Into The Blackforest We Go..

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Nick, Monroe and I had flown across the country to Germany, after discovering what was hidden was buried in the Blackforest in Germany we soon began our quest the moment we had arrived. Sean stayed behind to keep the precinct going and Adalind decided to help Rosalee out with the spice shop.

Monroe:"What if it's not even here?"
Nick:"Then we came all this way for nothing."
Me:"Even if we do find it, how do we get it home?"
Nick:"Depends on its size, if it's too big there's no way we can take it home with us."
Monroe:"Where are we going again?"
Me:"To the church Monroe, we have to talk to the priest."
Monroe:"Right, wanted to make sure."

Sean's P.O.V

Stepping out of the office I saw Hank sitting at his desk, walking over I leaned up against Nick's desk for Hank to look up,

Hank:"Have you heard from them?"
Me:"Not since they landed, until then I'm left in the dark as much as you are. But I need you with me on this case."
Hank:"Should we include Wu?"
Me:"Yea, grab him and meet me in my office."

I stood up straight fixing my tie as I walked back inside my office, taking a seat in my chair the office door opened and both Hank and Wu stepped inside closing the door behind them.

Hank:"What's the case about?"
Me:"I don't want Sy knowing anything just yet but Meisner found Kenneth and he still has Marie."
Hank:"What? That's great cap! Where are they?"
Hank:"Will it just be you going?"
Me:"No, this is where you two come in. I'm going to need you to come with me, Meisner will be going as well."
Wu:"Who's going to keep eyes on Portland?"
Hank:"She's still not recovered."
Me:"I say she is."

Hank turned to see Trubel walking past the window of the office then walked into the room.

Trubel:"Meisner will meet you at your house tonight."
Me:"Good, thank you for doing this."
Trubel:"Well I have to keep this lie going now."
Me:"Just for a little longer."
Me:"Sy is going to show Kate the Wesen world."
Trubel:"She is? Is that even safe for Sy to do?"
Me:"It is, not just for yourself but for Kate as well. Our lives get crazy and if Kate knows what's going on it'll be easier to prepare her for any possibilities."
Trubel:"Okay, well all I have to do is check the cases for wesen?"
Me:"Correct, if you have any problems I'll answer if I can."
Trubel:"Nah, I can handle it just focus on getting Marie back that will be a surprise for Sy to come home to."
Me:"That's how I want it to go but we'll see."
Trubel:"Do you know if they even made it to their destination?"
Me:"I do and they have but nothing else from them."

Nick's P.O.V

The priest was a bust, he wouldn't say anything to us about the Blackforest so we were on our own. Driving up the trail we soon came to a stop,

Monroe:"We hike from here."
Me:"We stay together."

We all got out of the rental, I grabbed my bag while Monroe grabbed his leaving Sy to hand out flashlights.

Sylas:"Well now we find out if it was for nothing or not."

With Sy leading the way into the forest Monroe and I stayed behind her. We must have walked for almost a half hour til Monroe tripped, grabbing his arm to help him stand up straight I saw Sy standing to my right with her flashlight pointing towards the ground,

Sylas:"Nick? Come look at this."

Walking over towards her with Monroe following me I came to a stop to look down seeing a stone, looking closely I noticed it was covering something up. It took all three of us to move the stone that blocked a small drop leading down to a dark tunnel? I think?

Monroe:"What do you think is down there?"
Sylas:"Only one way to find out, but who goes first?"
Me:"I will."

Tucking the flashlight into my bag, Monroe moved to the other side to give more light. Jumping down I took the flashlight out of my bag turning it back on then stepped out of the way since Sy was coming down next. Once Monroe was down here with us we began down the path which was a tunnel, moving further through the tunnel we came to an end that contained a smaller wall filled with skulls and bones, on either side if the bones and skulls rested full skeletons that were laid to rest,

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