The Little Things

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Sean:"Sy baby are you ready yet?!"

He called up the stairs, rolling my eyes I grabbed my phone to walk out of the bedroom then down the stairs. Sean looked up to see me, he smiled wide and held out his hand. Placing my hand in his I stepped off the last step for him to twirl me around slowly to take in the sight.

Sean:"Beautiful as always, but the dress? I love how it reveals your legs more."

Laughing lightly I smacked his chest playfully with my free hand making him laugh then kiss me.

Sean:"Can't be late, Juliette will have our heads."
Me:"Yea let's not upset her."

Smiling at one another we left in a hurry to make it to Nick's house on time. Sean parked behind Nick's jeep then we got out, meeting me on the sidewalk Sean stuck out his arm so I placed mine around his to walk towards the porch. Sean knocked twice for the door to open by a smiling Nick,

Nick:"Right on time guys. Good job."
Me:"Zip it Nicky."

He laughed then let us in to follow him into the dining room where Monroe, Rosalee, Trubel, Kate, Hank and Wu sat at the table waiting. Juliette entered the room a moment later to smile,

Juliette:"Dinner is ready, have a seat."

Sean and I sat side by side, while we all made our plates I glanced towards Kate and Trubel who were gawking at one another.

Me:"When did this happen?"
Me:"The gawking, seriously?"
Trubel:"Oh right, I didn't get the chance to tell anyone with what was going on but it's been a few months."
Sean:"Well, we're happy for the both of you."

Smiling at Sean, Juliette made her way around the table filling our glasses with wine before taking a seat herself, the second all of us hand our glasses in hand she smiled.

Juliette:"A toast to having everyone together again. I love you all."

Smiles filled the room causing us to lean forward to clink our glasses together before taking a drink.

Nick:"Let's not do that again, yea?"
Me:"I couldn't agree more."
Sean:"I may have an argue to that."

We all laughed then began eating, halfway through dinner the front door opened causing all of us to stand up ready to fight but it came to an ease due to mine and Nick's mom walking into the room.

Kelly:"Sorry, I had to check in on you guys."
Juliette:"Nick pull another chair up for her, we're just having dinner so please join us."
Kelly:"I don't want to intrude. I can leave."
Sean:"Nonsense, your part of this weird family too. Have a seat."

Our mom looked at Sean with a surprised look so I smiled,

Me:"Please join us mom."

She soon smiled as Nick sat a chair between him and Sean, in a small rush she sat down. Nick placed a plate in front of her with a smile, as she made her plate she began speaking.

Kelly:"Sean, I take it your taking good care of my daughter?"
Sean:"Always, there is something we would like to tell you."

Mom stopped what she was doing to glare at Sean,

Sean:"Take it easy, it's nothing bad well to us it isn't. Not sure how you'll feel about it but-"

Sean stopped talking then stood up to face the wall behind us and moved his hands in a weird way that my eyes couldn't keep up with but what really caught my attention was a small opening appearing before our eyes, very clearly we could see Eliza with a small toddler but what happened next was both of them stepping through the opening to have it disappear. I stood up looking at Eliza who smiled while the small toddler stood in front of her.

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