King Fredrick's Return prt 2

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Sean's P.O.V

For the past six months things have been quiet, no sign of my father which is great but also concerning. Stepping into the kitchen I saw Sy was cooking breakfast, when she turned to look at me my eyes instantly looked to her stomach. It took some getting used to seeing how far she has developed, walking towards her with a smile I placed my hand carefully against her stomach to feel our child kicking.

Me:"Looks like a fighter."
Sylas:"Trust me it sure feels like it, been kicking all morning."
Me:"Sit down I'll finish cooking breakfast, besides your not supposed to be out of bed remember?"

Taking over for Sylas, she sat down at the kitchen table sighing.

Sylas:"Yea I remember but your not the one feeling these kicks I've been up since five this morning."

Quickly looking towards her with narrowed eyes,

Me:"Why didn't you wake me?"
Sylas:"Wake you? I'd have better luck taking cheese from a mouse."
Me:"Very funny."
Sylas:"I'm kidding I didn't wake you because your always worried about me so it was nothing to wake you up for."
Me:"Nonsense babe-"

Making two plates I turned off the stove then picked up the plates making my way towards the table. Sitting down I looked at her,

Me:"Whatever it is I want you to wake me up rather if it's something small or not."
Sylas:"Your right."
Me:"You can say that again."

Sylas laughed which made me smile, as we began eating I noticed she looked a bit uncomfortable. Being concerned I placed the fork down,

Me:"Did the kicking get stronger?"
Sylas:"No- ah, it's something different."

Standing up in a hurry I moved around the table to squat down in front of her, my eyes looked down then back up her.

Me:"We need to leave now."
Sylas:"Why- fuck!"
Me:"Sy darling, the baby is coming we need to get you to the hospital."

Pulling her to her feet slowly I took her hand guiding her towards the front door, stepping out of the kitchen Sylas gripped my hand tightly before slowly dropping towards the floor, wrapping my free arm around her in a quick motion our eyes met each other's. The look of her face told me she couldn't move any further.

Me:"Okay just breathe come on breathe with me."

Taking a few breaths with Sy I managed to get her into the living room, moving her so she could hold herself up by the arm of the couch I quickly removed all the small pillows onto the floor then sprawled out the blanket, grabbing her hand again I helped her down onto the blanket propping her up on the mountain of pillows. While removing her pants and underwear I got her legs positioned so I can see while hearing a phone go off,

Me:"Dammit not now!"
Sylas:"Sean it's Nick.."
Me:"Fuck okay, keep taking breaths I won't be long."

Sylas reached up squeezing my hand,

Sylas:"Don't leave me.."

Staring into her eyes I answered Nick's call at the same time.

Me:"Little busy, can this wait?"
Nick:"Not really, what's going on?"
Me:"Sy went into labor I have to deliver our child myself she wasn't able to make it out the door."
Nick:"What?! Do you know what your doing?"
Me:"Uh not really."
Nick:"Good thing I'm with R-"
Rosalee:"Okay Sean is Sy comfortable?"
Me:"For the most part."
Rosalee:"Can you see the baby crowning?"

Removing the phone from my ear I placed the call on speakerphone then laid it on the floor next to my knee,

Me:"Yea! I can see the top of the baby's head."
Rosalee:"Okay can Sy hear me?"
Rosalee:"Sy your going to need to push, not too hard."

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