A Prince Is Crowned

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Sean's P.O.V

A few months have passed by and Sy hasn't missed a single training session with Nick, recently Monroe has been added to the training course meaning in a matter of time it'll be my turn. Marie has grown a bit and has really taken after her mother's features, leaving my bloodline to be followed. Each passing day Marie has shown her powers to Sy and I, arranged from levitating objects to making the house feel like it's about to cave in when she is upset. A lot of work we will have with this little one, one thing I know for sure is when she is old enough we cannot push her too hard or she could cause harm as a self defense mechanism. The front door opened causing me to look up from Marie, Sy came down the hallway with a busted eyebrow and lip. Standing up straight rather quickly she sensed my worry then gave me a smile,

Sylas:"I'm okay just rough day of training."
Me:"Will you be alright?"
Sylas:"Oh yea, wait til you join in on the training."
Me:"As soon as we find a baby sitter I'll join in on the fun."
Sylas:"Seriously? Your not looking for one since you don't want Marie out of your sight."

Smiling softly knowing she was right, I looked to her.

Me:"Okay I will find one."
Sylas:"Well you don't have to look far I'm sure Juliette or Rosalee would love to babysit."
Me:"Think Rosalee will be up to it?"
Sylas:"I'm sure she wouldn't have aproblem with it, give her a call while I get cleaned up remember we're meeting at Nick's for dinner."
Me:"I will and I haven't forgotten."

Getting a smile from Sylas she was quick to head upstairs, picking my phone up from the coffee table I gave Rosalee a call,

Me:"Hey, I was wondering if Rosalee was available?"
Monroe:"Yea one second."

Movement came from the background then Rosalee's voice came through the phone,

Rosalee:"Is everything okay?"
Me:"Yea everything is good, the reason for me calling is I was wondering if you would be able to babysit Marie tomorrow while I go train with Sy."
Rosalee:"Of course! Do you want me to watch her at your house?"
Me:"Actually that would be great if you wouldn't mind."
Rosalee:"Not at all, I'll be there around 10am."
Me:"Sounds great thank you again Rosalee."

I hung up laying the phone back down on the table, footsteps came down the stairs then soon Sy took a seat next to me on the couch. In a small hurry Sy picked up Marie to love on her, watching the two brought a smile to my face.

Sylas:"How did the call go with Rosalee?"
Me:"It went well, she was more then happy to watch her tomorrow."
Sylas:"Wow I'm surprised you called her."
Me:"I know but it's overdue."
Sylas:"Have you heard from Sebastien? I'm sure he's happy to be back home."
Me:"Not in a few days, he was happy but I know he's still looking over his shoulder."
Sylas:"I'm sure he is, can't say I blame him."

Smiling softly we were interrupted due to my phone ringing, I picked it up seeing it was none other than Sebastien. Answering his call, I spoke calmly even though deep inside him calling means something happened.

Me:"Oui...when did that happen?!...understood, you be careful Sebastien..until then."

I hung up looking towards the window, Sy laid her hand on mine making me look towards her,

Sylas:"I jinxed something didn't I?"
Me:"No, but that call was nothing good."
Sylas:"What happened?"

Tensing up my eyes looked everywhere, if what Sebastien said was true then dealing with my father and Viktor were just kiddie games.


Rumbling began which snapped me back to reality to lean forward placing my hand gently on Marie's stomach then smile,

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