King Fredrick's Return

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Nick's P.O.V

After scattering in different directions I realized both Hank and Wu are on their own and dealing with a Schakal, in other terms a Jackal. We know there are three of them but we only saw one and he spotted us in their cabin that contained all the jewels they had stolen. Coming to a quick hault due to almost going off the edge of the waterfall, I turned around skimming the area to find another way. Once I found it I took off hoping to run into at least Hank or Wu, as I was running up the small hill I came up to the top crashing into somelse. Falling onto my back I quickly lifted my head to see Wu was the one I had ran into. Looking closely I could see he was in a bad state, his shirt was soaked in blood. Jumping to my feet quickly I squatted down next to him swiftly pulling his arm around my neck then helped him up.

Wu:"Nick I'll just slow you down."
Me:"Wu shut up, I'll get you out of here."

Wu kept quiet so I turned us around to head down the hill side Wu ran up. Practically carrying Wu we managed to run into Hank, he was quick to help me with Wu to be a bit faster.

Hank:"Cap is still down the road, he'll get you to the hospital Wu."
Wu:"I can't go any further guys in too weak."
Me:"Hank we need to carry him so we can run."
Hank:"Exactly what I was thinking."

Stopping slowly to not cause Wu anymore pain, Hank and I simultaneously hooked our arms under Wu's legs lifting him up so he was in a sitting position then began picking up our speed once we had a decent hold on Wu. Running for almost ten minutes we ran out of the trees leading to the road, the moment our feet touched the road we heard a car heading for us. Looking towards the car I noticed it was Sean, he stopped quickly for us to rush towards the back door and open it placing Wu in the backseat. Hank climbed into the backseat as well to keep a closer eye on Wu, getting into the passenger seat I looked to Sean,

Me:"Hospital. Now."
Sean:"No hospital, I know where to go. Buckle up."

Sean didn't give me the chance to buckle my seat belt before speeding off, when the weight on my chest faded away I buckled my seat belt then looked to Sean with slight wide eyes.

Sean:"I thought a Grimm was supposed to be quick?"
Me:"Very funny."

Sean lightly smiled, I looked towards the road seeing we was heading to Juliette's job but why?

Sean:"Trust me."

Within a few minutes we came to a stop and got out, while Hank and I carried Wu, Sean held open the door causing Sy and Juliette to jump out from behind the desk.

Sylas:"What happened?!"
Me:"Jackal got Wu, Sean came here."
Juliette:"Follow us."

Juliette and Sy led the way towards the back and into a room that contained medical equipment along with a long metal table.

Juliette:"Put him on the table, Sy I need scissors his shirt has to come off we don't know how bad it is."

Sy was quick to follow Juls request and Juliette began cutting his shirt, with a low gasp I knew it was bad. Sy then moved Juliette,

Sylas:"My hands are steadier then yours."
Me:"Do you know what your doing?"
Sylas:"Seriously Nick?"

Stepping back I left Sy alone to help Wu, I watched as she cleaned up the wound then numbed him before she started sewing him up. Sean stood next to me watching Sy as well, I now understand why he came here can't really explain his injury to an actual doctor. Sy cut the string then covered it with guaze and medical tape.

Sylas:"He should be fine, losing some blood he'll feel weak for a couple days. Was it just one Jackal?"
Sylas:"How many?"
Sylas:"I'm going with you."
Sean:"No. You stay here, you could get hurt so I'm sorry Sy but we're doing this alone."
Sylas:"Come on its been a month already besides you haven't seen what I learned how to do."

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