Lunch Visit

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I walked into the police station to bring Captain Renard his lunch. As I walked into the main office I saw through the windows Nick, my brother, was in Sean's office. Seeing that the door wasn't open I reached for the door handle but it was yanked open by an angry Nick. His expression changed when he finally looked up to see I was standing there,

Me:"Uh, bad timing?"
Sean:"Afternoon darling, what made you stop by?"
Me:"Brought you lunch, figured you were busy since you never answered my calls."

Sean sighed then stood up stepping around his desk with a smile while approaching me.

Sean:"Long morning, sorry I didn't pay no mind to my phone. Besides Nick was just leaving so you aren't interrupting anything."
Me:"What's going on with you two?"
Nick:"Nothing, everything is fine. Oh before I head out with Hank, Juliette wanted me to double check with you about dinner tonight?"
Me:"Yes, I didn't forget. But if your late I won't let you forget about it."
Nick:"Trust me I know Sylas."
Sean:"I'll make sure he leaves on time."
Me:"What would I do without you?"
Sean:"I can think of one thing."

Sean smirked causing Nick to groan before walking out of the office. I sat the bag down on his desk then looked Sean in the eye,

Me:"What's the deal between you two?"
Sean:"I think he's still mad that I stole his baby sister."

I scoffed then crossed my arms not looking away from him, after a long moment I finally nodded.

Me:"Right, he'll get over it just give him more time."
Sean:"I've given him three years Sylas."
Me:"I know, I'll talk to him."
Sean:"Will you be coming home after dinner?"
Me:"Of course, why?"
Sesn:"Should I wait up for you?"
Me:"Not sure, should you?"
Sean:"Oh yea, I'll definitely wait up for you. Just be prepared for what you'll end up getting into when you get home."

Sean nodded slowly then smiled before kissing me.

Me:"I would stay but Juliette is swamped with appointments."
Sean:"I understand, I'll call when I'm heading home."
Me:"Stay in one piece Sean, I mean it."
Sean:"For you? Always, I love you."
Me:"I love you more."

I gave Sean a kiss then stepped out of his office to be stopped by Hank,

Hank:"Hey Sylas."
Me:"Hi Hank!"
Hank:"Got a minute?"
Me:"Sure have to be quick gotta get back and help Juliette."

I followed Hank out into the hallway,

Hank:"What's going on between Nick and the captain?"
Me:"From what Sean said, he claims Nick still can't get over the fact Sean and I are together but to be honest I don't believe that anymore, if feels like it's something else that when Nick and Juliette makes a dinner I have to leave Sean behind or those two will break out into a fist fight."
Hank:"What do you think it could really be about?"
Me:"That's what I haven't figured out yet, not sure I'll ever find out."
Hank:"I'll try to talk to Nick and if it's something serious I'll let you know."
Me:"Thanks Hank."
Hank:"Tell Juliette I said hi."

I nodded as Hank smiled before walking to his desk. I glanced back seeing Sean and Nick staring at each other. I sighed but turned to leave and back to Juliette.

I walked inside the clinic then made my way towards the back finding Juliette placing a cat in the cage she stood in front of,

Me:"Just came in?"
Juliette:"Awhile ago actually, so-"

She paused to turn towards me with a smile,

Juliette:"How was surprising Sean with lunch?"

I rolled my eyes as I pulled my white lab coat on hearing Juliette sigh.

Juliette:"What happened?"
Me:"Something between Sean and Nick which neither of the two will tell me so Hank's looking into it. I just hate leaving Sean out of the family dinners just to keep them from hurting one another.."
Juliette:"Sylas...I know it must hurt and I'm sure Nick will come around soon."
Me:"It's been three years Juliette, Nick isn't coming around to it so I'll just have to leave Sean at home if he's not stuck at the precinct."

Juliette rushed over hugging me, I hugged her back then she took a couple steps back.

Juliette:"I'll talk to him but in the meantime we have a lot of patients and boarders."
Me:"No time to waste when these cuties need tending to."

Juliette chuckled as I picked up the puppy to love on before bathing it.

At Nick and Juliette's house...

Juliette:"Hey babe, how was work?"

She greeted Nick as he walked through the front door, once he got his coat off and hung it up he walked into the dining room with a small smile,

Nick:"Work was long but ended good since we were able to find the three missing kids."
Juliette:"What! Babe that's great news, I bet they were happy to see their parents."
Nick:"They were so what did the two of you get into today?"

Nick finally sat down after grabbing a beer from the fridge,

Me:"Endless over night stays and shots after shots."
Juliette:"Don't forget about the grooming."
Me:"I don't even want to think about that again."

Nick laughed then leaned back in his chair,

Me:"Can I ask you something?"
Nick:"Of course."
Me:"Why do you hate Sean?"
Nick:"What? I don't hate him, we have our differences right now Sylas and it's something I'm not ready to explain. Just give it time Sy."
Me:"I have, three years of time already. It's just not fair that every dinner I'm invited to he can't come."

Nick scoffed then grew quiet for a moment before looking at me,

Nick:"Okay. You're right Sy, I'm sorry. Next dinner your invited to, Sean can come as well."
Me:"Thank you Nick, it's worth a start."
Juliette:"I should check on the roast."

Juliette stood up and disappeared into the kitchen leaving Nick and I sitting there in silence.

Me:"I don't mean to push you on things it's just I love him Nick, he's part of the family rather you like it or not."
Nick:"I don't like it Sylas, I do not trust him."
Me:"What has he done to not make you trust him?"
Nick:"I can think of one good thing, he has you and that's something I'll never get used to. Inviting him to the next dinner is a big step for me."
Me:"Your going to have to let that go Nick. And if you can't then...nevermind. Sean still at work?"
Nick:"He is."

I nodded but just as Juliette brought the food to the table my phone rang, I looked to see who it was and saw that it was Sean calling me.

Me:"Excuse me for a moment."

I stood up answering his call as I walked out the front door,

Sean:"Hey, I just finished with paperwork and thought to call letting you know I'm heading home now."
Me:"Glad to know your in one piece, I'll be home shortly."
Sean:"You sound upset, did something happen?"
Me:"Nothing bad I'll tell you when I get home."
Sean:"Drive safe on your way home, I love you."
Me:"Always, I love you too Sean."

He hung up so I walked back inside to finish dinner.

Nick:"Everything okay?"
Me:"Yea it was just Sean telling me he was heading home."

Nick grew stern, I wasn't too happy so I paid no mind to it.

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