Solid Ice

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Quietly I got out of bed so I don't wake Sean, I grabbed my things then kissed his cheek before leaving. As I stepped outside I slid the holster onto the side of my jeans then the badge and pulled on my jacket while walking to the car. I climbed in starting the car to make my way to the precinct. On my way there my phone rang so I glanced to see it was Rosalee calling, I reached over answering her call then her voice appeared through the car speakers,

Rosalee:"Hey sorry I know your heading to work but are you free for lunch?"
Me:"It's alright and yea sure, where?"
Rosalee:"The spice shop if you can."
Me:"Yea I'll swing by there close to 1 o'clock."
Rosalee:"Sounds good, I'll let you go see you then!"
Me:"Bye Rosalee!"

She hung up and it was back to silence.


I walked passed Nick and Hank to head straight into the office to begin my day.

I've been in this office all morning and it was only going on noon. Looking through the case file Wu brought me from our case yesterday there was a knock on the door, I didn't bother to look up only told the person to come in. The door opened then closed a second later,

Nick:"Can we talk?"

I dropped the file onto the desk then looked up angrily,

Me:"Talk about what?"
Nick:"For starters, how about last night?"
Me:"What about it? What you and her said it was lies and made up stories so nice try if there's something case related to talk about then go for otherwise don't speak."
Nick:"Sylas.. I'm serious."
Me:"I am too Nick, I don't believe what you said is the truth."
Nick:"Then I'll have to show you myself."
Me:"You can try but it won't change things."

Nick went to speak but was interrupted by the door opening, Wu walked in.

Wu:"Sorry but captain Renard called, he's cleared to go home."
Me:"Good! Can you pick him up and take him home?"
Wu:"Sure can."
Me:"Tell him I'll be home after lunch."
Wu:"Will do I'll be back."
Me:"Thanks Wu."

Wu smiled then walked out pulling the door closed behind him.

Nick:"Will you just hear me out?"
Me:"I'll try but right now no."
Nick:"Fine I'll give you time."

Nick walked out slamming the door behind him, ugh sometimes the thought of being the only kid sounds nice but it's not that way.


I walked into the spice shop to see Rosalee and Monroe who smiled when they looked up,

Rosalee:"You came!"
Me:"Of course I did, what's up?"

Nick walked out from the back reading a book only to look up to see I was here.

Me:"What's going on?"
Rosalee:"Hear us out Sy, Nick told us about last night."

I scoffed and looked at them sternly,

Me:"No, don't even say anything. Nick you said you'd give me time."
Nick:"I know I'm sorry I just want you to believe me."
Me:"That's it I'm leaving."

I walked out of the spice shop getting into the car then drove to Nick's to grab my things. Luckily Juliette wasn't home so I didn't have to explain to her why I'm angry once again.


I got out of the car grabbing my bag then shut the door to head inside the house. I walked inside the house closing the door behind me and walked down the small hallway that led to the living room finding Sean stretched out on the couch,

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