Take It With You..

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To finish off the final handful of Royals, we have brought ourselves to Vienna. How can you finish something if it's not where it all began? Sean really hates this country but to me? I find it beautiful, especially at night.


I turned around to see Nick was standing there with both Sean and Trubel,

Sean:"Kate and Marie are in a safe place, nobody can get to them."
Me:"That's good, it's going to get very bloody and this is something neither one of them should see."
Trubel:"I agree, whatever you need me to do I'll do it."
Me:"I know you will and right now? I appreciate every one of you."
Hank:"Well we can't miss out on the fun."
Wu:"Besides, family does things together."

Softly chuckling I soon nodded in agreement.

Me:"No matter what happens..I love all of you."
Nick:"Awe we love you too Sy but come on, we always make it out."
Me:"That may be true but this time? Not all of us."
Sean:"Not now Nick. We need to finish getting ready so we can get this shit over with."

Nick noticed the emotion in Sean's tone then looked to me, giving him a small smile he sighed but nodded anyway.


A table flew past my head causing me to look over seeing it was Sean but the table wasn't meant for me. Seeing three sets of boots that belonged to the bodies underneath the table, I then got back to the young Royal I was battling it out with from earlier. She's tough but she'll have to be tougher then that to beat me. As the young women woged I was quickly moved out of the way by a pair of hands pulling me towards the floor, seeing two different rings I knew it was Sean who had took me to the floor.

Sean:"Be more careful."
Me:"Does saying sorry, count?"
Me:"I guess not?"

Smiling softly at him, he was quick to ignore it as we got back on our feet. Noticing Nick and the gang had their hands full with the others, Sean and I had no choice but to stand back to back as we was being surrounded by a large group of the Royals. Sensing Sean's calmness I was quick to match it with my own,

Me:"More than ready."

Smirking slowly as one by one they had ran at us, with quick deaths to each one of them that came near us the rest had begun to panic but never stopped.

Nick:"Could use a little help over here!"
Sean:"Kind of busy!!"

I was quick to shove Sean through the remaining group who had surrounded us he knew to go help Nick and the others, leaving me to take care of the rest.


Rushing out of the tunnel we had been in for hours, we came out of the end just before a large amount of flames shot out of the tunnel which sent all of us flying in the air to soon come crashing to the ground. Groaning lowly as I slowly pushed myself up, voices appeared off in the distance which made all of us get back on our feet quickly before scattering in different directions. Great now we have to find each other again.. scoffing lowly I continued walking along the busy street. Using the large crowds to blend in was actually a good idea considering three Royals rushed past me, turning the corner quickly to be out of their sight. I was grabbed from behind to look up meeting the persons gaze to see it was Meisner, sighing heavily into his hand he finally moved it.

Meisner:"Are you okay?"
Me:"Yea I'm fine, where's Sean?"
Meisner:"I'm not sure, your the first one I saw."
Meisner:"It's okay, stay with me and we'll look for everyone together. Alright?"
Me:"It's probably best."

Meisner slowly nodded then led the way out of the side street, before reaching the end he turned to me holding up a black hoodie.

Meisner:"Put this on and keep the hood up."

Taking the hoodie I pulled it on then placed the hood over my head to follow Meisner back onto the busy street. Him and I have walked for hours not finding any of them, beginning to worry it was cut short due to hearing Nick's voice. Meisner and I walked up on either side of Nick to pull him towards the darker side of the street.

Meisner:"It's just us."

Nick turned around then hugged me,

Me:"Have you seen Sean? Or Trubel? Hell any of them!?"
Nick:"No, I know Sean ran off in the same direction as Trubel but Rosalee and Monroe? I haven't seen since we all scattered."
Me:"We'll have to keep looking then."


After gathering the others, the only person left to find was Sean and sadly he isn't nowhere to be found.

Nick:"We'll find him Sy."
Me:"He doesn't want to be found, I can feel it."

With that said I could hear Sean's voice clearly in my head, smiling softly I nodded to myself which caused Nick to look at me funny,

Me:"Sean's fine, I know where he is."
Me:"He's with our daughter and Kate."
Meisner:"That's a long way from here."
Monroe:"We better find a car and fast."
Me:"A car won't be needed."

Stepping around them I was quick to open a portal,

Me:"You need to move fast."

As all of them stepped through the portal, I was the last one to step through but just as I moved towards the portal I was lifted off my feet to be carried away.

Sean's P.O.V

Seeing all of them come through the portal except Sy, I looked to Nick.

Me:"Where the hell is she?"
Nick:"I'm not sure, she was supposed to come through.."

Growling lowly I walked over to the portal to stick my head through cautiously, seeing nobody was near the portal I moved away then closed it angrily.

Me:"She's not there!"
Nick:"What?! She was Sean!"
Me:"Then this only means one thing, the Royals have her and that's not good.."
Marie:"Where's mommy?"

Slowly turning around to see Marie standing there curiously, I smiled softly.

Me:"Mommy will be here soon don't worry."
Trubel:"Why don't you go back to Kate, we'll all be in there in a minute."

Once Marie was out of sight, I turned my attention towards the others.

Me:"She needs to be found right now."
Nick:"She will be. Where could they have taken her?"

Glancing towards the floor I began to think. The only place I could think of was the woods, to complete Sy's fate.

Me:"I think I know where. Meisner, you still have any men left?"
Meisner:"I do, I'll go inform them to be ready to leave."

The second Meisner left I looked at Nick and Hank,

Me:"I know you think this will go differently but I'm sorry..it's not."
Nick:"What are you talking about?"
Me:"Whatever happens, I'm truly sorry."
Nick:"Sean what are you talking about? What's going to happen?!"
Me:"Don't worry about it, I need you three with me. I'm sorry Rosalee, it's best if you stay here with Marie and Kate."
Rosalee:"Sean? Tell us. Will Sy make it out?"

Refusing to answer her question, I walked away to go see Marie. Stepping inside the room she was quick to smile at me,

Me:"Sweetheart, your aunt Rosalee will be staying with you and aunt Kate. I'll be back shortly okay? So I need you to listen to whatever they tell you."
Marie:"Okay daddy, will you be bringing mommy back with you?"
Me:"I will be."
Kate:"She'll be fine Sean."
Me:"I know, behave now."

Walking out of the room I made my way back to the others who was waiting with Meisner and a group of his men.

Me:"Let's go get my wife."

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