The Start of Destroying The World

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Sean's P.O.V

I've been standing outside the warehouse with Nick and Hank who were talking amongst themselves while Sylas was inside with Adalind, even with Adalind being tied up I'm still on alert knowing what she is capable of doing.

Nick:"Relax Sean."
Me:"How can I? I know what she can do."
Hank:"I'm sure Sy has it handled."
Me:"You can only hope."

Hank sighed and when he was able to speak we all heard a loud scream. The three of us looked towards the door of the warehouse not knowing if we should go inside to check on them or not... another loud scream echoed our ears,

Nick:"Is that Sy?!"
Me:"No it's not."

I just nodded, being left in the dark on what Sy is doing to her has all of us on edge. Nick turned to look at me but stopped due to the door swinging open with Sylas stepping outside. The second her eyes met mine I could tell she got the information she was looking for, truthfully I expected Adalind to last longer then what she did.

Me:"What did you find out?"
Sylas:"A lot actually, the brains behind this bullshit operation was your father just Eric moved forward by putting it into play-"
Me:"I should have known he-"
Sylas:"Don't cut me off Sean, I wasn't finished. We have a bigger problem, remember how Monroe questioned you about Adalind's trick... the thing is if she's pregnant with my brothers kid and he or she is destined to be a Grimm, he will brainwash that child to become a destructive monster who could possibly destroy the world-"

Sylas paused leaving me to lightly glare at her, she slowly turned towards Nick who was already looking at her.

Sylas:"You better hope she isn't or you'll have to kill that child before the wrong hands do."
Nick:"You can't be serious Sy, right?"
Sylas:"As much as I hate saying this but yes I am."

The two exchanged looks like they were mentally talking to one another. With a huff from Nick he nodded but Hank held up his finger,

Hank:"Hear me out Sy, if Adalind is pregnant with his child, what if we protect her until the child is born then take the kid somewhere safe with someone we know and trust to raise the child to do good instead of evil?"
Me:"That could work."

Sylas scoffed loudly causing the three of us to look at her,

Sylas:"Pregnant or not I am not protecting that vindictive bitch. She's a Hexenbeist so let her be on her own."
Nick:"You would risk a innocent life over a damn grudge?!"
Sylas:"Don't fucking go there with me Nick! If Juliette were here she would agree with me and you know it."

Nick took a step back in disbelief from her response, hell I'm shocked myself.

Hank:"Sylas! You wouldn't do that and I know you wouldn't. Remember our case last month with the victims niece? I remember you getting mad at Nick for not doing more to keep her out of child services hands, you gave that girl another chance to have a good life. I know you will do the same for this child if she is truly carrying."

Sylas glared at Hank while balling up her fists, she never moved towards him, no, instead she sighed heavily then nodded.

Sylas:"You're right Hank, I can't do that. The child never asked to be brought into the world just the bitch of a mother did."
Hank:"So you will help then?"

With a quick roll of her eyes she nodded again,

Sylas:"Only for the kid, I'm not worried about her."
Me:"Your hands? Is that your blood?"
Sylas:"Of course it isn't mine."
Nick:"How bad is she?"
Sylas:"Well she's beat up that's for sure but she'll live just needs some rest. What? Did you guys think I would kill her?"

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