Zauberbeist vs Grimm vs Hexenbeist

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Getting back on my feet I became frustrated trying to find a way to get Eliza on the ground, forgot to mention she came into town to meet her granddaughter only to be pulled into our training session so meeting Marie will have to wait.

Eliza:"You're not finished are you?"
Me:"Not even close."
Eliza:"Very good, now I want you to finally show me everything you got."

Seeing Nick was dealing with Sean I had no choice but to continue sparring with my mother-in-law, as I ran towards her I finally came up with a plan. Attempting to throw a punch Eliza went to raise her hand but instead I raised mine to fling her backwards, she then looked up from the ground towards me I seemed to have caught her by surprise.

Me:"I forgot to mention some changes."

Eliza shoved herself up to make her way towards me, not to sparr more so to get a better feel of the surge flowing through my body. Walking circles around me she came to a stop when she faced me.

Eliza:"I will have a lot to teach you, I need you to go up against Sean so I can fully see what you can do. Sean, that's enough let Nick take a break."

Glancing over towards the guys I saw both of them stop and Nick was quick to fall to the ground breathing heavy, Sean walked over to us looking at his mother.

Eliza:"Sy has showed me a taste of what she can do, you two need to go against each other so I can see what Sy is dealing with."
Sean:"Okay, Sy are you able to continue or do you need a break?"
Me:"Let's continue."
Sean:"Are you sure?"
Sean:"Very well, let's make this interesting for her, huh?"
Me:"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Nick let out a loud laugh causing Sean and I to shake our heads before making a move on one another. Going back and forth with flinging one another around I leaped to my feet to lift Sean up in the air by using my finger, adding more pressure I applied it to his throat seeing his eyes meet mine. Not a bit of worry or anger showed in his eyes, more so felt comfortable with me draining his oxygen.

Eliza:"Put him down Sy."

Not giving in for a second I was quick to release his throat then lowered him to the ground slowly. Once Sean's breathing was under control he looked to me,

Sean:"Now that? You show Vincent no mercy, he wouldn't show it to you either."
Me:"I understand, I kind of lost control at the end I don't know why I couldn't let go at first..I'm sorry.."

Sean smiled and laid his hand on my cheek,

Sean:"Don't be, I rather enjoyed it. Gave me an idea for later."
Eliza:"Sean! That is disgusting."
Nick:"I second that."

Sean and I lightly laughed,

Sean:"I'm kidding but all is forgiven darling."
Eliza:"If you can stay in control and don't let up when you face Vincent, you may have the fight in the bag but no promises."
Me:"Fine with me, gives me something to work on while training. Besides that I don't know about you guys but I'm starving."
Nick:"Finally! I could eat."
Eliza:"You guys do deserve a break, you've worked really hard today."

After stopping for lunch Sean began driving to our house.

Eliza:"I'm sorry to bring this up but I'm aware of what Adalind has done to both Sean and Sy along with you and Juliette. Nick, have you noticed any changes in you?"
Nick:"Uh, I don't think so?"

Sternness filled Sean's eyes as he stared at his mom through the rear view mirror, the way he says mother makes him sounds very respectful but if you really know him it's to grab your attention when you would have said something out of line. Especially that look, I know that one all too well.

Eliza:"I said I was sorry before I mentioned it. All I'm asking is if he had any changes within himself, Adalind did to that out of vengeance so with her doing that she had to succeed in something if breaking Nick and Juliette up wasn't the goal then what was?"

With a quick of adjustment from Sean his facial expression had changed to his famous deep in thought look. Something Eliza said triggered something in Sean's brain but what that is, I can't figure out. Receiving silence from Nick I assumed he was thinking as well, Sean pulled the car into the driveway then shut it off with a smile,

Sean:"So ready to go inside?"
Nick:"More then ready."

Narrowing my eyebrows at Sean he didn't say a word just got out of the car, uh what? Stuck in confusion I got out of the car myself to look at them,

Me:"So what we're just going to pretend that conversation never happened?"
Sean:"No, we can't talk about that right now. Until we figure out what her goal was we cannot tell anyone else right now."
Nick:"I agree, causing everyone to worry, it wouldn't be right."
Me:"We will talk about this later, right?"
Nick:"We will."

Following behind Sean he was quick to open the door then stepped aside, standing beside him both Nick and Eliza walked in first. Sean held me close to him as we walked inside the house, after he closed the door we walked down the hallway with Eliza and Nick following us this time.

Juliette:"Hey! How'd it go?"
Nick:"Really well, none of us got banged up too bad so I say it was a good day."
Rosalee:"I think she's ready to see her parents."

Smiling softly I walked over to the crib to see Marie smiling up at me, picking her up then place a gentle kiss on her forehead. Sean walked up to me smiling down at Marie before caressing her cheek with his finger, handing her over to Sean he then walked over to his mom who was smiling and waiting to hold her grandchild, the moment Eliza held Marie I saw nothing but joy in her eyes. Sean looked over to me with a smile so I smiled back,

Eliza:"My, she has that same surge as Sy?"
Sean:"Yes, whatever power Marie contains hasn't fully left Sy."
Eliza:"It may never will, Marie was born in six months correct?"
Sean:"Yea, why?"
Eliza:"Oh Sean, never underestimate a Zauberbiest's bloodline. You have one of the most powerful bloodlines that's ever existed, Marie will grow more powerful the older she gets. Having your blood mixed with a Grimms bloodline? The Royals will kill for her, including the ones who get in their way."

Sean stood straight narrowing his eyes,

Sean:"That may be so, but they haven't seen our strength together. And we are the only ones to know what Sy can do, as far as I'm aware of anyway."
Eliza:"Does Sebastien know?"
Me:"No, I don't think he does."
Eliza:"Keep it that way, less he knows the less anyone can get out of him if he's caught."

Eliza looked to Sean who didn't bother looking to her instead he remained looking in front of him,

Eliza:"Have you considered sending Marie away with someone you trust?"
Sean:"Yes, and that is not an option right now."
Eliza:"It may be one day, and when that time comes you have to let her go, at least until she can control her powers and knows right from wrong."

Feeling tears sting my eyes, it hurts hearing that subject but she's right. Sean must have sensed what I was feeling since he was standing in front of me, looking up I saw his worried eyes staring down at me. Never looking away I began to speak,

Me:"When that's our only option, I want it to be you, Eliza. I trust you will keep her safe?"

Sean slightly tilted his head to the side, looking over to Eliza seeing a soft smile on her face she nodded.

Eliza:"You have my word, I will help my grandchild."
Sean:"Are you able to still feel when I need you?"
Sean:"When you do then you'll know the time has come."

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