[W#33] Shaya Rayne's Might

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Shaya Rayne and her friends in the USF Academy were enjoying themselves a meal in the cafeteria at their own table. Shaya felt like she was actually experiencing Xenon: the 21st Century Phenomenon in real life. She, Pablo, and Luther carried a conversation that kept them feeling excitable and interested in their space adventure, living the real fantasy.
Pablo spoke up, "Did you know that Minks is part of a war between the USF and the STARs, now?"
"STARs? Who are the STARs? Wait!! We're the f$cking stars, here, Pablo!" Shaya bubbled.
"No, the STARs, you idiot," Pablo said.
"Who are the STARs, Pablo? You're not making any sense! I know who the USF is, but who are the STARs?!" Shaya continued.
Pablo explained quietly, "Shaya, it stands for-STARs stands for Space Syndicate of Army Raiders." STARS actually stood for Space Syndicate of the Army Republic, rarely ever discussed as being the SSAR.
"Space Syndicate?! STARs?!? That is f$cking duuuumb, broooo. That doesn't even start with an 'S' bro, how the f$ck is that even a real thing? That's not f$cking real, Pablo," Shaya said.
"It starts with a 'T' if-like-," Pablo drew an invisible letter 'T' with his finger and attempted to draw the letter 'A.'
Shaya interrupted, "No! It f$cking doesn't, bro! That's the dumbest f$cking thing I've ever heard, Pablo! Tell me again how Syndicate- S-s-s-syndicate!... starts- with the letter 'T!'"
Pablo and Luther were laughing at Shaya's stubbornness. They know that she hates things that don't make any sense, or that could be considered a stretch.
Pablo spoke to her softly, "Shaya, the 'T' letter in Syndicate. S-Y-N-D-"
"No, no, nope. That's dumb. I-C-A-T-E. Nooo-wah!! Why not SI-ARS or SEARS!! THERE!! WHY NOT- SEARS, bro?!? SEARS was a real f$cking place! At least that was real! Why the f$ck would they choose to stretch it with 'T'?!? Like, what the f$ck, guys!!" Shaya ranted. She insulted, "They just made that sh$t up to sound cool! F$cking idiots!!"
"Shaya, I- I mean, you're right," Pablo agreed.
"Shut the f$ck up, Pablo! You're the one explaining for them why Syndicate starts with a t-t-t-... DUMB- F$CK- 'T!' THAT- is DUMB! BRO?!?" Shaya jolted, like lightning striking everything around it and beneath it.
"Okaaay, Shaya, okay, okay, okay!" Pablo said, making Luther laugh harder at the misunderstanding.
"Okay, so?! Minks?!? She's at war with them?" Shaya inquired, calming down with a few deep breaths.
Luther said, "She's their best pilot or like in their top ten, so they have her paired up with a bunch of dudes."
"Naaaaw, you think?! She's at war, Luther," Shaya said, sarcastically. She began tying her hair up into a high ponytail, signifying she was getting serious, even if she was still yelling.
"She's. Yo. So, that's real sh$t going on, though, like... Minks is in the real war sh$t, it ain't simulation," Pablo informed, relaxing his speech.
Luther said, "Yeah, they've got a lot of fleets going up against each other, contesting space and trying to get each others' sh$t. Crazy how that happens. Minks is a fighter pilot, dawg!" Pablo nodded in understanding, his eyes leaving the table and looking out at the other students in the cafeteria.
"Yeah, sh$$$$t," said Shaya, changing in her mood quickly. She was actually worried, hoping that Minks would survive in the fight. Shaya not only admired Minks's beauty, but her willingness to be so casually cool and nonchalant about a lot of things. Shaya, herself, felt like she suffered from angry tourettes, even if people liked the act. "Naaaawww, bro, I for real for real, like... I hope-"
Luther interrupted, "Naw, Shaya, she's gonna be alright. She's a top ten pilot, given by the USF. That ain't light weight. I'm telling ya, she gonna be alright."
"Yeeeaaah," Shaya said, pondering, looking down at the table. "Her and I were supposed to hook up and hang out again. Then she told me she was leaving on USF duties. I got really depressed about that, guys."
"Naw, we feel you, Shaya," Luther.
"Yeah, we feel that, too, Shaya... you're not alone in your feelings," Pablo said in support.
Luther gave Pablo a funny, confused look. He sensed Pablo's weak comment and said, "Yo, shut the f$ck up, man!"
Pablo chuckled and said, "No, for real! I'm with you both on that, like, Minks is really cool and pretty!"
"Yeah, Pablo, I don't want to see that she died or something in a war. I miss her," Shaya admitted. They all sat at the table silent, Luther picking at his food while Pablo stared at his book unable to take in the words. They all looked deep in thought or feeling about the reality of Minks's situation. Shaya suddenly burst open yelling, "Why the f$ck you have to make me FEEL that, bro?! Are you f$cking DUMB?! GOD D$$$$MN, broooo!?!"
"What?! I was just telling you!" Pablo defended.
Luther laughed again at Shaya's outburst.
"Pablo! Shut- the f$ck- up!" Shaya demanded. She pushed her look across the table at Pablo. "READ YOUR F$CKING BOOK, PABLO!!"
Luther snickered and said, "Aha-haaa! Pablo has a hard-on for Minks!"
"Noooo, bro, f$ck you!" Pablo returned.
Shaya chortled and fixed her glasses. She grabbed her glass of water and took a big gulp of it. She felt the impulse to throw the water across the way at Pablo, but she knew he meant well.
Luther could tell she was getting antsy and just trying to hide it. He helped to control the situation. "Alright, back to studying. Speaking of wars. Why we gotta know all this old sh$t if we can't apply it to space maneuvers and protocol and all that?"
"Why the f$ck not? Space is basically a black sky with airplanes that can fly in any direction all the time!" Pablo said.
Shaya smiled and snorted a laugh.
"No, but, like, all this sh$t we're reading is like back from the fifties or some sh$t. Like, why we gotta know all this if we want to get into flying our own space ship? What about- like- you seen all that sh$t you gotta know in the cockpit?!" Luther declared and asked, suggesting he was already overwhelmed.
"Yeah, I feel you, bro. I'll help you study," Shaya said, feeling discolored from the materials Luther was bringing up. "Like, I feel you, but Pablo is kind of right, like," Shaya agreed, making Pablo smile a big grin at Luther. She continued, "We're going to be flying space ships, so. No, but, at the same time, f$ck this sh$t, Luther!"
"Thass what I'm saying, Shaya!" Luther replied, satisfied.
Shaya continued to defend her point saying, "No, like, f$ck- this- sh$t, Luther!"
"Right, on the real, Shaya!" Luther told her. "Sh$t be straight up f$cking up my head right now!"
Pablo took a swig of water and downed some granola.
"Yeah, bro, let's talk more about Minks, bro, and send her some positive vibes!" Pablo said, his arms crossed over his head, grinning. He cleared his throat and went back to a serious face, remembering the reality of Minks's situation and Shaya's feelings about it.
Shaya heated up and said, "F$ck no. I don't feel like crying right now, but yeah." Shaya showed a face of pain as though she wanted to cry, but then hit Pablo on the arm from across the table. "F$ck you, Pablo! Gaaawd! Study your f$cking sh$t! You, too, Luther!"

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