Chapter 5 - Items from the Past

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"So. Plan?"

"Do you really think we have any sort of plan?"

"We have to help Zed somehow! He's our boyfriend-"


"I... I guess... Still! We have to help!"

"Maybe collect things to remind him?"

"Yeah! Great idea, Tango!"

"Shall we start?"


"No... It looks weird..." Zedaph mumbled, crumpling another piece of paper. He heard voices. Zed moved away from the papers, standing, and looking out to the rest of the cave. It was Tango and Impulse.

"Zeda- Oh, there you are!" Impulse smiled towards the goat hybrid, as he came into view. "Oh, hey..." Zedaph gave a short wave, though his movement was somewhat slow.

"Zed, did you sleep last night?" Tango asked, stepping forward quickly.

Zedaph flinched, jerking back quickly, raising his arms to cover his face.

"Zedaph..?" Tango had instantly stopped moving. It clearly concerned both Impulse and Tango. They had never seen Zedaph flinch like that. He would rarely flinch, mainly at loud noises, or when surprised. Never just at quick movement.

"S-sorry! Um... what were you asking?" Zedaph quickly lowered his arms, trying to act like nothing had happened.

"I was just asking if you slept last night, but is everything okay?" Tango slowly moved this time, leaning down slightly. Tango gently placed two fingers under Zed's chin, getting him to look up so that the phoenix could get a better look at his face. Zedaph's face reddened, him stepping back a few steps.

"I- I- I- I'm fine! Um- I'm fine- I slept last night!" Zedaph managed to form some words, his struggle clearly from being flustered, not anything like fear.

Tango burst out laughing, Impulse giving an exasperated sigh. "Tango, be nice to him."

"I- I am-" Tango talked between laughs, "He's just so adorable!"

"I- I am not!" Zedaph's face had gotten not less red, maybe even a bit more if that was possible.

"Mhmmm, sure cutie." Tango hummed out, a smirk on his face.

"Tango, stop teasing him." Impulse nudged the fiery bird hybrid, getting a scoff in response, "That isn't what we came here to go, remember?"

"Oh- right!" Tango's teasing smirk was replaced with a soft smile.

Zedaph took a few deep breaths, his face soon fading from the red, into a pink, before it finally was gone. Well, not fully. There was still a bit of pink shading his cheeks.

"Well, shall I explain what we brought?" Impulse asked, getting a nod from Tango, "Because we are the two closest with you on this server, we have the hung out with you the most. Sometimes, there is a specific item you cherish, or something fun that we did that connects with an item, so we decided to bring a bunch of those things over!"

Impulse slipped a bag off his shoulder, placing it on the ground. Zedaph walked closer, looking curiously at the bag. The three of them took a seat on the stone floor, Impulse dumping out the contents of the bag.

There was a wide variety of items. "Why do you just have a bucket of lava in there!? That's insanely dangerous!" Zedaph asked. Tango stood up, taking said bucket of lava. The phoenix handed an empty bucket to the confused Zedaph. The goat hybrid followed what Tango did, standing up.

"Now. Zed, I'm going to place down his lava onto the ground. I want you to scoop it up."

"That is insanely dangerous..."

"Since when do you care how dangerous something is- Oh, yeah... nevermind..."

Despite Zed rightfully pointing out the danger, Tango placed down the lava. In a panic, the other blonde scooped it up quickly. "What was the point of that?"


"Hot... Swap?"

"It's a game we created!" Tango smiled, "Basically, the only weapon we have is the lava, and the goal is to get a bunch of resources, ores, which are points! Whenever someone places down the lava, they can't pick it up again, so the other person has to. That's why it's named that. Swap the hot stuff."

"I see..." Zedaph stared into the lava contained in the bucket, before handing it back to Tango, "I don't trust myself with this."

Tango chuckled, taking it back. Zedaph sat back down with Impulse around the items. "Diamond blocks..?"

"Two diamond blocks to be exact." Impulse stated, "You used those to pay for the bedrock being broken for the creation of the bumless pit."

"Ah..." Zedaph smiled, feeling his hands along the blocks. He soon placed them back down, a small frown on his face.

"Zed, what's wrong?" Tango sat next to Zedaph, pulling him closer with a fiery feathered tail.

"Just... I just want to remember..." Zedaph sighed, "Just feel horrible... I must be such a pain to deal with..."

Impulse stood for a moment, walking closer, before sitting on Zed's other side. "Zed, we could never find you a pain." Impulse stated.

"Yeah, and we care about you. We are doing this because we want to help, not for any other reason." Tango added.

"And, honestly, I blame myself for what happened..." Impulse mumbled.

"H-how so..?" Zedaph asked.

"I'll just explain what I know about what happened." Impulse said, "Me and Tango were fighting, since in the little battle that is going on on the server we are on different sides. You never like these... wars that happen. You were just trying to help- trying to get us to stop fighting, but I yelled at you... I was just angry, and I didn't mean any of what I said..."

"What did you say..?" Zedaph mumbled.

"I... I told you to shut up. Then Tango told me to leave you out of it. And- and then I said that I didn't care anymore. I said that you won't care anyways, once you run off to... to your stupid cave... I regret saying all of it- and I never got to apologize properly because you ran off... I'm- I'm so sorry..."

"Just because I don't remember you fully, and what happened, doesn't mean I don't forgive you. I understand that you were just angry. People do things they regret when angry..." Zedaph lifted his hand to his own cheek, before quickly lowering it, "People hurt those they love when angry... But they regret it. They normally regret it..."

"Zed, there is something you aren't telling us..." Tango mumbled, "Somethings wrong, I can tell."

"Nothings wrong- don't worry about it!" Zedaph gave an awkward smile, "Why don't we just go back to looking at items?"

"Okay... But know you can always come to us for anything." Tango told him, "You never really told us much about your own feelings before... But I hope that can change. I hope you can open up."

Zedaph gave a soft smile, though didn't respond. Impulse seemed busy looking through the items. It seemed like the imp was looking for something specific. Soon enough, a smile crept onto the brunette's face, pulling out a small something.

"What's that?" Zedaph asked curiously.

"A contraption, well technically two, but they're small. They were gifts for me and Tango originally, but I think we could gift it back."

"Mhm." Tango nodded.

Impulse placed something within Zedaph's hands. Zed took a look to see what it was. It was two necklaces, though they seemed attached. The pendants on them were the things attached. They were each a half of a heart. It was very clockwork looking, a copper colour to it, with gears sticking out. There was a small button on the front. "Should I press the button..?"

"Mhm. I should work. It only worked when the necklaces were combined, so it should work know."

Zedaph pressed it.

(1222 words)

Haha, cliffhanger.

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