AoT1P: [#39] Variety is the Spice of Life, Hitmen & Hitboxes

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Ka'eo spoke on the OH in the 144p Progenitor, which blared in every corridor, and alerted in every living quarters room: Wake your a$$es up. Attention, wake your a$$es up and get out of bed. We're going back into MacKalla T-Rover Space Station. Hello? Wake up. I'm serious. This is not a drill... so, get up and come to the bridge. Thank you.

"F$ck's sake. What the f$ck, noooww?" Peter grumbled, staring at the ceiling of his room. He looked outside his window and noticed the asteroid belt. He said aloud, "Oh, sh$t. He wasn't f$ckin' kidding."
Peter walked up to the comms panel and switched to call Stavros. The call connected after three ring tones. He said, "Stavros, if you didn't hear, get up."

Stavros grumbled: Whyyy? What is it?

Peter replied, "Ka'eo flew us out of the H&G facility and now we're back to the f$ckin' uhh... that other asteroid we weren't supposed to be coming back to."

Stavros said: Are you kidding me?!
You could hear him groan in frustration.
He shouted: Fine!

"No, yeah, it's serious. See you on the bridge. And hurry up, man," Peter told Stavros.
The call ended abruptly. Peter imagined Stavros pounding the wall and him being able to hear it. The walls weren't so thin, being composed of a heavy poly-aluminum alloy material that was light enough in weight to give smaller ships a faster edge when necessary.
Mana was snoring, fast asleep, ignoring the alert from the bridge. He had a dream about working on the shipyard back in the U.S., a random shipyard. He wasn't sure of himself was the feeling he was enduring, and everyone there looked at him as though he were small and didn't belong. For a moment, he felt entitled, and then suddenly they changed their minds about him. They saw him as an enemy and began drawing their weapons and pointing them at him, red threat boxes surrounding each one of them to indicate they were visible threats. Nobody on the shipyard would be equipped with weaponry, but Mana's dream defied the typical. Mana was feeling a rush from the onslaught of betrayal, yet at the same time feeling like he was gullible. He had no weapon and was frozen in place, unable to do anything. Suddenly an application for a new job was given to him from one of the threats, and he accepted it, holding onto the application without seeing it. His mind changed scenes, showing an office building that was in the shipyard. He yelled at them to open the door, but nobody was getting back to him, and the application was already lost. He walked the shipyard empty-handed and felt hopelessly stranded. He had no home and then sat down on a curb and watched himself fall asleep.
Mana woke up to the sound of Peter pounding his fist on Mana's door. Mana woke up saying, "Do it!"
Stavros chuckled from outside the room and said, "Wake up, d$ckset! We're back to your favorite place!"
Peter shouted, "Yeah! Mana, get up! We're going up to the bridge without you!"
The sound of their calling out to him died down for a moment.
"Hey, okay, guys, wait. Wait for me," Mana yelled. He got up from the bed feeling slightly disoriented and dehydrated. He was still feeling the effects of the dream.
"Yeah, what was that, Mana?" Stavros yelled back.
"Hold on, I said! I'm coming! Just wait!" Mana shouted, as though he were woken up by his parents. He thought to himself, f$ck, I'm hungry. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, wiping the crusted tears away. He thought to himself again, wow, that was a... bad dream.
Mana threw on his engineering pants, socks, and boots. He kept the same, oversized, white T-shirt on. Mana walked up to the comms box at his door and pressed the button to relay to Peter and Stavros, "Alright, now what the f$ck?... Is going on?" He yawned and waited for an answer.
"Come outside, we're going up to the bridge. Ka'eo is up there," Peter instructed.
Mana said back, "F$ck!" He then opened his door, watching it rapidly slide open, and then walked out to his crew members closing it behind him. He sighed like he was annoyed and told them, "I was sleeping! Whyyy... are we awake?! What the f$ck is going on?!"
Peter and Stavros we're already making their way toward the bridge, rounding the corner of the corridor. Peter said, "Just hurry up."
Mana gave a groan of frustration and began following them. He asked them, "What about breakfast, you f$ggots?!"
Stavros giggled in the distance.

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