For Juliette..

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After last night's event I couldn't really think straight nor did I want to speak to anyone. I have been sitting on the edge of mine and Sean's bed staring at the wall in silence, deeply focused on the wall I didn't hear Sean walk into the room.

Sean:"You need to stop looking at that damn wall."

I never answered him just only looked down towards the floor, listening to him sigh he made his way over to the bed and sat next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Sean:"Sylas you need to say something.. please?"

Knowing he was right I looked into his eyes speaking softly,

Me:"What is there to say?"
Sean:"Well, for starters you and I will have to discuss last night. Besides that I'm sure Nick could use his sister.."
Me:"Where is he?"
Sean:"Downstairs crying.."

Nodding softly I stood up to feel Sean follow close behind me. Once I reached the living room Nick looked up from the chair, eyes red and puffy along with looking tired..he was a mess and I can't blame him.. slowly making my way over to him I took a seat on the coffee table facing Nick.

Me:"Nick? I know your hurting but Juls wouldn't want you to be this way.."
Nick:"I know but I can't control it.."

I laid my hand on his shoulder,

Me:"Yes you can. Look you and I don't have to go into work today, we can do whatever you want."
Nick:"I want to find that bitch."
Me:"We'll search together, I'm sure she went back to Vienna to see Viktor."
Sean:"If so the three of us will book a flight to Vienna."

Nick and I looked over towards Sean who stood there with his arms crossed.

Me:"Are you serious?"
Me:"Okay, I'll see what I can find."
Sean:"Alright, in the meantime I'll go in today. I won't call either of you unless it's important, please take care of each other."
Me:"I got him babe."

Sean nodded then walked over to me leaning down placing a soft kiss on my lips before standing up straight.

Sean:"I'll check in when I can, call if you need me."

I smiled softly then Sean gave Nick a sympathetic look before leaving for the precinct.

Nick:"We should get started I need a distraction."
Me:"Put on your shoes I'll go change real quick."
Nick:"Where are we going?"
Me:"Don't worry about that right now just be ready by the time I come back."


Monroe placed a book in front of Nick and I, looking up to Monroe he had a sad smile on his face.

Me:"This is what exactly?"
Monroe:"A book about Hexenbeist's, something you two will need to read to learn Adalind's moves. While your reading Rosalee and I will whip something up to help clear your minds."
Nick:"Thanks Monroe.."
Monroe:"Of course, start reading and I'll be back shortly."

Monroe slipped through the door inside the spice shop to join Rosalee, Nick was quick to open the book leaving both of us reading carefully. If this will help any there has to be something in here we could use against her. If there isn't? I'll not rest until we find something useful. Almost halfway through the book both Rosalee and Monroe stepped from the back room holding a cup in their hands.

Me:"What is that?"
Rosalee:"You really don't want to know but it will help."
Me:"It's going to taste like shit huh?"

Monroe lightly chuckled then nodded,

Monroe:"For it being your first time drinking this Sy, it will taste horrible."
Me:"Heh, great. Okay let's get it over with."
Nick:"You don't have to."

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