The Moment Sean and Sylas Meet

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Sylas's P.O.V

I've been living with Nick and Juliette for almost a year. Last night we got into it due to me asking a lot of questions about our aunt Marie who passed away a few nights ago. Her death didn't make sense to me and Nick wasn't telling me everything, I should be used to that by now but it still gets under my skin. Nick was working late and Juliette hasn't come home yet so I grabbed my jacket leaving the house. A few drinks should fix this.

Walking into the bar I noticed it wasn't as crowded like normal which means it might be a good night. While the night passed by more people walked into the bar, ordering another drink two men sat next to me at the bar. After they ordered the one next to me turned towards me,

Male:"What brings you in here tonight?"

I scoffed and took a drink before looking at him,

Me:"Sibling issues."
Male:"Ah, I've had plenty of those days. My sister and I never got along when we were younger, I'm Jay, is your sibling a sister or brother?"
Me:"Sylas and I have a brother."

He held out his hand for me to shake so I did to be nice.

Jay:"I'm guessing he's the oldest?"
Me:"That he is. And he thinks he can control me."
Jay:"Uh oh, yea reminds me of my younger days with my sister except for my situation the roles were reversed."
Me:"She must have put you through hell then."
Jay:"That she did but we eventually got passed it before she died."
Me:"Im sorry.."
Jay:"Don't be, let me buy your next drink."

Jay smiled and ordered him and I another drink. We talked for about a good two hours before I stood up to leave,

Me:"Thanks for the drinks but I should head home before he comes looking for me."
Jay:"I'll walk you out."

I slid my hands into my jacket pockets following Jay out of the bar.

Jay:"I had fun talking to you Sylas."
Me:"Me too, well see you around Jay."

Just as I was turning to head home Jay grabbed my arm yanking me towards him before forcing his lips on mine, I shoved him away but that only made him angry. Jay pinned me against the building, bystanders did nothing to help no matter how much I asked for it. The only option I have left was to force him off of me, I got my right arm free then reached down gripping his nuts tightly as I headbutt him in the nose, blood sprayed on the both of us. And that's when the bystanders wanted to help by calling the police, gee thanks for for the help. I stood away from the piece of shit hearing sirens off in the distance that only grew closer by each passing second. I looked towards the ground waiting to see who would be the one arresting me tonight,


I looked up seeing Nick who's expression changed to anger,

Nick:"So your beating people up now?"
Me:"He started it! He forced himself on me Nick! And none of these assholes out here helped me except for calling you guys after I gave him what he deserved!"
Nick:"That doesn't give you the right to start fights! You leave me no choice this time, turn around and put your hands behind your back."
Me:"Really Nick?"
Nick:"Now Sylas."

I scoffed but turned around placing my hands behind my back, Nick handcuffed me and went to speak but I cut him off,

Me:"Don't bother I know my rights."


I sat in the chair beside Nick's desk as him and Hank spoke to me,

Hank:"Sylas this is serious, you broke that man's nose and ruptured his scrotum."
Me:"That's what he gets. If he didn't force himself on me none of this wouldn't have happened!"
Nick:"Lose the attitude and speak like an adult or I'll lock you up."
Me:"Go ahead that's what you want anyway."
Nick:"No I'm trying to help you Sylas-"
Me:"No your not! Your not even listening to me Nick."
Nick:"Enough, stand up."

I looked at Nick with disbelief as Hank tried talking to him but I stood up anyways and Nick walked me down to the cells. Once I was in the last cell he uncuffed my hands then stepped out closing the door,

Nick:"We'll talk once you calm down. Get comfortable you'll be in there for awhile."
Me:"Yea I know."

Nick shook his head walking away, I plopped down on the small cot and laid my head against the wall staring up at the ceiling. Hearing all the conversations going on upstairs at once I groaned then laid down closing my eyes. Awhile later footsteps was approaching the cell, I never opened my eyes instead I spoke up,

Me:"Go away Nick I don't want to speak to you."
Male:"It's not Nick."

His voice was unfamiliar to me so my eyes opened then I sat up turning my body towards the cell door seeing a tall man wearing a suit staring at me.

Me:"Who are you?"
Male:"Captain Sean Renard, detective Burkhardt is your brother."
Me:"Unfortunately he is. What do you want?"
Sean:"Came to speak with you myself-"

He paused to pull a chair in front of my cell then took a seat,

Sean:"I know you did that to defend yourself, I was able to get a copy from the bars owner and I showed it to Nick immediately."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes,

Me:"Still doesn't believe me, does he?"
Sean:"He does, he and Hank left for the hospital to arrest him. Once your calmed down enough I'll let you out and you'll be free to leave."
Me:"Why are you helping me?"

Sean sighed then intertwined his fingers as our eyes met,

Sean:"I like Nick, he's a good detective. I'll help him any way I can and besides after watching you defend yourself I'm a little intrigued by you. Your different and I like that."

I stood up walking towards the cell door placing my hands on the bars staring down at him only for him to stand up to stare down at me, is this man seriously challenging me? That thought soon disappeared when his hands laid over mine,

Sean:"Now are you going to behave if I let you out right now?"

Staring into his eyes I searched for a sign of lying but I found none, his eyes seemed empty like he's never had any emotion at all.

Me:"Yea I will."
Sean:"Good, I'll take you home."

Once his hands left mine I felt like I was lost and confused on why I was feeling this way, what is this man? The cell door opened with him motioning me to step out, cautiously I stepped out of the cell and now that there was no bars between us I got a better look of the captain and I'll tell you this, he was the most handsome man I've ever met.

Sean:"Have you eaten?"
Me:"I'm sorry, what?"
Sean:"Tonight, have you eaten anything?"
Sean:"On the way we'll stop for something to eat, my treat."
Sean:"Please don't be afraid of me, I'm harmless."

His hand nonchalantly touched my shoulder and I could feel my knees lightly tremble, not from fear but from excitement and I knew from this moment seeing the captain again will be a treat.

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