[ZC#06] Introducing the Zeddnought Cruiser

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"Kaishu," Ryoma murmured.

Kaishu didn't answer, being absorbed in his studies of hyperspace warp capabilities and wormhole travel. He sat there, heavyset, "fluffy" like his brother.

"KAISHU!" Ryoma roared then sleazed. "Get your fat, doodoo boy a$$ over here, bro!... I rolled us up this fat f$ckah right here, bah! Come check this doobie, bro!" Ryoma liked to switch to speaking pidgin-English jokingly, having been exposed to and humored by the language and its uses.

"Remember what dad told us?" Kaishu tried to remind Ryoma, mothering him in a way.

Ryoma jested, "Duh. Who? Dee-ayy-how do you spell that for me? Name? Rank? Doesn't compute, baddah."

Kaishu chortled. Ryoma reactively pushed a button on his terminal, causing a quick technical sound to chirp.

"Ryoma, you're receiving a transmission from the USF," Kaishu informed having noticed the flashing message indicator. He didn't want to be rude and share his opinion, but it was of his opinion that Ryoma was being negligent of what was important, and he was thinking dad would've grounded him, literally. I wonder how dad is doing.

Ryoma didn't care. Ryoma was already hardened from a few space battles, intense run-ins with pirates and imposing strays from outer lying vessels, and also his personal experiences that truly affected him back on Earth.

"They can wait, bro! Come hit this with me," Ryoma said, staring intensely at what he was doing, smoking his oversized joint. He held the first hit in until he coughed it out lightly, feeling the burn in his throat. "Kaishu, come ooon, bro. Dad doesn't care. And the... USF and Allied Universe mall cop squads don't do their rounds here, bro." He chortled, thinking Kaishu to still be a virgin people-pleaser.

Kaishu looked on at Ryoma, smiling and frowning at the same time. He wanted to maintain the hope that Ryoma would change his ways from going back and forth between respecting authority and rebelling. He turned away from Ryoma and went back to his studies, hugging his ears between his broad shoulders so as to ignore him, squeezing his traps like a little massage.

Ryoma stared out the front of the cockpit and blew smoke at it. He got lost in thought, thinking the window panes needed cleaning. Then he remembered Ka'eo, for some reason, having a vivid vision of him cross his mind. He also remembered some of the space cadets Ka'eo knew and affiliated with who sometimes hated Ryoma, and Ryoma mutually hated them in return. He went from giddiness to a very linear, focused concentration. He thought to himself why am I thinking of Ka'eo? What the f$ck has that black n$gga been up to, anyway? He's probably thinking of me, too. Ho, sup bah! What?! I stay posing in the USF da kines, looking for da crip! You in da kine, Planet Fitness, still yet, bah, or what?

Kaishu turned to look toward Ryoma, sensing some paranoia in him settling in. He knew what was going to happen next from Ryoma, having a good psychic connection with his brother. Kaishu ignored the discomfort and the tickling of Ryoma's excruciating thought train.

"Brah, Kaishu, f$ck the govern-meeennnt, brah," Ryoma continued to pidgin-smack, spitefully yet humorously. He started his blow torch up again to relight the doobie, feeling the weight of the USF pushing down on his shoulders. Hard-headed sometimes, he ignored the feeling, loving his freedom.

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