She Striked Again!?

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Juliette was pacing like a mad woman, on the other hand I just stood there watching her not knowing why she's even mad.


She haulted then turned to me, the second I saw I her face I could see she had been crying. My eyebrow rose and all I could say was,

Me:"What happened?"
Juliette:"What happened?!! I'll tell you what happened! Adalind!!"

My eyes went wide as I backed up a few steps.

Juliette:"Yes Sy! I came home to it as well! How terrible it is knowing how this feels.."
Me:"Shit... I'm sorry Juls.. it happened today?"
Juliette:"An hour ago.."
Me:"Where's Nick?"
Juliette:"I don't know, I told him to leave.."
Me:"So you broke up with him?"
Juliette:"I'm not sure.."
Me:"Oh Juls.. don't give up on Nick it's not his fault Adalind is that good with her damn magic. I'll go find him, will you be okay?"
Juliette:"I will be, I just need time to myself. Thank you for coming over Sy.."

I nodded and turned towards the door but looked over my shoulder at her,

Me:"Don't do anything stupid, sleep it off to clear your head. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Walking out the front door sighing, I looked to the sky and shook my head before walking towards my car. Once I was inside the car I called Nick to hear it ring and ring and ring before going to voicmail, well fuck you too asshole. As I scoffed I called Monroe, on the third ring he finally answered.

Me:"Is Nick with you?"
Monroe:"Sy.. yes he's with me."
Me:"Your house or the shop?"
Monroe:"My house."-He sighed-
Me:"Am I bothering you?"
Monroe:"No Sy, sorry it's not you. It's Nick."
Me:"I'll be there in a few minutes, leaving now."

I hung up quickly to drop my phone into the passenger seat then started the car to make my way to Monroe's.


I walked straight into Monroe's house seeing him and Rosalee look at me weird since I strolled inside towards Nick then punched him.

Nick:"What the hell Sylas!?"
Me:"That's for thinking with the wrong head you fuck face!"
Nick:"It wasn't my fault I didn't know!"
Me:"Believe me, Sean still has a punch coming as well. What is wrong with you men?!"

Nick huffed and rolled his eyes as him and I listened to Monroe and Rosalee snicker.

Nick:"In my defense I truly thought it was Juliette, it looked and sounded just like her.. I seriously had no idea!"

I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips,

Me:"Heard that before but damn Nick really? Juls is super upset."
Nick:"You don't think I know that? She did kick me out.."
Me:"Can you blame her? Come on Nick, when it happened to me you were quick to make me stay the night. I don't blame her Nick but your lucky that's all that happened, it could have been a lot worse."
Nick:"I'm sure, I've thought about it."

Releasing a sigh I reached up rubbing my face,

Me:"Sorry, just finding out that bitch is back in Portland I don't know how to react.."
Nick:"You acted correctly, I get it. The stress is back."
Me:"Have you seen Sean at all today?"
Nick:"Last I saw him was at the precinct."
Me:"I have to go, you stop annoying Monroe he's a nice guy."
Monroe:"Awe thanks Sy."
Rosalee:"Don't worry we got Nick."

I nodded then started to walk away only to stop,

Me:"I apologize for barging in instead of knocking that wasn't right of me to do, this isn't my home.."
Rosalee:"All is forgiven Sy, your family this is your home as much as it's Monroe's and mine."

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