take a long time."

Zedaph avoided crying. He didn't want to seem weak to these people that he didn't even know. The armored man walked over, "So... Zedaph. I'm Xisuma, but a lot of people call me X. I'm the admin of this server."

"H-hi... You already know my name, don't you..?" Zed got a nod for the admin, "So... I really have lost my memory. Do I... Do I actually have friends?"

"Of course you do!" Xisuma told him, despite Zedaph not being able to see the smile on his face, it was heard through his voice. There was also a heavy amount of concern in his voice.

"Zedaph, would you like to be reintroduced to all the hermits?" Stress asked.


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