What Are You?!

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It's been a few weeks since I was taken by Adalind, what she told me has been on my mind every night. Thankfully Nick and Juliette has let me stay with them til I can get my mind straight in order to face Sean. She mentioned Sean isn't human, what did she mean by that? He seems pretty human to me especially when he gets injured... I strolled down the stairs seeing Nick head for the door.

Me:"Leaving already?"
Nick:"Yea Sean said this case is serious, you look like crap did you not sleep?"
Me:"Thanks Nick but no I haven't really slept."
Nick:"Want to talk about it over lunch?"
Me:"Not really but we can."
Nick:"Juliette can tag along so you won't feel uncomfortable."
Me:"Alright, tell Sean I said hi."

Nick slightly smiled then nodded while sliding on his jacket then walked out the door.

Juliette:"You're not sleeping?"
Me:"Not really if I do its for a few hours then wide awake again."
Juliette:"I can give Kate a call to have her help out since I know you won't be in your normal working state."
Me:"Actually that's a good idea call her on the way."


Kate:"I'm glad you called me Juliette, Sy looks terrible.."
Juliette:"I know, Nick told her that this morning."
Kate:"What a jerk."

I heard Juliette laugh causing me to look their way,

Me:"Something funny?"
Juliette:"Are you okay? Were you not listening?"
Me:"Sorry..I wasn't."
Juliette:"Maybe you should go get some sleep."
Me:"No I can't, when I close my eyes I see terrible things so sleep won't help me."

The clinic door opened and I looked over to see Sean,

Sean:"Do you have a minute?"
Juliette:"Kate help me in the back."
Juliette:"I need your help."

Kate sighed but followed Juliette to the boarding cages.

Sean:"I heard you haven't been sleeping."
Me:"I can't sleep.."
Sean:"When are you coming home?"
Me:"I don't know.."
Sean:"Please? I need you.."
Me:"I'll be home tonight."
Sean:"We'll talk everything out, okay?"

Sean stared at me he looked like he hasn't slept either so I stood up walking over to him. His hand raised and laid against my cheek,

Sean:"I miss you Sylas.."
Me:"I miss you too."

He leaned in kissing me as my hands grabbed his sides, after a long moment Sean pulled away with a soft small,

Sean:"I have to go but let me know when your home and I'll leave that second."
Me:"Okay, be careful out there."
Sean:"I always do for you. I love you Sylas."
Me:"I love you too Sean."

I noticed he was looking behind me but before I got the chance to look he pulled me to him kissing me passionately, he's never been this passionate with me..but the kiss? One I'll never forget,

Sean:"I'll see you tonight, call if you need anything and I mean anything. Bye ladies."

Sean winked at me then left the clinic,

Juliette:"And Nick doesn't like him why?"

I chuckled softly then turned towards them,

Me:"How long have you two been standing there?"
Juliette:"Oh um.."

She gave me a cheesy smile making me laugh,

Me:"Such children."
Juliette:"Sorry! You two are so cute together."
Me:"I suppose."
Juliette:"Three years and still no ring what's wrong with him."
Me:"Glad he hasn't asked I would have said no.."
Juliette:"What, why?"
Me:"I'm not ready, yea he's great to me and not to mention the sex is fantastic but marriage? It can wait a little longer."
Kate:"So let us get this straight, he's great, sex is fantastic and yet he checks on you but you would turn the proposal down?"
Juliette:"Maybe we should ask what's wrong with you."-she teased-
Me:"Yea that's the real question."

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