Two Grimms?!

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Sean and I walked into the spice shop to find Rosalee and Monroe dart from the back room,

Monroe:"Nick called, he'll be by soon."
Me:"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!"
Rosalee:"Sylas look at me, I'm going to woge so stay calm I want to see something."

Rosalee woged then stared into my eyes, from her expression she seemed terrified but why? Rosalee went back to normal then looked between Sean and Monroe causing me to get frustrated.

Rosalee:"Sylas, your a Grimm!"
Me:"What? Are you sure?"
Rosalee:"Your eyes confirmed it for me."
Me:"How the hell would you know from my eyes?"
Sean:"Because Sylas, a Grimms eyes are nothing but darkness all the way down to their core."
Me:"Wh- no! This can't be happening.."

I began pacing which led to the others to stare at each other, how could this happen? I don't want to be a Grimm I don't want that life! The shop door opened making all of us look towards the door, Nick walked in with Hank and Juliette.

Juliette:"Sylas! Are you okay?"
Me:"No, I'm a Grimm."
Nick:"Are you sure?"
Me:"Rosalee woged and stared into my eyes so yes I'm a Grimm."
Nick:"No that's great news."
Me:"Maybe for you! A Grimm can't marry a Zauberbiest and our mother sure as hell won't allow it to happen either. How can my day start so great and end up shitty.."

I leaned up against the counter rubbing my face before sighing,

Me:"I'm sorry guys I'm just confused right now."
Sean:"You know what? Screw the rule book and your mother, if Rosalee and Monroe can get married then so can we we'll figure it out."
Hank:"Wow captain, who lit the fire under you?"
Sean:"Life, wait now it all makes sense. Son of bitch why couldn't I see this.."

I stood up looking at Sean,

Me:"What are you talking about?"

Sean sighed then stepped closer to me, soon he stood next to me to look at everyone.

Sean:"The day I showed up to the precinct and collapsed, something Eric said to me that now makes total sense. He said Sylas has a fire deep down inside her and that our father will be disappointed for not telling them, I didn't know what fire he was talking about til now. What if he knew you were a Grimm before we all did? A small piece doesn't add up and I'm not going to wait around to find out."
Me:"Wait so Eric knew?!"
Sean:"That's what it seems like to me, I honestly had no idea I couldn't even tell myself or you would have known sooner."
Nick:"If Eric knows, does he know about me?"

Sean looked to Nick then at me,

Me:"Tell him."
Sean:"He wants the key Nick, he gave me 48 hours and that time is almost up and he did not give me a hint on what he'll do next."
Nick:"So we give him the key then."
Sean:"No! You have no idea what your dealing with Nick, if you give him the key then he just needs two more and are you willing to risk the entire world to burn? I don't fucking think so, he's not getting the key so instead he will get me."
Me:"Are you out of your fucking mind Sean?! If that means the world burns then let it fucking burn, Eric is not getting you. Is Eric a Wesen as well?"
Sean:"He is, Eric is a full bred Zauberbiest and he's not to be fucked with. Sylas he could kill you with just a snap of his fingers, giving me to Eric is our best option."
Me:"Fuck no, I can put me not wanting to be a Grimm to the side if it means saving you. Nick we need to go over things quickly."
Sean:"Sylas stop!"

I turned slowly towards him reaching up grabbing his face to pull him down to my eye level,

Me:"Don't you dare stop me. Your still weak right now you won't be able to defend yourself."
Nick:"I wouldn't push it any further Sean, when her mind is set it's what she'll do no matter what."
Sean:"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Me:"Obviously you forgot how we first met."

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