Blubaten Brawls Prt. 2

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I waited awhile for Nick to show up, just as I was about to open the driver door to leave I saw a car pull up recognizing it was Nick's car. I stepped away from my car then slid off my coat tossing it onto the hood along with my suit jacket, once I rolled up my sleeves Nick finally got out of his car,

Nick:"How are we settling this Sean?"
Me:"Knockouts only."
Nick:"If she wakes up she will know about this."
Me:"Indeed she will. She'll wake up."
Nick:"What are you hiding?"
Me:"Family issues, nothing more."
Nick:"I don't believe you."
Me:"You will, just one more thing Nick."
Nick:"That is?"

With a forceful uppcut I sent Nick to the ground,

Me:"Now we're even. Get up."

Nick quickly got back on his feet then rushed towards me, I caught him just as I brought up my knee to listen to him gasp for air.

Me:"You won't win against me Nick, just give up while you can."
Me:"Wrong ch-"

I was cut off by a tackle, I rolled the guy over rearing back my fist to be stopped by Nick who held onto my arm,

Nick:"I know what you are Sean, your a Zauberbeist!"

My head swung around to meet Nick's glare, I had no control but the real me showed itself to Nick. I yanked my arm from his grasp then got to my feet in a hurry searching for words to say.

Nick:"Sylas seriously doesn't know?"
Me:"No. I refuse to tell or show her, she cannot see that side of me I refuse it!"

Suddenly Nick's expression changed then he helped the guy who tackled me,

Monroe:"Sorry, Nick's my friend."
Me:"I get it, Nick she can never know."
Nick:"Tell me what your hiding."

I sighed then nodded as I wiped my mouth,

Me:"Adalind is in Vienna with my brother Prince Eric, Royal Blood. Adalind was behind Sy's coma, I didn't think nothing of it til my brother mentioned it well didn't get to finish since I hung up on him. With the coma Sylas has, only a Royal Blood can wake her."
Nick:"Wake her how?"

I scoffed then crossed my arms,

Me:"With a kiss of course, it's like a sleeping beauty thing more so similar to it. Nick, before I called you I went and saw Sy. I did what needed to be done but the thing is, I'm only half Royal Blood. My father is full Royal while my mother, well she's a Hexenbeast. I'm not sure if it worked or even will work. I want Sylas to wake up just as much as you do but in order to figure out her problem, you and I need to be on terms. One last thing-"

I reached into my pocket then pulled it out tossing the small metal item to Nick,

Nick:"You took this?!"
Me:"I did, I'm giving it back since it truly belongs with you. Hide it better, my brother is after that. He already has four and that's not good now if we're done here I'd like to go home and actually get some sleep."

Nick stuttered a bit then took a deep breath,

Nick:"We're not done talking but we're on the same terms for now."


It felt good to finally lay in my bed, my eyes are heavy so I laid my head on my pillow closing my eyes feeling my body relax but to be interrupted by my phone ringing loudly, tensing up I grabbed my phone angrily then answered.

Doctor:"Oh sorry is this captain Sean Renard?"
Me:"What's this about?"
Doctor:"I have a new update regarding Sylas Burkhardt-"
Me:"What happened?"
Doctor:"I'm not sure how to say this but with some miracle she's awake."
Me:"I'm heading there now."

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